2. Vandeleur References (c.1750-1920)
2.2 1840-1859
1840 Monday 20th January (CJ).
The report that Mr. Vandeleur of Kilrush having given £300 towards
building a chapel in Kilrush is contradicted by the paper that disseminated
the rumour The Limerick Chronicle.
1840 Monday 17th February (CJ).
Ennis Grand Jury -----------Crofton Moore Vandeleur was sworn in.
1840 Monday 8th March (CJ).
Formation of a Shipwrecked Mariners Society.
-----Resolved: That an auxiliary branch of the Shipwrecked Fishermen
and Mariners Benevolent Society be now formed in Kilrush,
Proposed by, Rev John Kenny seconded by John Patterson Esq.
Resolved: That Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq is requested to act as President
and that Poole Hickman of Kilmore, M S Burton of Carrigaholt Esqs and
Captain White, Inspecting Commander of the Coast Guard are requested
to act as Vice-Presidents.
Proposed by Irwin W Patterson Esq, seconded by P J Freyer Esq -Chief
Officer of the Coast Guard.
Resolved: That Captain John F Studdert RN, be requested to act as Secretary.
Proposed by Captain John F Studdert RN seconded by Irwin Patterson Esq.
1840 Monday 6th July (CJ).
Lady Burton has sent two tons of oatmeal for distribution among the
poor tenants at Carrigaholt. Crofton M Vandeleur has employed a great
number of the poor population of Kilrush in opening a street leading
towards the new chapel.
1840 Thursday 9th July (CJ).
Clare Summer Assizes—Grand Jury—Crofton M Vandeleur sworn
1840 Monday 17th August (CJ).
The influential friends of Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq of Kilrush have
determined upon giving that gentleman their zealous support as a candidate
for the County of Clare at the next election.
1840 Monday 19th October (CJ).
The new chapel in Kilrush is now being slated and when it is covered
in which is expected to be in November will be consecrated by the Roman
Catholic Bishop of the Diocese the Rev Mr Matthews.
1840 Thursday 22nd October (CJ).
Crofton Moore Vandeleur and Lady Grace Vandeleur have returned to Kilrush:
so delighted were the inhabitants at their return they went out to meet
them with banners and music.
1840 Monday 7th December (CJ).
The Rev. Theobald Matthews preached at the new Roman Catholic Chapel
of Kilrush: the largest edifice of the kind n this county. The town
was filled by people from Kerry, who crossed over in the Garryowen
steamer to witness the ceremony. -- Upwards of 20,000 people were present-
1841 Thursday 18th February (CJ)
Crofton Moore Vandeleur was sworn in as a Grand Juror.
1841 Monday 22nd February (CJ).
---------------on Thursday the members of the County Club dined together
at the Club House to celebrate the christening of the Princess Royal.
Crofton Moore Vandeleur in the Chair------------the evening spent in
a most convivial manner.
1841 Thursday 8th April (CJ).
Murder of Mr. Thomas F. Brew.
-----we hereby engage to pay the sums affixed to our respective names
(in addition to the reward already offered by the government).
Crofton Moore Vandeleur D.L. ----------------£25. ------------------------
1841 Thursday 6th May (CJ).
Notice to Contractors -Shannon Commission
The Commissioners will receive tenders from such persons who may be
desirous to execute any or all of the piers and landing wharfs at the
undermentioned places.
Querrin, Kilrush, Kildysart, Kilteery.
-----according to the plans and specifications which may be seen at
the Commissioners Office in Dublin---------- by Order Edward Hornsby
Shannon Commission Office, Custom House, Dublin 30th April 1841.
1841 Thursday 10th June (CJ).
Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq.
------is a candidate for the representation of this County. He solicits
the suffrages of the electors on “independent principles, unshackled
by party, and determined only to support those measures that may tend
to advance the peace and interests of Ireland”.
Crofton Moore Vandeleur has during the course of this week with his
characteristic liberality subscribed a large sum towards the completion
of the new Roman Catholic Chapel at Kilrush with a promise of a “much
larger sum”. On a previous occasion he gave the site for the building
rent free for ever, and handed over to the Rev. Mr. Kenny P.P. the sum
of £140 for the opening an entrance to the Chapel. In addition
to this Mr Vandeleur has given the site for a new Fever Hospital now
nearly completed, for the poor of the district and contributed to its
erection and is now engaged in building a pier at Kilrush at his own
expense which could have been presented for and taxed on the people.
Such acts of liberality and uniform attention to the interests of his
people deserve the highest praise.
1841 Thursday 17th June (CJ)
Kilrush Union, Board of Guardians, Crofton Moore Vandeleur in the Chair.
1841 Monday 21st June (CJ).
-------- Mr. N Westby Esq-----seeing the want of funds to complete the
Kilrush Fever Hospital kindly increased his subscription to £40.
1841 9th July.[48]
(From Richard Scott, Ennis Private and Confidential).
My Dear O'Connell,
I find from the newspapers that the villainous Corporation of Dublin
are determined at all hazards to return West and Grogan, contrary to
all justice, law and fair play. Before you receive this, the question
will be decided: if against you, we are open here for you... Start
for Clare and I promise you that even for a day, your country shan't
lose your services in Parliament. We have as yet only one Tory candidate,
Vandeleur, and your friends, MacNamara and O'Brien. MacNamara's election,
I think, safe. And Vandeleur cannot beat O'Brien but by bribery—and
his money is flying freely and heavily in all directions. I
fear for the result as we are without money even for the ordinary
expenses of the erection, as we have no Liberal Club or bond of union
amongst us. If you start, one of our men must and will give
way. Let it be O'Brien. You can induce him much sooner to do
so than you can MacNamara. Besides O'Brien is not a fit representative
for this County, he is detested by the gentry and dreaded by his own
party, and would never be its member save for his politics which are
honest. Select therefore MacNamara to go in with you and I promise you
a glorious triumph over Vandeleur. MacNamara has amongst the Conservatives
few personal friends and they will have less regret at your being elected
if MacNamara is your colleague. ---------------. (See result below)
1841 Monday 12th July (CJ)
To the electors of the County of Clare, Gentlemen, ------------I propose
myself to you as a candidate-------------- Crofton Moore Vandeleur,
Kilrush House, June 19th 1841.
1841 Thursday 16th July (CJ).
Result of the Election:
MacNamara 1079, O’Brien 1071, Vandeleur 223, Moloney 48.
1841 Monday 7th August.[49]
Christening: John Ormsby Moore son of Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq and
his wife the Honourable Lady Grace Vandeleur. The sponsors the Earl
of Rosse, Colonel Vandeleur of 10th Hussars and the Honourable the Lady
Helen Stewart Fitz.
1841 Thursday 12th August (CJ).
Lieut-Col John Vandeleur, 10th Hussars, Mrs Vandeleur (Alice)
and family have arrived at Kilrush House from Dublin, on a visit to
his brother-in-law Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq. (John Vandeleur
of Mannister Co Limerick Lt-Col 10th Hussars, brother of Thomas Packenham
Vandeleur, married his cousin Alice, daughter of Rt. Hon. John Ormsby
Vandeleur, and widow of Rev Charles Moore Stewart)
1841 Monday 6th September (FJ)
It is contemplated by the Royal Western Yacht Club to offer Crofton
M. Vandeleur Esq., of Kilrush D.L., the rank of perpetual commodore.
1841 Thursday 7th October (CJ).
Acknowledgements: The Treasurer for building the Fever Hospital in Kilrush
received the following sums: Major Ball £10, H.P.Hickman £10,
Master Henn £10.
1841 Thursday 9th December. (CJ)
Launch of the Lady Grace.
