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1901 Census of Population of County Clare

District Electoral Division (DED) - Ruan

The following are the townlands in the Ruan DED and are listed in order of DED Reference Number. Click on a townland below for a list of its occupants in 1901.

Templemaley Parish

20/1    Ballycarroll
20/2    Inishmore
20/3    Nutfield

Dysert Parish

20/4    Aughrim Ross
20/5    Aughrim Toohy
20/6    Ross

Ruan Parish

20/7    Addroon
20/8    Ballaghboy
20/9    Ballyharraghan
20/10  Ballymacrogan East
20/11  Ballymacrogan West
20/12  Bealickania
20/13  Bealnalicka
20/14  Cahermacrea
20/15  Cloonfeaghra
20/16  Cloonnagloghaun
20/17  Cooga
20/18  Dromore
20/19  Drumcavan
20/20  Gregmoher - Nil
20/21  Kilkee East
20/22  Kilkee West
20/23  Killeen
20/24  Lisheenvicknaheeha - Nil
20/25  Lismuinga East
20/26  Lismuinga West
20/27  Lissyline - Nil
20/28  Moymore
20/29  Nooan
20/30  Ooankeagh
20/31  Portlecka
20/32  Rathcahaun
20/33  Rinneen
20/34  Ruan Commons
          20/34/1   Ruan RIC Barrack
20/35  Tonlegee - Nil
20/36  Toormore
20/37  Tullyodea


<< 1901 Census of Clare - List of District Electoral Divisions (DEDs)