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Book Promotions
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Winning Words

A Clare County Library Children’s Book Promotion featuring
The Bisto Children’s Book of the Year Awards 2001 to 2010.

The last decade has seen a host of excellent books suited to young readers from tots to teens receive the Bisto and its sister award the Eilis Dillon Award in Ireland.

The Bisto Book of the Year Award was introduced by Children’s Books Ireland to recognise talent in the field of children’s literature by Irish authors, or authors living in Ireland. The highly regarded and prestigious prize brings new children’s books to the attention of children, parents, teachers and librarians and indeed, to anyone who has an interest in good books for children and teenagers.

The Bisto Book of the Year Award presented annually in May has been renamed the CBI Children’s Book of the Year Awards. Authors and illustrators born or resident in Ireland, whose books are written either in Irish or English are eligible
for consideration.

In this children’s book promotion, Clare County Library hopes to jog the memories of readers, young and old who may have connected in a special way with any or many of the featured books over the last decade.

The collection is worthwhile exploring, obviously because they are all awardwinning books, and also because the authors and illustrators are guaranteed to whet your appetite and leave you searching for more after you’ve read from this list of recommendations.

You will see that some of the authors included are multi-award winners, some have received these awards for one or two years in succession, and that almost all these writers have consistently been at the top of the best sellers lists of children’s books
during the past decade.

Winning Words


“The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more you learn, the more places you’ll go."
Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”

The Bisto Children’s Book of the Year Awards

A Bit Lost
by Chris Haughton

A Bit Lost by Chris Haughton

by Marie Louise Fitzpatrick

There by Marie Louise Fitzpatrick

Year: 2010/2011

Year: 2009/2010

Bog Child
by Siobhan Dowd
Bog Child by Siobhan Dowd The London Eye Mystery
by Siobhan Dowd
The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd

Year: 2008/2009

Year: 2007/2008

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas
by John Boyne
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne The New Policeman
by Kate Thompson
The New Policeman by Kate Thompson

Year: 2006/2007

Year: 2005/2006
Annan Water
by Kate Thompson
Annan Water by Kate Thompson Wings Over Delft
by Aubrey Flegg
Wings over Delft by Aubery Flegg

Year: 2004/2005

Year: 2003/2004
You, Me and the Big Blue Sea
by Marie Louise Fitzpatrick
You, Me and the Big Blue Sea by Marie Louise Fitzpatrick

The Alchemist’s Apprentice
by Kate Thompson

The Alchemist's Apprentice by Kate Thompson

Year: 2002/2003

Year: 2002/2003
The Beguilers
by Kate Thompson
The Beguilers by Kate Thompson Izzy and Skunk
by Marie Louise Fitzpatrick
Izzy and Skunk by Marie Louise Fitzpatrick.

Year: 2001/2002

Year: 2000/2001

The Eilis Dillon Award
The Eilis Dillon Award which goes to the author of an outstanding first children’s book was established in the mid nineties following the death of this esteemed Irish writer whose books have been compared to those of Graham Greene, Robert Louis Stevenson, Dorothy L. Sayers, Daphne du Maurier and Émile Zola.


A Bit Lost
by Chris Haughton


A Bit Lost by Chris Haughton


The Third Pig Detective Agency
by Bob Burke


The Third Pig Detective Agency by Bob Burke

Year: 2010/2011

Year: 2009/2010
Anila’s Journey
by Mary Finn
Anila's Journey by Mary Finn The Thing With Finn
by Tom Kelly
The Thing With Finn by Tom Kelly

Year: 2008/2009

Year: 2007/008
A Swift Pure Cry
by Siobhan Dowd
 A Swift Pure Cry by Siobhan Dowd Snakes’ Elbows
by Deirdre Madden
Snake's Elbows by Deirdre Madden

Year: 2006/2007

Year: 2005/2006
An Bhó Riabhach
le Siobhán Ní Shíthigh
An Bhó Riabhach le Siobhán Ní Shíthigh Amach
le Alan Titley
Amach le Alan Titley

Bliain: 2004/2005

Bliain: 2003/2004
by Grace Wells
Gyrfalcon by Grace Wells Adam’s Starling
by Gillian Perdue
Adam's Starling by Gillian Perdue

Year: 2002/2003

Year: 2001/2002
The Lost Orchard
by Patrick Deeley
The Lost Orchard by Patrick Deeley    

Year: 2000/2001

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