On Tuesday Kilrush presented a scene of the most animating gaiety and
interest on the occasion of the launch of the beautiful new schooner
built by C.M. Vandeleur Esq of the best Irish Oak, the produce of his
own estate, wrought by Kilrush tradesmen, all his own tenantry and the
first vessel of so large a class ever built in Clare. Her model and
finish are greatly admired and do great credit to the abilities of Mr
Jas Langan, the superintendent of Naval Architect, who has given such
a beautiful specimen of Irish Manufacture .The day was propitious and
the announcement that the Lady Grace Vandeleur would arrive to launch,
to give her own name to the destined wanderer over oceans attracted
all the town and much of the country to the Patent Slip to witness the
interesting ceremony-about 3 o'clock. Lady Grace and Mrs Colonel Vandeleur
& c arrived and were received in a beautiful tent erected for the
occasion, by Mr and Colonel Vandeleur, Captains Creagh and Studdert
R.N. &c. Mr Vandeleur admirable Brass Band playing all the while,”
God save the Queen, Rule Britannia and other appropriate airs”.
At 4 o'clock the shipwrights went to work in good earnest for the launch,
but they were too much in earnest for having removed the braces that
secured her to her berth at the stern and before preparations for the
ceremonial on naming her were completed she glided of the stacks and
most majestically entered her destined elements amidst the exhaulting
shouts of the spectators happily without the slightest accident.
Lady Grace Vandeleur now advanced to the
pier head at which lay the beautiful vessel and with the most interesting
lady like deportment bestowed upon her the name Lady Grace breaking
a bottle of wine over her bow and pronouncing upon her and all present
and eloquent and pious benediction when a discharge of artillery announced
the conclusion of the ceremony.
In the evening Mr Vandeleur entertained
a large party of gentlemen to dinner, at Lomas’s Hotel where he
presided himself with the dignity and urbanity that distinguishes his
character as the host and gentleman. Among the company were Colonel
Vandeleur, Captains Creagh and Studdert R.N. Messrs Studdert, Paterson,
Lucas, Elliott, Kelly, Jackson &c &c. The Vice-Chair was ably
filled by Mr John Kelly part owner of the newly launched ship, and about
to freight her to London with provisions made up at his extensive concerns
in Kilrush. When the Cloth was removed the chairman proposed the health
of: “The Queen and the infant Duke of Cornwall” (drank with
nine times nine) Next “God save the Queen”......................................................The
Tradesmen who worked at the Lady Grace about 70 in number were also
entertained at dinner with good fare and plenty of wine &c&c.
1842 Monday 17th January (CJ).
Meeting at Kilkee; the following petition was adopted at the meeting:
To the Right Honorable and the Honorable Commons of Great Britain and
Ireland in Parliament Assembled, -------------That petitioners from
a variety of causes- most particularly, the want of that main and essential
to the prosperity of the Irish peasant namely, Agricultural Employment,
are subject annually to the re-occurrence of much suffering and privation
---------------- Signed: Crofton Moore Vandeleur, Jonas Studdert, Geo.
Studdert, J W Studdert, R Studdert, F N Kean, Richard O'Donnell, John
Lucas, clerk, R S Triphook, Michael Comyn PP &c&c
1842 Thursday 27th January (CJ).
Mr. Cornelius O'Brien M P left this Monday for Dublin to give his vote
for Lord Morpeth and Mr. Crofton M Vandeleur of Kilrush, left also yesterday
to vote for Mr. Gregory.
1842 Monday 12th March (CJ).
Kilrush Union- There was twenty two meetings of the Board during the
past year. The number opposite each name specifies the number of meetings
each guardian attended. (Ex-Officio)
Crofton M Vandeleur 17,G Studdert 11,Randal Borough7, H S Burton 4,Daniel
O'Grady 5,Captain Hickman 8,Jonas Studdert 10,Captain Studdert 17,Richard
Studdert 2,Thomas Barclay 9,Assistant-Commissioner W H T Hawrey 5 !.
1842 Thursday 26th May (CJ).
Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq of Kilrush House has accepted the appointment
of perpetual commodore of the Irish division of the Royal Western Yacht
Club and will be attending the general meeting of the members next month.
1842 Monday 30th June (CJ).
Clare Assizes- Grand Jury- Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq, of Kilrush House,
(foreman) -----.
1841 Thursday 11th August (CJ)
On Wednesday evening the third of August the gentlemen of Kilrush and
its vicinity sat down to a sumptuous public dinner in order to commemorate
the opening of William's Commercial Hotel--- ----------------------------------the
next toast was “Crofton Moore Vandeleur and the resident landed
proprietors of Clare” It was responded to by William Downes who
briefly alluded to the evils which absenteeism has brought on the country
and concluded with a eulogy on Mr. Vandeleur as a good landlord and
a courteous private gentleman.
1842 Monday 29th August (CJ).
Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq.D.L. President of the Royal Western Yacht
Club has sailed in the Caroline (commodore's yacht) from Kilrush
to Cove to attend the Cove Regatta, where Mr. Vandeleur will invite
the Cove Yachts to attend the Shannon Regatta next month.
1842 Monday 19th September (CJ).
Shannon Regatta: The yachts sailed in fleet up the Shannon to Limerick
on Thursday, Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq; commodore was accompanied
on board his yacht by his brother-in-law Lord Norbury.
1842 Monday 26th September (CJ).
Earl of Norbury, Lord Glandine, the Hon. Mr. Stewart, and a select party
have been staying at Kilrush House the seat of Crofton Moore Vandeleur
1843 Thursday 23rd February (CJ).
Ennis Assizes—Grand Jury--------Crofton Moore Vandeleur, Kilrush
House. ----.
1843 Monday 6th March (CJ).
At a meeting of the subscribers of the Kilrush district hospital-----Crofton
Moore Vandeleur in the chair-------70 members attended and over £90
was subscribed.
1843 Monday 20th March (CJ).
The people who were gathering seaweed at Caherfeenick, the property
of Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq were remonstrated with by Mr. Vandeleur
and the immediate tenant, Mr. Thomas Studdert, but they paid no regard
whatever to either landlord or tenant who were both obliged to make
a hasty retreat dreading violence. We regret that Mr. Vandeleur should
receive any other than the treatment he deserves from any of the people.
He is a liberal and indulgent landlord and should be received in a different
manner. He has given instructions to his law agent to take immediate
proceedings against those who have been identified as the foremost in
forcibly carrying away the weed----.
A full statement of the proceedings of the people on the western coasts
of the county regarding the carrying away of sea-rack has been forwarded
to the Government by one of the magistrates, claiming a right to the
shore. It would be well if the Government made known the law upon the
case, to prevent rioting and the likely loss of life.
1843 Monday 3rd April (CJ).
The Sea Weed Case
------------------- “It follows from the foregoing that if any
large body of persons tumultuously assemble for the purpose of taking
away sea-weed they may be arrested-----”.
1843 Monday 10th April (CJ).
At a meeting of the Kilrush Board of Guardians held last week, Crofton
Moore Vandeleur was appointed Chairman. ---.
1843 Thursday 21st September (CJ).
Colonel Vandeleur has returned to Kilrush in his beautiful yacht Caroline
from the French coast after attending her Majesty and Prince Albert
with the Royal Yacht Squadron to Treport and thence in return to Brighton.
Colonel Vandeleur was accompanied by his brother-in-law Lord Norbury
who feels much delighted at the excursion. The Royal Yacht fleet did
not proceed to Antwerp but sailed for the rendezvous at Cowes.
1843 Monday 13th November (CJ).
Kilrush Workhouse: At a meeting of the Board of Guardians held in the
Board room of the Kilrush Workhouse on Wednesday November 8th Crofton
Moore Vandeleur in the chair---.
1843 Monday 18th December (CJ).
Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq has given directions to his agent not to
deduct the poor rate from the rent-charge of the working clergy.
1844 Monday 26th February (CJ).
Grand Jury: Sir Lucius O’Brien, Bart. Foreman, Cornelius O'Brien
M P, Crofton Moore Vandeleur. --------------------.
Clare Journal Feb 29th 1844[50]
At Ralahine Cottage, on Sunday morning, at an advanced age, Mrs. Vandeleur,
relict of the late Colonel Boyle Vandeleur, of Ralahine.
