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Donated Material: Births/Baptisms, Marriages, Deaths

RC Marriage Records for Ruan/Dysart Parish

Title: RC Marriage Records for Ruan/Dysart Parish
Type: Marriage Records
Dates: 1846-1880
Place: RC Parish of Ruan/Dysart

Ruan/Dysart RC Marriage Registers
NLI Film 02473/04

Transcriber/Donator: Sheila Duddy
Flan Lyons, Monica Tierney and Fr Pat O'Neill

Transcriber Notes:

Sheila Duddy has transcribed the Marriage Registers held in the National Library which cover the period from 1846-1881.

Flan Lyons has provided transcriptions up to 1920 of the Marriage Registers of Ruan Dysart Parish with the assistance of Monica Tierney and Fr. Pat O'Neill.

Sheila Duddy Notes: Some records of Letters of Freedom (to marry in another parish), issued in 1877 and 1888, were included among the marriage records (see page 110):
09.02.1877: Thomas Leary, Knockreigh to marry Bridget McCormac, Ennistymon
10.02.1877: Michael Partridge to marry Mary O’Sullivan, Ennis
25.02.1878: Thomas McDonnell to marry Anne Kelly, Kilnamona
04.03.1878: Michael Commane to marry Bridget Whelan, Miltown
06.03.1878: Patrick Kelly to marry Honora Leyden, Inagh
05.03.1878: John Frawley to marry – Walsh, Crusheen.
Transcriber thinks that records of letters of freedom - if they were recorded - were normally kept in another book, which has not survived.

Registers by Date 1846-1880
Registers by Groom's Surname 1846-1880
Registers by Bride's Surname 1846-1880

Registers by Date 1846-1920 (.xls file)
Registers by Groom's Surname 1846-1920 (.xls file)
Registers by Bride's Surname 1846-1920 (.xls file)

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