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Donated Material: Births/Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths

RC Marriage Records for Killone Parish

Title: RC Marriage Records for Killone Parish
Type: Marriage Records
Dates: 1854-1882
Place: RC Parish of Killone

Clarecastle and Ballyea RC Marriage Registers 1854-1881
NLI Film 02471/02
Killone RC Marriage Registers 1863-1882

NLI Film 02471/01

Transcriber/Donator: Sheila Duddy

Transcriber Notes:
The cover of the 1854-1881 register is labelled 'Clarecastle and Ballyea'. The other Killone Register of Marriages starts at 1863, it may be that the parish was divided in two from 1863 onwards.

Registers by Date
1854-1881 1863-1882

Registers by Groom's Surname
1854-1881 1863-1882

Registers by Bride's Surname
1854-1881 1863-1882

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