1844 Monday 18th March (CJ).
Col Crofton Moore Vandeleur D L and Lady Grace Vandeleur have left Kilrush
for Dublin.
1844 Monday 3rd June (CJ).
It is rather annoying to see the large Quay at Kilrush upon which a
sum of nine thousand pounds has been expended now completely deserted
by the vessels and boats of every description that now frequent that
thriving town. It will be asked the cause of such desertion, and a very
ready answer is at hand the heavy duty imposed under the authority of
the Commissioners for what they are pleased to call quayage and wharfage.
The old quay was crowded every day with vessels of various burdens from
the vessel of 500 tons to the turf skiff but now after a vast outlay
a vessel is seldom seen there. They now make for the creek and even
run the chance of a neap tide sooner than encounter those exorbitant
fees. ------------ In this case the proprietor of the town paid a sum
of two thousand three hundred pounds, as a proportion of the expense,
and now the results of the entire outlay is that it is altogether useless.
The pier or quay built near Lord Clare's (Carrigaholt) for
which his Lordship by the way paid a sum of about twelve hundred pounds
is avoided in the same way. ------------ so much for the benefit of
the outlay by the Shannon Commissioners.
1844 Thursday 12th December (CJ).
Public Meeting---Ennis Court House. ---- Resolved-- That we do hereby
pledge ourselves to pay the several sums annexed to our names---------
for private information as may lead to the detection and conviction
of the perpetrators of the murder of the late Arthur Gloster Esq.
Lucius O'Brien. Bart. Lieut Co. Clare £20
George Wyndham, Petworth. £20.
William Fitzgerald, Bart, D L. £10
John Molony D L £10
Crofton Moore Vandeleur £10.
1844 Commissioners for improvinf Nagivation of River Shannon.[51]
Division No.1. -Lower Shannon -Kilrush Pier, County Clare
As stated in our last Annual Report, the foundations had been laid by
the diving-bell: during the past summer the superstructure was carried
up to the proposed height, and the work completed in the month of December
last, in a substantial and satisfactory manner.
The regular trading steam-vessels have now a good berth allotted for
their use, and square-rigged vessels of large tonnage are enabled to
discharge or take in cargoes without interfering with the smaller or
river craft, which frequent this pier. Kilrush Pier is the first place
within the mouth of the Shannon where vessels in distress can find shelter,
or from where they can receive succour, and its contemplated extension
is deserving of every consideration and support.
The average number of persons employed daily at Kilrush Pier from 2nd
January to 2nd December was 40, being equivalent to 11,462 days' work.
1845 Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland[52]
KILRUSH, a post, market, and sea-port town, in the parish of Kilrush,
barony of Moyarta, Co. Clare, Munster. It stands at the head of the
creek or harbour of Kilrush, 1¾-mile north-north-east of Inniscattery,
8 miles east-south-east of Kilkee, 15 west by south of Kildysert, 27
south-west of Ennis, and 138½ west-south-west of Dublin.
The principal features of interest in the environs are the estuary of
the Shannon in front of the town, and the mansion of Kilrush immediately
to the east of the town, and between the roads to Knock and Kilmurry-Clonderalaw.
The demesne around the mansion is ¾ of a mile in length, extends
from the town to the eastern boundary of the parish, and is the property
of C. M. Vandeleur, Esq., the town's proprietor. The mansion is a handsome,
commodious, and modern edifice, "standing on an interesting spot,
which commands a view of Mangerton and MacGillicuddy's Reeks at Killarney,
Brandon Mountain, Kerry Head, and the mouth of the river Shannon. The
inner area of this rich prospect is ornamented by a view of one of the
finest harbours in Europe, Bale-bar, Kilcredaun-Point, Rehyhill, Carrigaholt,
and Carrigafoyle castles, with the round tower, cathedral and ruined
churches, in the celebrated island of St. Senanus, now called Inniscattery.
The view of the town and harbour is truly delightful at sunset on a
summer evening, when Scattery road is crowded with shipping, and upwards
of 200 herring-boats issue together from the neighbouring creeks, gliding
over the glassy surface of the Shannon, to take their station for the
night's fishing."
The Town
The principal parts of the town are a spacious central square, and two
spacious streets running parallel with each other, and on a line with
respectively the north and the south sides of the square; and these
parts are in a chief degree modern, and contain many good houses. The
portion of the southern street, in particular, which extends from the
square to the quays, is airy, well-built, and comparatively respectable;
the square itself has a lively and cheerful appearance during the bustle
of the weekly markets; and the vicinity of the quays exhibits large
stores and pretending new edifices. The market-house, in the centre
of the square, is a handsome structure, built at the private expense
of Mr. Vandeleur. The custom-house, near the lower quay, is a neat modern
building. The bridewell, situated near the upper quay, is the largest
building of its class in the county; contains keepers' apartments, 8
cells, 2 day-rooms, and 2 yards; and is maintained in a clean and orderly
condition. The places of worship, and the schools, have been sufficiently
noticed in the article on the parish.
The Harbour.
The creek or natural harbour of Kilrush is dry at low water; admits
only small craft even with the tide; and is provided with two small
quays and a patent slip. The pier, which affords accommodation to larger
sailing-craft and to steam-vessels, extends toward Hog Island from the
upper side of the entrance of the creek. This pier was originally built
by the Commissioners of Customs; and was subsequently transferred to
the Commissioners of Fisheries; but practically became the private property
of Mr Vandeleur, or passed under his care for conservation. In 1825,
in order to obviate the disadvantage of fishing-craft being obliged
to wait out in stormy weather until half-flood, and to create facility
for their entering the harbour and approaching the landing-quay at any
state of the tide, Mr. Vandeleur contributed £456 13s. 10d, and
the Fishery-Board £1,367 1s. 8d. for adding 165 feet to the length
of the pier, and extending it into 6 feet low water of spring-tides.
The Commissioners for improving the navigation of the Shannon, say,
"This pier is too small to answer the demands of the present trade,
and, in particular, of a steam-vessel which frequents it daily from
Limerick, and which cannot always procure accommodation alongside, for
discharging its cargo, or landing the passengers. We propose, therefore,
to lengthen the pier 150 feet, but in a different direction, for the
purpose of giving the prolongation the most favourable position, as
well for the present object as for such further extension as may hereafter
be required. The estimate amounts to £8,600." The body of
the pier is to be filled with rubble; the exterior face to be paved
with good ashlar; the head and inner-face to be built with the same
material; a flight of steps to be formed near the pier-head for the
accommodation of persons embarking or disembarking from steam-vessels
or passenger-boats. The old pier runs nearly due south, and the extension
of it runs to the south-south-west. "This direction," say
the Commissioners, "was adopted in order that greater accommodation
might be afforded to vessels when lying at anchor within it; either
waiting to load or discharge, or having taken refuge from the westerly
gales." So heavy and rollingly impetuous is the surge from the
west that it often broke over the old pier and placed a drenching arrest
upon business. "I will here observe, “Says Capt. Mudge, in
his report of 1832, "that this part of the Shannon is exposed to
the whole ocean-swell: the sea, which sets in such a continuance of
southerly or westerly winds, baffles all description, especially when
accompanied by 'the rollers,'-a periodical visitation." Kilrush
harbour is the first above the Shannon's mouth; and the roadstead opposite
Kilrush, and under lee of Inniscattery, is the first secure anchorage
from the westerly gales.
The fishing trade of the town, as to both capture and sale, is somewhat
extensive. About 20 small hookers, employing about 200 persons, belong
strictly to itself, and are engaged in fishing and in dredging for oysters;
and numerous fishing-craft, of various classes, belonging to neighbouring
creeks upon the Shannon, have their rendezvous and market at Kilrush,
and are employed in both the herring and the general fishery. In 1830,
the fishing-craft within the Kilrush district consisted of 2 decked
vessels, of jointly 64 tons, with 12 men; l63 half-decked vessels, of
aggregately 1,467 tons, with 652 men; 12 open sail-boats, with 48 men;
and 443 row-boats, with 1,749 men. So prolific and general are the fishing-grounds,
that lucrative fishing-establishments might be formed at every practicable
part of the coast, from Kilrush to Galway bay.
