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Donated Material: Births/Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths

RC Baptism Records (Complete) for Clondagad/Kilchreest Parish, 1846 - Jan. 1881

Title: RC Baptism Records for Clondagad/Kilchreest Parish, 1846-Jan. 1881
Type: Baptism Records
Dates: 1846 to Jan. 1881
Place: RC Parish of Clondagad/Kilchreest
Source: Clondagad/Kilchreest RC Baptism Registers NLI Film 02471/03
Transcriber/Donor: Kevin Murphy, Queensland, Australia

Registers by Date

1846-1848 1849-1853* 1855-1860 1861-1865
1866-1870 1871-1875 1876-Jan. 1881  

* Most data between August 1853 and July 1855 is missing.

Transcriber Notes:
? indicates low confidence in decipher
[Transcriber notes] in square brackets
In the period prior to 1849 there were an unusual number of instances where the mother's maiden name was recorded as being identical to the father's family name. In these cases the mother's maiden name should be treated with caution.


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