Clare Archives
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Oral History Project

Clare County Archive’s Oral History Project has been on-going since 2002 and was formally launched in December 2002.The aim of the project is to establish a sound archive to collect recordings of all aspects of living and working in County Clare. This will create a repository of memory which will bridge gaps in the documented archive and offer a richness which cannot be as powerfully evoked through the written word. Through a continuous process of recording, changes in speaking patterns and local accents over time will be recorded. Individuals who would otherwise never use an archive service will be drawn to it.

Initially, the project focused on two major areas, a women’s history project and an oral history of Our Lady’s Hospital. The project was expanded in 2004 to include local authority staff and councillors, local business people, trades people, politicians, musicians, sports people, members of the travelling community and other subject areas. Both phases of the project have been funded by the Heritage Council and Clare County Council.

See also:
Oral history project launched with records of Our Lady’s Hospital

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