Turf Trade
Enormous quantities of turf are sent from Kilrush and from the bay of
Poulnasherry to the city of Limerick, and are supplied from a tract
of 24,000 acres of turbary, which commences in the immediate vicinity
of the town, and extends to Moore bay and Dunbeg on the Atlantic. "This
trade," said a local statistic writer of 28 years ago "employs
numbers of people at a season when little else can be done by them;
while it contributes essentially to the comforts of the peasants employed
in it. Turf-cutting is the first step towards the recovery of tracts
of ground from an unprofitable state, after which the land is generally
planted with rape and potatoes, and eventually sown with oats and grass-seed.
For these reasons, this trade is encouraged by one of the principal
proprietors, who permit his tenants to cut and dispose of as much turf
as they choose, without any pecuniary remuneration. It is thought that
the value of the turf sent off annually amounts to upwards of £10,000.
A boat manned by two persons, generally a man and a boy, earns about
£200 a-year at this trade; and would produce considerably more
if freighted with lime-stone in return."
General Trade
During a long period, one person, a Mr. Paterson, conducted the whole
corn trade of Kilrush; and, in 1802, he purchased 12,000 barrels at
£6,666, - in 1807, 26,000 barrels, at £18,795 16s. 8d. -
and in 1812, 34,000 barrels at £33,681 5s.; in 1807, he made his
first shipment of oats to a port out of Ireland; in 1810, he shipped
the first butter; in 1812, he began the making up of provisions, chiefly
pork; in the same year, he fitted out the first packet between Kilrush
and Limerick; in 1813, he had a second packet plying; "and such,"
said the local satirist three years later, "is the resort of strangers
to this part of the country for the benefit of sea-bathing and other
purposes, that the same enterprising person is now engaged in the erection
of hot baths and an extensive hotel near the creek of Kilrush."
The facility of conveyance by steam between Limerick and Kilrush, has
very greatly increased the latter's prosperity, and among other effects,
has produced a smart competition in the control and supply of the markets;
"and now," said Mr. O'Brien in 1837, "instead of one
corn merchant, as was the case formerly, we have eleven, and instead
of two grocers we have fifteen, and instead of two woollen-drapers we
have twelve, and so on." A weekly market is held on Saturday; and
annual fairs are held on May 10, and Oct. 12. Branch offices of the
National Bank and the Agricultural and Commercial Bank, were established
in 1835. The public conveyances are a mail-car to Ennis, and a steam-vessel
to Limerick. The nearest point of projected railway is on the Shannon
line at Tarbert, on the opposite shore of the Shannon's estuary.
The manufactures are chiefly for home consumption, and consist of frieze,
flannel, stockings, shoes, nails, strong sheeting, and a narrow and
serviceable kind of linen called bandlecloth. Several weavers from the
north settled a number of years ago in the town, and considerably improved
the linen manufacture.
The number of vessels which frequented the port in 1835, was 32 loading,
5 discharging, 2 in distress, and 103 trading-hookers, &c.; in 1836,34
loading, 6 discharging, 8 in distress, and 690 trading-hookers, &c.;
and, in 1837, 37 loading, 7 discharging, 10 in distress, and 743 trading
hookers, &c. The imports in 1827 consisted of 180 tons of salt,
189 tons of coals, 70 tons of iron, 10 crates of ware, and 60 barrels
of herrings; in 1831, of 50 tons of salt, 177 tons of coals, 120 tons
of iron, and 150 barrels of herrings; and, in 1836, of 140 tons of salt,
150 tons of coals, 250 tons of iron, and 454 barrels of herrings; but
this statement does not include the foreign trade, nor a considerable
portion of the British trade, which are blended in the accounts with
Limerick. The exports in 1827 consisted of 33 barrels of wheat and 19,289
barrels of oats; in 1831, of 5,417 barrels of barley, 30,309 barrels
of oats, and 94 blocks of marble; and, in 1836, of 3,180 barrels of
wheat, 27,202 barrels of barley, 36,898 barrels of oats, 2,574 barrels
of beans, 87 firkins of butter, and 20 bags and 14 puncheons of miscellaneous
goods; but this statement does not include the shipments made by small
traders to Limerick, Cork, &c. The estimated amount of carriage
from the town consists of 100 tons of imported articles, and 850 tons
of manure and other bulky articles; and of carriage to the town, 6,000
tons for exportation, 3,225 tons of agricultural produce for local consumption
as food, 500 tons of excisable articles not received by direct importation,
and 21,225 tons of stone, lime, and other bulky articles.
Area of the town, 145 acres. Pop. in 1831, 3,996; in 1841, 5,071. Houses
664. Families employed chiefly in agriculture, 330; in manufactures
and trade, 523; in other pursuits, 183. Families dependent chiefly on
property and professions, 37; on the directing of labour, 517; on their
own manual labour, 406; on means not specified, 76. Males at and above
5 years of age who could read and write, 1,130; who could read but not
write, 218; who could neither read nor write, 732. Females at and above
5 years of age who could read and write, 701; who could read but not
write, 369; who could neither read nor write, 1,239.
The Kilrush Poor-law union ranks as the 57th, and was declared on July
23, 1839. It lies all in Co. Clare, and comprehends an area of 115,746
acres, which contained, in 1831, a pop. of 70,676. Its electoral divisions,
with their respective pop. In 1831, are, Kilrush, 9,850; Killimer, 3,023;
Knock, 3,859; Killofin, 4,070; Kilfidane, 4,165; Kildysert, 4,501; Kilmichael,
3,794; Kilmurry, 8,433; Kilmacduane, 5,620; Killard, 5,629; Kilkee,
6,594; Moyarta, 7,441; and Kilballyhone, 3,695. The number of elected
and of ex-officio guardians is respectively 29 and 9; and of the former,
5 are chosen by Kilrush division, 4 by Kilmurry, 3 each by Kilkee and
Moyarta, 2 each by Killofin, Kilfidane, Kildysert, Kilmacduane, and
Killard, and 1 by each of the other divisions. The total nett annual
value of the property rated is £58,269 11s. 7d. the total number
of persons rated is 8,103; and of these, 819 are rated for a valuation
not exceeding £1,-970, not exceeding £2,-963, not exceeding
£3, - 867, not exceeding £4,-and 932, not exceeding £5.
The workhouse was contracted for on June 8, 1840, -to be completed in
Sept. 1841, -to cost £6,800 for building and completion, and £1,350
for fittings and contingencies, -to occupy an area of 6 acres, purchased
for £750, -and to afford accommodation for 800 paupers. The date
of the first admission of paupers was July 9, 1842; the total expenditure
thence till Feb. 6, 1843, was £773 0s. 11½d. and the total
previous expenditure was £1,751 5s. 3d. the medical charities
are a fever hospital and six dispensaries. The fever hospital is a new
building, situated at Kilrush, erected by the exertions of Mr. Vandeleur
and other gentlemen, and containing 50 beds, with a surgical department;
and, in 1839-40- immediately previous to its being opened-it was provided
with an annual income of £400 from subscription, and £933
from parliamentary and county grants. The dispensaries have their seats
at Kilrush, Knock, Kildysert, Dunbeg, Cooraclare and Kilmichael, and
Carrigaholt and Kilkee; and, in 1839-40, they were aggregately supported
with £269 5s. 6d. from subscription, £269 5s. 6d. from parliamentary
and county grants, and £8 1s. 6d. from other sources. The Kilrush
dispensary serves for a pop. of 11,243; and, in 1839, it received £89
7s. 6d. expended £89 9s. 5d. and made 4,000 dispensations of medicine.
