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Donated Material: Births/Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths

RC Baptism Records for Ruan/Dysart Parish, 1845-1920

Title: RC Baptism Records for Ruan/Dysart Parish
Type: Baptism Records
Dates: 1845 to 1920

Ruan/Dysart RC Baptism Registers 1845-1881
NLI Film 02473/04


Sheila Duddy
Flan Lyons, Monica Tierney and Fr. Pat O'Neill


Transcriber Notes:

Sheila Duddy has transcribed the Baptism Registers held in the National Library which cover the period from 1845-1881.

Flan Lyons has provided transcriptions up to 1920 using the Baptismal Registers of Ruan Dysart Parish with the assistance of Monica Tierney and Fr. Pat O'Neill.

Registers by Date 1845-1920 (.xls file)
Registers by Father's Surname 1845-1920 (.xls file)
Registers by Mother's Surname 1845-1920 (.xls file)

Registers by Date 1845-1881 (.xlsx file)
Registers by Father’s Surname 1845-1881 (.xlsx file)
Registers by Mother’s Surname 1845-1881 (.xlsx file)

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