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Donated Material: Court Reports (including Evictions)

Ejectment Books of County Clare 1816-1835

Tomgraney Parish

Surname of Tenant Forename of Tenant Title Location of Land Plaintiff Year Parish as Given Barony
Boyce Marty   ploughlands,Scariff, Boyce and Canny's farm Ringrose Drew Esq 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Boyce Michl   ploughlands,Scariff, Boyce and Canny's farm Ringrose Drew Esq 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Brady John   lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1823 Tomgrany Tulla
Brady John   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1824 Tomgrany Tulla
Brohan Denis   farm and lands of Clonesker Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Brohan Denis   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Burke Patrick   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Canny Denis   ploughlands,Scariff, Boyce and Canny's farm Ringrose Drew Esq 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Canny Thomas   ploughlands,Scariff, Boyce and Canny's farm Ringrose Drew Esq 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Connelly John   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Davis James   farm and lands of Clonesker Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Davis Michael   farm and lands of Clonesker Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Davis Simon dec'd farm and lands of Clonesker Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Dwyer Edmond   farm and lands of Clonnisker Harry Bartly Esq. 1829 Tomgrany Tulla
Finessy James   lands of Cappacinnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Flanery David   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1824 Tomgrany Tulla
Flannery David   lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1823 Tomgrany Tulla
Halloran Mathew dec'd lands of Cappercannane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Halloran Thomas   lands of Cappercannane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Halloran Thomas   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Hassell Darby   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Hehir Michl   lands of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Kilford John   lands of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Killafoile Denis   lands of Cappercunnane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Killafoile John   lands of Cappercunnane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Killafoile Thomas Junior lands of Cappercunnane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Killafoile Thomas Senior lands of Cappercunnane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Lahiff Patrick   ploughlands,Scariff, Boyce and Canny's farm Ringrose Drew Esq 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Lynch James   part of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Lynch John   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Lynch Michl   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Bridget   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Catherine   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Darby   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon James   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Margt   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Mary   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Michael   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1834 Tomgrany Tulla
McMahon Michl   lands of Waterpark Rt Hon Hector J G Toler 1833 Tomgrany Tulla
McNamara Michael   lands of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
McNamara Patk   farm and lands of Clonnisker Harry Bartly Esq. 1829 Tomgrany Tulla
Meany Michael   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Ringrose Drew Esq 1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Melody James   lands of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Melody James comm/ge     1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Minogue Patrick farm     1826 Tomgrany Tulla
O Dea Danl lately lands of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Quin John   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1824 Tomgrany Tulla
Quin John   lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1823 Tomgrany Tulla
Quin Manus   lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1823 Tomgrany Tulla
Quin Marcus   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1824 Tomgrany Tulla
Quin Patk   lands of Ballyminogue Hugh Brady Esq 1823 Tomgrany Tulla
Rodger Rodgers dec'd lands of Cappercannane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Rodgers Daniel   farm and lands of Clonesker Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Rodgers James   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Rogers Michael   lands of Cappercannane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Rogers Thos Senr lands of Cappacunnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Ryan John   lands of Cappakinnane Thomas B Ringrose 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan John dec'd farm and lands of Ballyminogue   1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan John Jnr dec'd farm and lands of Ballyminogue   1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan Mary [do] farm and lands of Ballyminogue Ringrose Drew Esq 1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan Mary widow farm and lands of Ballyminogue Ringrose Drew Esq 1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan Michl   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Ringrose Drew Esq 1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan Peter   farm and lands of Ballyminogue Ringrose Drew Esq 1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Scanlan Wm dec'd farm and lands of Ballyminogue   1833 Tomgrany Tulla
Torpy John   lands of Aughrim John Ryves 1831 Tomgrany Tulla
Verling John   dwelling house, lands of Drewsborough Ringrose Drew 1830 Tomgraney Tulla
White John dec'd lands of Cappercannane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla
White Patrick   lands of Cappercannane Bourchier Ringrose heir 1826 Tomgrany Tulla