1845 Thom’s Directory.
Vandeleur, Col. 10 Hussars, 13 Rutland Square East. (of Maddenstown,Co.
Kildare ?)
Crofton M. Esq, 4 Rutland Square East. (Kilrush Vandeleurs)
Miss, 41 Rutland Square West.
1845 Monday 31st March (CJ).
Kilrush Guardians. Saturday last was the first meeting of this board
after the election of the guardians, and consequently the day for appointment
of chairman, Mr Vandeleur was elected without opposition. (From
October to December 1845 the Newspaper contained many reports and warnings
about the failure of the potato crop)
1846 Friday 24th April (LR).
Col. Vandeleur has arrived at his residence Kilrush House from Dublin.
1846 Monday 29th June (CJ).
Colonel Vandeleur returned in his splendid yacht Caroline to
Kilrush on Thursday having been lately on a cruise after the experimental
1846 Friday 6th November (LR.)
A Kilrush correspondent says:
Mr Vandeleur commenced a subscription list on Monday with £40.
Rev Mr. Young and Rev Mr. Kenny gave £10 each. Messrs Richard
and Michael Foley gave £10. We have already collected £150.Rev.
Messrs Young and Kenny were appointed collectors at the meeting on Monday.
1846 Tuesday 10th November (LR).
We are pleased in stating that immediately the Marquis of Conyngham
being made acquainted with the distress at present existing in Clare
his Lordship munificently directed his agent Marcus Keane Esq, has an
abatement of 25% in such instances 15% in others should be made to his
numerous tenantries in the County according to their respected circumstances.
1846 Thursday 26th November (CJ).
Kilrush Union.
At a meeting the Board of Guardians of the above Union held on the 11th
inst, Col. C.M. Vandeleur in the Chair-----also present, H.S. Burton,
D.L. J.F. Studdert, Capt. & J.P., W.C. Marrett J.P., George Studdert,
J.P. Ex-officio and 18 elected guardians. The following resolutions
and memorial were proposed by Capt. Studdert were adopted:
Resolved: That the degree of destitution prevailing throughout the County,
especially among the poorer classes calls for the best exertions of
every well-minded person towards its alleviation. ---.
Clare Journal Aug 3rd 1846[53]
At Kilrush, James Paterson, Esq. This estimable gentleman, who was a
native of Argyleshire, in 1798, commanded one of the gun-boats then
protecting the Irish coast from a foreign foe.
(See Chapter 4 - Vandeleurs during the Famine)
1847 Monday 18th January (CJ).
Carrigaholt Relief Committee Meeting, Colonel Vandeleur was in attendance.
1847 Thursday 18th February (CJ).
Public Meeting of the County Of Clare
. -------------- Col Vandeleur in rising to address the meeting stated
that on no occasion had he come forward with greater anxiety for the
good of the country, ------------- He felt that there was no gentleman
present who was not in the habit of attending Relief Committees of Union
Workhouses but must have felt appalled at the dreadful extent of destitution
there, brought under their cognizance. He himself had witnessed the
hale and strong decline become rapidly feeble and emaciated for want
of sustenance. ---- In fact if matters were allowed to proceed as at
present the County would soon be desolated of its labouring population-----------------.
1847 Monday May 24th (CJ)[54]
At St. Peter's Church, Dublin, Bindon J. Burton, Esq., S.L.C., and a.
of the late Samuel Burton, Esq., of Cliften, in this county, to Jane
Vandeleur, only child of John Carroll Peach, Esq., Roscommon, and
grand-daughter of the late Colonel Boyle Vandeleur, of Ralahine, in
this county.
(Jane Vandeleur's mother also Jane was the 4th daughter of John
Scott Vandeleur of Ralahine Commune and grand-daughter of Boyle and
she married John Carroll Peach)
1847 December.[55]
Verbatim Copy of a Notice posted on Colonel Vandeleur's gate on the
evening of the 31st December 1847
“Take Notice Crofton Vandeleure if you don’t change your
mind and give Relive to the Young as well as the Old, and not to put
a stop to the Publicke Works as you are, and also Captin Kenidy if you
don’t be said by this notice believe me I will do with you as
I did with Pirce Carrige, so have your Wills made in time”.
1847 Monday 12th July (CJ).
Clare Assizes-----Ennis Grand Jury, Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq, Kilrush
House, Foreman.
1847 Monday 20th September (CJ).
To The High Sheriff of the County Clare. We the undersigned request
you will convene at an early day--------------- to take the necessary
steps for the completion of those unfinished presentments, ---------------
Crofton Moore Vandeleur, D.L L.
1847 Monday 4th October (CJ).
Kilrush Union. The usual meeting of the Board of Guardians for Kilrush
Union took place on Wednesday at their meeting rooms. Col Vandeleur
in the Chair. The Chairman ---- in a brief and eloquent manner returned
thanks to the Board for the very handsome compliment paid him by the
members in his absence, as also for the vote of confidence in him and
their anxiety in consequence of the rumours lately afloat respecting
him-that he was glad the circumstances did occur as he felt he had now
a debt of gratitude to discharge that he would never be unmindful of.
1847 Monday 11th October (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting: Col. Vandeleur in the Chair.
1847 Monday 29th November (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting: Col. Vandeleur in the Chair.
1848 Thursday 13th January (CJ).
Grand Jury sworn in-------Col Crofton Moore Vandeleur Kilrush House.
1848 January.[56]
In January three men were committed to Ennis goal, having been arrested
while lurking with arms with the avowed purpose of assassinating Colonel
Vandeleur and Captain Kennedy.
1848 Monday 21st February (CJ).
Grand Jury sworn in-------Col Crofton Moore Vandeleur Kilrush House.
1848 Friday 18th August (Anglo
---The ship Jessie, Gorman, sailed for Quebec from Scattery Roads, and
prior to sailing was visited by Col. Vandeleur in his yacht, with Mr.
Little. S M., and several of the police, in consequence of information
that some of the rebel party were on board effecting their escape. They
had a very strict search, but made no discovery. The Jessie brought
up subsequently in Carrigaholt Roads, when information was received
here that O’Gorman, with two others were to go on board, when
Mr. Vandeleur, with Mr. Little stipendiary magistrate, immediately got
his yacht under weigh, and proceeded to the westward in chase of the
outlaws, while Captain Northey, with a company of the 88th and police
went round to Carrigaholt: but for a positive fact O'Gorman was among
three men that crossed the river to Querrin on Wednesday night: and
the man of the house they stopped with was sent to Kilrush for bread,
and when he returned they were fast asleep and apparently quite fatigued.
This morning, at four, two boats from her Majesty's ship Blenheim arrived
here with marines &c. in pursuit of the Jessie, which vessel was
then under weigh off Kilcredaun with a fair wind and steady breeze from
the eastward. Colonel Vandeleur has gone a long way westward, fearing
any boat should go on board the Jessie while in the river off the coast.
1848 & 1849
Reports and returns relating to evictions in the Kilrush Union.[57] (Summary
of number of persons evicted from lands owned by Colonel Vandeleur,
Kilrush House.)
Date |
No. in family |
Males |
Females |
Townland |
13/10/1848 |
196 |
102 |
94 |
Ballyerra |
13/10/1848 |
33 |
19 |
14 |
Tullycrine |
25/10/1848 |
123 |
56 |
67 |
Banemore and Monmore |
14/11/1848 |
109 |
53 |
56 |
Kilmacduane |
05/12/1848 |
93 |
43 |
50 |
Banemore |
09/01/1849 |
196 |
90 |
106 |
Leadmore, Carcalla, Ballynote, Monmore, Moyasta
and Dysert |
10/05/1849 |
73 |
35 |
38 |
Caherfinie and Cashamore |
09/06/1849 |
75 |
39 |
36 |
Caherfinie |
Totals |
898 |
437 |
461 |
1848 Thursday 21st December (CJ).
Kilrush Workhouse (extract from medical report for week ending Saturday
December 16th 1848)
Number under medical treatment in Infirmary and
Fever Hospitals by last report |
382 |
Additions to both places this week |
83 |
Total |
465 |
Discharged cured |
83 |
Died |
6 |
Total number under medical treatment on Saturday
16th |
376 |
Lieut Henry R N. Has selected thirty
young orphan girls in the Kilrush Workhouse for emigration to Australia.
