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1901 Census of Population of County Clare

District Electoral Division (DED) - Ennis No. 4 Urban Ennis town, part of

The following are the roads and streets in the Ennis No. 4 Urban DED. They are listed in order of DED Reference Number. Click on a name below for a list of its occupants in 1901.

Drumcliff Parish

30/1    Arthur's Row, part of
           30/1/1   Ennis Convent
30/2    Boland's Lane - Nil
30/3    Clonroadbeg, part of
30/4    Clonroadmore, part of
30/5    Cook's Lane - Nil
30/6    Gaol Road
30/7    Gaol Street
30/8    High Street, part of
          30/8/1   State Inebriate Reformatory, Ennis
30/9    Kilrush Road
30/10  Limerick Road
30/11  Lysaght's Lane, part of
30/12  Mill Street, part of
30/13  Old Barrack Street, part of
30/14  Quinn's Row
          30/14/1   Ennis Industrial School
30/15  The Mall or Market Street, part of
30/16  Thompson's Lane - Nil
30/17  Turnpike Road
          30/17/1   Ennis Militia Barrack
30/18  Westbey's Lane, part of

<< 1901 Census of Clare - List of District Electoral Divisions (DEDs)