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Survey of the McInerney Sept of Thomond by Luke McInerney, M.A.

   Early Erenagh origins: 1100-1200

   Land and Lordship of Clann Chuiléin: 1200-1550

   The End of Gaelic Thomond: 1550-1640

   McInerneys of the 16th and 17th Centuries

   Dispossession, Emigration and Famine: 1640-1850

   Appendix I: Genealogy of the McNamaras, McInerneys

   Appendix II: Genealogy of clann an Oirchinnigh


   Various McInerney Pedigrees

   Pedigree of McInerney Family

   John McInerney of Ballykilty

   18th Century Mc Con Mara Pedigree

   18th Century McInerney and other family pedigrees

See also:  
Clerics and Clansmen: the Vicarages and Rectories of Tradraighe in the 15th Century by Luke McInerney

The West Clann Chuiléin Lordship in 1586: Evidence from a Forgotten Inquisition by Luke McInerney

Land and lineage: the McEnerhinys of Ballysallagh in the 16th Century by Luke McInerney

A 16th century bardic poem composed for Seán Mac Conmara by Luke McInerney


This survey gives an historical account of the McInerney sept of Clann Chuiléin, the eastern division of County Clare. The survey investigates the genealogical origins of the McInerneys in twelfth century Thomond as an offshoot of the ruling McNamaras. The origins of the McInerneys as an airchinneach family of east Clare is explored and the survey looks at the history of the sept up to the confiscation of the sept’s lands in the mid-seventeenth century and their scattering into Limerick and Tipperary during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The survey attempts to give an overview of the McInerney family of Thomond and to redress the silence in many histories of County Clare about the family and its origins. It is a curious tenet of history that the McInerneys were almost totally dispossessed of their ancient lands, so it is not surprising that they escaped the historian’s pen. I intend for this survey to shed light on their history both before and after the collapse of the Gaelic order.

Research indicates that the McInerneys – Clann an Oirchinnigh – of Thomond have been associated with their powerful overlords, the McNamaras (Mac Con Mara), since the twelfth century. It was from the main dynastic branch of the McNamaras that the progenitor of the McInerney sept, Donnchadha Mac Con Mara, originated. As a junior sept – or sliocht – the McInerneys retained an important position at the local level within the McNamara polity (Clann Chuiléin) and their role as minor gentry found them scribed alongside the powerful Dromoland O’Briens in land and rental documents beyond the collapse of the Gaelic order until the eighteenth century.
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Early Erenagh origins: 1100-1200