The Vice-Guardians are to provide them with clothing. The other expenses
will be defrayed by the Government.
1849 Monday 29th January (CJ).
Ennis Public Meeting-The Poor Law
A public meeting of the gentry and ratepayers of this County, convened
for the purpose of taking into consideration the working of the present
Poor law. -------------- Among those present Sir Edward Fitzgerald,
Bart, Carrigoran---- Crofton Moore Vandeleur D L -----. Colonel Vandeleur
observed that when the Poor law was introduced about seven years ago
we were nearly unanimous in our opinion that the law was necessary for
the support of the destitute and infirm------the tax at that time was
a moderate one and was cheerfully paid: but by an unalterable dispensation
of Providence that had taken place a vast change was effected: a famine
has come over our land, for which we are in no way accountable, and
multitudes who were at that time ------- are now reduced to the greatest
destitute and are now crying for support and chargeable to our union.
The effect of this has been that taxation has now reached a point, which
it is utterly impossible that the land can bear----------------- It
is most difficult to suggest any plan to meet these evils. ------------.
1849 Thursday 6th September (CJ).
Evictions in the Union of Kilrush. Number of evicted tenants from Capt.
Kennedy's Report:
Name. |
evicted or houses levelled |
of inhabitants |
Col C M Vandeleur |
154 |
936 |
Nicholas Westby |
181 |
974 |
The Messrs Westropp |
124 |
694 |
The Messrs Borough |
146 |
713 |
The Marquis Conyngham |
79 |
420 |
John MacDonnell |
94 |
521 |
Reps Anne McDonnell |
54 |
292 |
----------------- |
------------- |
---------- |
Marcus Keane |
14 |
66 |
Miss A F Vandeleur |
15 |
99 |
----------------- |
-------------- |
----------- |
----------------- |
-------------- |
----------- |
----------------- |
-------------- |
----------- |
Total |
1681 |
9271 |
1849 Friday 19th October (Anglo
Evicted Destitute Poor (Ireland Act). The following return of all notices
served upon relieving officers of poor law districts in Ireland, by
landlords and others----
(This official return does not appear to agree with the above table
for County Clare)
Provinces & Counties |
Population 1841 |
Number of persons evicted |
Connaught: |
Galway |
440198 |
739 |
Leitrim |
155297 |
478 |
Mayo |
388887 |
604 |
Roscommon |
253591 |
525 |
Sligo |
180886 |
208 |
Totals |
1418859 |
2554 |
Leinster |
Carlow |
86228 |
95 |
Dublin |
372773 |
50 |
Kildare |
114488 |
129 |
Kilkenny |
202420 |
348 |
King's County |
146857 |
211 |
Longford |
116491 |
114 |
Louth |
128240 |
146 |
Meath |
183828 |
133 |
Queen's County |
153930 |
342 |
Westmeath |
141300 |
162 |
Wexford |
202033 |
163 |
Wicklow |
125143 |
51 |
Totals |
1973731 |
1944 |
Munster |
Clare |
286394 |
1167 |
Cork |
854118 |
578 |
Kerry |
293880 |
560 |
Limerick |
330029 |
722 |
Tipperary |
435553 |
2901 |
Waterford |
196187 |
149 |
Totals |
2396161 |
6077 |
Ulster |
Antrim |
360875 |
202 |
Armagh |
238393 |
475 |
Cavan |
243158 |
301 |
Donegal |
296448 |
372 |
Down |
361446 |
176 |
Fermanagh |
150481 |
103 |
Londonderry |
222174 |
236 |
Monaghan |
200442 |
156 |
Tyrone |
312956 |
263 |
Totals |
2386373 |
2284 |
We select the following as some of the
more extensive cases of eviction as given in this return: -----In the
Union of Kilrush (Clare). 76 at the suit of Colonel Vandeleur: 20 at
the suit of Miss Alice Vandeleur: 41 at the suit of Miss Vandeleur.
1849 November[58]
At his home in Merrion-square Sir John Ormsby
Vandeleur, GCB, Colonel of the 16th Lancers. This officer was the son
of Richard Vandeleur, Esq., of Kilrush, Co. Clare. He was one of our
most distinguished cavalry officers and had served for the long period
of 68 years. He entered the army as an ensign in Dec. 1781: In 1794
and 1795 he served in Flanders, under the Duke of York, and was present
in the several battles and minor affairs of those campaigns. As Lieut-Colonel
of the 8th Light Dragoons he served with the local rank of colonel in
command of a brigade of cavalry under Lord Lake in India. At the battle
of Laswaree, on the 1st Nov. 1803, his brigade turned the enemy's left
flank, and took 2,000 prisoners, for which he received Lord Lake's thanks.
In Nov. 1804, he again received his Lordship's thanks for the cavalry
affair at Futty Ghur, where the Mahratta chief Holkar was surprised
and defeated at the conclusion of the war in India.
Sir John Vandeleur returned to Europe, and in 1811 was placed on the
staff of the army in the Peninsula as Major-General. He commanded a
brigade of the light division of infantry, and was wounded while leading
a division to the breach of Ciudad Rodrigo, in Jan 1812. This prevented
his serving at the siege of Badajoz, but he was present at the battles
of Salamanca and Vittoria. A few days before the latter his brigade
was so fortunate as to intercept a French division, and to cut off one
of its brigades, taking 300 prisoners, and forcing the remainder to
disperse in the mountains.
He was subsequently appointed to command a brigade of Light Dragoons,
attached to the column under Lord Lynedoch, and afterwards under Lord
Niddry, and participated in all the operations of that column. He served
in the battle of Waterloo, and afterwards commanded the whole of the
British cavalry from the time that the Marquess of Anglesey was wounded
until Louis XV111 entered Paris. For his eminent services on these occasions
he was nominated a knight commander of the Bath, of the Bavarian order
of Maximilian Joseph, and of the Russian order of Vladimir, in 1815.The
same year also he was appointed colonel of the 19th Dragoons, which
regiment was disbanded about five years afterwards. In 1823, however,
he became colonel of the 14th Light Dragoons, which colonelcy he held
until 1830, when he was removed to the 16th Lancers. In 1833 Sir John
Vandeleur was nominated a GCB: and he attained the full rank of a general
in 1838.Sir John married in 1829 a daughter of the Rev. John Glasse.
(Sir John was the grandson of the John Vandeleur who purchased the
lands at Kilrush in 1749)
1849 Monday 10th December (CJ).
State of the Workhouse: --------Fortunately Col Vandeleur arrived here
from Brussels and immediately gave directions to have about twenty large
sacks of barley trashed and converted to food ----.
1849 Thursday December 13th Kilrush
Letter from the Very Rev. Mr. Kelly, P.P., Kilrush, to His Excellency
the Earl of Claredon, Lord-Lieutenant General, and General Governor
of Ireland.
“My Lord, --Fully sensible of your
pressing engagements I am unwilling to trespass on your Excellency:
yet, from the heart-rending scenes which have occurred in this district
within the last few days, I feel it a duty briefly to offer our distressed
situation to your Excellency's consideration.
In this Union (Kilrush), the poorest in Ireland, during the summer months
thirty thousand persons, half the present population, received out-door
relief. Of these nearly twenty thousand have been, within the last year,
thrown house-less and homeless on the world. . I shall not harrow your
Excellency's tender feelings by a description of their miserable state:
while families being huddled together in miserable huts, in appearance
more like corpses from the sepulchre than animated beings. Several philanthropic
Englishmen who have visited the district and seen with their own eyes
our condition, have, I presume, already given your Excellency a faint
idea of our state. Yet the cup of our misery has only within the last
fortnight been filled up. Not a single ounce of meal or any out-door
relief has been administered for the last ten days. Our poorhouse contains
over two thousand inmates: of these, nine hundred are children of a
delicate frame and constitution: yet the young as well as the old are
fed on turnips for the last week. Thousands from the neighbouring parishes,
deprived of out-door relief, crowd about the Union workhouses: there
disappointed, they surround the houses of the shopkeepers and struggling
farmer: and their lamentations-their hunger shrieks-are truly heart-rending.
