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Donated Material: Court Reports (including Evictions)

Ejectment Books of County Clare 1816-1835

Kilfenora Parish

Surname of Tenant Forename of Tenant Title Location of Land Plaintiff Year Parish as Given Barony
Canny John   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1830   Corcomroe
Canny John   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Cleary John   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Cleary John   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Cleary John   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Cleary Michael   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Cleary Michl   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Cleary Michl   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conlan Wm   lands of Lisdooney Daniel Lysaght 1826 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Connole James   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Connole John   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Connole Michael Jr Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Connole Pat   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole James   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole James   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole John   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole John   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Michael Sr farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Michael Senr Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Michael Jr Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Michl Jr farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Michl Senr Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Pat   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Conole Patrick   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Doherty James   farm and lands of Slievenagry Patrick Kerin 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Downes Anthony   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Downes Anthony   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Downes Anthy   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Earles Augustine   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Earles Augustine   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Earls Augustine   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Fitzpatrick Mary   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Fitzpatrick Mary   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Fitzpatrick Mary   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Galvin Patk   lands of Rahone James Galvin 1832 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Galvin Patk   lands of Rahona James Galvin 1832 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Glynn Michael   farm and lands of Slievenagry Catherine Moriarty 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Kinnely Bartholomew   lands of Lisdooney Daniel Lysaght 1826 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Laheen Michael   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Laheen Michael   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Laheen Michael   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Lawler James   lands of Clonomera Frank Lawler 1826   Corcomroe
Lawler Michl   lands of Clonomera Frank Lawler 1826   Corcomroe
Malone Margt   lands of Clonomera West Thos Malone 1830 Kilfenora Corcomroe
McNamara John   dwelling house, land, Rahone John Lysaght 1825 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Meehan Patk   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Meere Mathew   lands of Rahone James Galvin 1832 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Molony [Nichs] Jnr lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Molony [Nichs] Snr dec'd lands of Ballybreen   1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Molony Hugh   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Molony Hugh   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1830   Corcomroe
Molony Nicholas Jnr lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1830   Corcomroe
Molony Patrick   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Neylan Danl   lands of Rahona James Galvin 1832 Kilfenora Corcomroe
Neylan Michl   lands of Rahona James Galvin 1832 Kilfenora Corcomroe
O Hara John   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
O Loghlin Danl   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1830   Corcomroe
O Loughlin Denis   lands of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1835 Kilfenora Corcomroe
O Loughlin Michael   Ballybreen, Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe
O Loughlin Michael   farm and lands of Ballybreen, the Mountain Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1833 Kilfenora Corcomroe
O Loughlin Michl   Ballybreen, the Mountain of Ballybreen Sir Wm McMahon Bt 1834 Kilfenora Corcomroe