But, my Lord, I am gratified to say that no property is touched –
no threat held forth. I know whole families in this town to lie down
on their beds of straw, determined rather to starve than to steal. It
is true that no means are left untried to alleviate their miseries by
many, very many, charitable persons, of whom it may be said that, if
they could coin their hearts into gold, they would give it to the poor
in their present extreme necessity. Yet what avail their efforts to
meet the present awful destitution!
It was determined that a public meeting would be held to address your
Excellency: but when a report-alas! A true report- reached us, that
thirty-five paupers from Moyarta parish, a distance of fifteen miles,
in the hope to be relieved at the workhouse, were all-all drowned whilst
crossing a narrow ferry, I considered it my duty not to lose a moment
in communicating to your Excellency our awful situation, which may be
imagined but cannot be described. One week more, and no food! The honest,
peaceable poor of this district fall like leaves in autumn.
I feel, in thus addressing your Excellency, I take a bold step: but
your sympathy for the poor has encouraged me. Never, never be it said,
that during your Excellency's Administration half the population in
a remote and wretched district were suffered to starve. I write in a
hurry- I write in confusion. My house at this moment is surrounded by
a crowd of poor persons, whose blood has become water, seeking relief.
Which alas! I cannot bestow.
Anxiously and confidently expecting at
your Excellency's hands a remedy, I have the honour to be your Excellency's
obedient and humble servant,”
Timothy Kelly, P.P., Kilrush, to.
1849 Tuesday December 18th -----His Excellency's
Reply from Dublin Castle. --
“Sir. -In acknowledging the receipt of your memorial, the Lord-Lieutenant
has directed me to state that his Excellency has received with deep
regret, the intelligence of the melancholy loss of life, which has occurred
at the ferry of Kilrush, and of the destitution stated to prevail in
that Union. He regrets that the Guardians have not put rates in course
of collection, from which funds could be afforded for the relief of
the poor, the responsibility of providing which rests with that body.
Your communication has been referred to the Poor Law Commissioners.
I am, sir, your most obedient humble servant,
T.N. Redington.
1849 Tuesday 18th December (LR).
Kilrush Union.
A most heart-rending scene occurred within two miles of the town about
4 o'clock on Tuesday:
The ferry-boat at Cammogue on Moyasta Bay in crossing, was upset with
41 persons on board, five of whom were taken up alive by another boat
and are likely to recover: Thirty one bodies were found on the strand
that morning and five were missing. Those persons were returning from
Kilrush market with provisions for their families? -------------.
Great Excitement in Kilrush.
Michael Brew alias “Bomber”
and Geo Taylor his son-in-law, Dr Donovan and Colonel Vandeleur were
severally pelted with mud and missiles and hooted, at every place they
made their appearance on Friday, on account of the outdoor relief being
stopped to 14,000 recipients. The town is in danger and guarded by policemen
who move constantly through the streets. The excitement is immense.
1849 Monday 24th December (CJ).
Kilrush Union- Saturday. Colonel Vandeleur in the Chair.
1850 Monday 4th February (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians - Saturday. Colonel Vandeleur in the
1850 Monday 25th February (CJ).
Clare Assizes-Ennis
Grand Jury---------Col C M Vandeleur Kilrush House.
1850 Thursday 28th March (CJ).
Kilrush Union. We have had occasion so frequently to expose the lying
statement made by the Limerick Examiner and his anonymous correspondent
in reference to the Kilrush Board of Guardians and the Kilrush Union
generally ----------- indeed the Chairman is most indefatigable in this
duty and not only so but even Lady Grace Vandeleur has herself visited
the house inspecting all its departments and the quality of the food
supplied to the inmates in order to be fully assured that there was
no condition for the strange statements published on the subject.----------------.
1850 Gleanings in the west of
Notice to the Ratepayers of the Kilrush Electoral Division
As this Electoral Division is much aggrieved by the large influx of
Vagrants and paupers from other Districts, seeking Lodging and Subsistence
in this Town, as stated in the Memorial lately presented to me by the
ME, that if they persevere in harbouring Vagrants and pauper families
in their houses, not belonging to this Division, I shall be obliged
strictly to enforce the penalties TO WHICH THEY ARE SUBJECT BY THEIR
AGREEMENTS, and take such other proceedings as may be necessary to prevent
the settlement of persons who may become chargeable to this Division,
so as to protect both the Rate-payers and the Labourers from undue competition
with strangers :and request the active co-operation of all classes to
enforce these regulations, and assist me in protecting OUR MUTUAL INTERESTS,
by preventing abuses, supporting our own poor, and thereby reducing
the taxation.
CROFTON M.VANDELEUR, Kilrush House, April 21st, 1850.
N.B.-Every pauper allowed to settle, may add £4 per Annum additional
to your Rates.
1850 Monday 13th MAY (CJ).
To the Editor of the Clare Journal
Dear Sir- As I see you have noticed the attack made upon me by the Freeman's
Journal for attempting to save myself and the inhabitants of this town
from the influx of strange paupers----as it cannot be supported by even
such humane men as the Editor of the Limerick Examiner and the Freeman's
Journal that a proprietor would quietly submit to have paupers of all
the neighbouring electoral divisions shipped on him and his tenants
without a struggle. Believe me to be Yours Faithfully--- Crofton Moore
1850 Monday 20th May (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians—Meeting on Saturday Col Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1850 Monday 27th May (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians—Meeting on Saturday Col Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1850 Monday 22nd July (CJ).
Kilrush School- We have been much gratified on several occasions in
visiting this school which is under the Board of Erasmus Smyth and on
which Colonel Vandeleur is a patron-------------The female school which
is under the immediate patronage of the Lady Grace Vandeleur and is
exclusively supported by her Ladyship------upwards of 100 children attend
this school.
1850 Monday 5th Aygyst (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians—Meeting on Saturday Col Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1850 Thursday 22nd August (CJ).
---Alleged case of illegal relief charged upon Mr Cox.
1850 Monday 26th August (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians—Meeting on Saturday Col Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1850 Monday 2nd September (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians—Meeting on Saturday Col Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1850 Thursday 5th September (CJ).
Riot in Kilrush Workhouse. Shortly after Colonel Vandeleur left the
Boardroom on yesterday a riot took place in the workhouse-------.
1850 Monday 16th September (CJ).
Kilrush Saturday September 14th: The Lord Bishop of Killaloe arrived
here on Wednesday evening by steamer---------they stayed at Kilrush
House where a select party had been invited by Colonel Vandeleur to
meet his Lordship ---------.
1850 Monday 21st October (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions: On the bench –Col Vandeleur and James
Little Esq. R M.
1850 Monday 11th November (CJ).
Kilrush Union.
Court on Queens Bench-Friday.
Criminal information-The Kilrush Union the Queen at the prosecution
of Crofton Moore Vandeleur Esq, a Arthur Edward Kennedy--------.
1850 Monday 16th December (CJ).
Our Kilrush correspondent states, “in a late number of the Journal
it was stated that Colonel Vandeleur and Lady Grace Vandeleur had left
Kilrush for Dublin”. I wish to correct this mistake as they and
family are at home as usual. Col Vandeleur is daily engaged at the workhouse
and among his tenantry and seldom leaves home unless on immediate business.
1851 Monday 3rd February (CJ).
Kilrush Union-meeting of the Board of Guardians-Col Vandeleur in the
Chair. Out-Door Relief: The Chairman proposed the following resolution
which was unanimously accepted: “That the Guardians with great
regret, are themselves compelled from increasing pressure and want of
accommodation to give out-door relief: and that they now confine it
to widows with two or more legitimate children, and to sick and infirm
people who are not able to be removed to the Workhouse.
1851 Monday 10th February (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions-- on the Bench Col Vandeleur------.
1851 Monday 24th February (CJ).
Clare Spring Assizes---Grand Jury: Col C M Vandeleur of Kilrush House—foreman.
1851 Thursday 20th March (CJ).
Kilrush Union the usual weekly meeting of the Guardians was held on
Saturday last. Col Vandeleur in the Chair. State of the Union: Number
of paupers in the various workhouses during the present week: 5185,
Number receiving out-door relief: 2249, Arrears of rates £2794-5s-3d.
The Chairman observed that it would be found that a large number of
those returned among the sick could not properly be considered belonging
to that class as a number of them had merely sore eyes---- but the best
proof that they ought not properly be enumerated on the sick list was
to be found in the fact that they were all placed on healthy diets.
He suggested that in future the numbers in the house should be classed
according to their diet. As to reports of medical men they were not
always the best criterion to judge by, as doctors were always anxious
to show that they had a great deal to do-----.
1851 Thursday 5th April (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions-- on the Bench Col Vandeleur------.
1851 Monday 7th April (CJ).
Special Meeting of the Board Guardians: Rev S G Osborne's letter to
the “Times”. A special meeting of the Kilrush Board of Guardians
was held on Thursday for the purpose of taking into consideration the
letters relative to the state of the Union, which have lately appeared
in the Times from the Rev S G Osborne------.Benjamin Cox Esq occupied
the Chair.
A letter was drafted to the editor of the Times and the following resolutions
were submitted to the Board. “The foregoing (letter) are simple
refutations of this gentleman's facts, as are our admission of suffering
and wretchedness---------. The question then arises why the philanthropy
of this newspaper letter writer should limit itself to the Union of
1851 Thursday 24th April (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: ---- Benjamin
Cox Esq, in the chair.
1851 Thursday 19th June (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: Col C M Vandeleur
D L Chairman.
1851 Monday 30th June (CJ).
The Marquis of Conyngham and daughters arrived at Kilkee on Thursday
to visit his estates in that neighbourhood. His Lordship was accompanied
by his agent Marcus Keane Esq.
1851 Thursday 10th July (CJ).
Clare Assizes—Grand Jury Col C M Vandeleur of Kilrush House-foreman.
1851 Monday 28th (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions—Col Vandeleur on the Bench.
1851 Thursday 7th August (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: ---- Col C M Vandeleur
D L Chairman. Emigration of female paupers. A large number of the female
inmates having selected for emigration---and 400 of this class now take
their departure for a foreign shore----...
1851 Monday 11th August (CJ).
Colonel Vandeleur a Captain Kennedy. In this case which was tried in
Cork on Saturday the jury did not agree and were discharged-------------.
1851 Monday 1st September (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: Col C M Vandeleur
D L in the chair.
1851 Thursday 11th September (CJ).
Lord and Lady Ebrington and suite have arrived at Kilrush House on a
visit to Col. and Lady Grace Vandeleur.
1851 Monday 20th October (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: Col C M Vandeleur
D L in the chair.
1851 Thursday 27th November (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions--- Col Vandeleur on the Bench---.
1851 Thursday 4th December (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: Col C M Vandeleur
D L in the chair.
1851 Thursday 18th December (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions--- Col Vandeleur on the Bench---.
1851 Monday 22nd December (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: Col C M Vandeleur
D L in the chair
1851 Monday 29th December (CJ)
Christmas Day in Kilrush Union Workhouse. ----It appears that when Col
Vandeleur and Richard N Donovan Esq with a few other guardians had visited
the Board Room on Christmas Eve it was proposed to them to give the
paupers a meat dinner, which they immediately agreed to------------.
1851 The wreck of the Edmond at
Kilkee (November 1850)[61]
In January 1851, the Royal National Institute for the Preservation of
Life from Shipwreck awarded silver medals and £7 each to the three
Coast Guard men who had done so much on that terrible night. A medal
was also awarded to Richard Russell and an award of £2 was given
to his servant, Henry Likely. The ship was a complete loss and the wreckage
was auctioned off for £180. Several unfortunates who were caught
taking property belonging to the passengers and ship from the beach
were given stiff prison sentences and others received fines of up to
£20 for concealing property from the wreckage. This was in sharp
contrast to the result of the case brought by Captain Wilson against
one prominent local magistrate accusing him of being party to the robbery
of a large amount of material from the wreck. The case was heard at
Kilkee in December 1850 and the court, which was presided over by Colonel
Vandeleur of Kilrush, included two relatives of the accused on the bench.
In spite of the fact that clear and conclusive evidence was given incriminating
the accused magistrate the court acquitted him and Colonel Vandeleur
ended the case by congratulating him on this happy vindication of his
1851 Ships Arriving at Quebec.[62]
Vessel |
Whence From |
Arrived |
Passengers |
By whom sent |
Primrose |
Limerick |
May 12 |
8+ |
Colonel Vandeleur |
Nereid |
Limerick |
July 19 |
6? |
Colonel Vandeleur |
1852 Thursday 8th January (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions---Col Vandeleur on the Bench
1851 Thursday 22nd January (CJ)
The Union of Kilrush (Editorial).
For years back the eyes of the Empire
have been directed towards the Union. Such thrilling accounts of famine,
disease and death were wafted about as it were on the breeze---such
an utter extirpation of its population was officially reported as having
been effected: such despotic landlords had there swayed the iron sceptre
of unremitting tyranny over the heads of their expiring victims--- or
rather had used the broom of destruction in sweeping themselves and
tens of thousand of its devoted population from the face of the earth.
--------------. Well: The census returns now published the dreadful
truth has at last burst forth to public view. And what do we find? Why
that in the famed -the notorious Union of Kilrush: the decrease in population
has been just 20% (the number being in 1841 was 64,129 and in 1851,
51,153) –whilst it has been fully one-third (and in some cases
more) in other Unions---. On that occasion when it was represented that
the Union was almost entirely depopulated Col Vandeleur gave it as his
opinion that the decrease (from all causes combined) could not at the
utmost exceed 25%. It is now proved that the Col Vandeleur was right.
----. Indeed the evidence of Col Vandeleur and Mr. Marcus Keane (gentlemen
of unimpeachable veracity) did much to dispel the delusions under which
many well-meaning people at this time laboured------.
(Statistics what they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal
is vital. A more accurate measure would be the reduction from 1847 to
1851. A conservative estimate for population of the Union of Kilrush
in 1847 would have been at least 15% greater than in 1841, which would
equate to over 73,000 therefore the reduction would have been over 22,000
or approximately 30%. Some estimates put the population in 1847 of the
Union at 100,000.[63])
1852 Monday 23rd February (CJ).
Clare Spring Assizes---- Grand Jury--- Col C M Vandeleur of Kilrush
House D L -foreman.
1852 Monday 8th March (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: ---- Col C M Vandeleur
D L in the chair State of the House: In the Workhouse on the 27th February
4017, admitted 104, discharged 39, born 1, died 10, remaining in the
Workhouse 4073. Weekly cost of each 12½d, fever hospital is 9d,
infirmary is 10¼d.
1852 Monday 29th March (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians first meeting of the newly elected
Board----The former chairman Col Vandeleur D L was unanimously elected
for the coming year.
1852 Monday 1oth May (CJ).
Colonel Vandeleur address. We present to our readers today the address
of Col Vandeleur of Kilrush to the electors of the County. ---as a matter
of course an address was expected from Col Vandeleur but we cannot help
thinking that any declaration of that gentleman's principles was wholly
unnecessary to the electors of Clare. They know his character well--.
1852 Monday 28th June (CJ).
Clare Summer Assizes—Grand Jury—Col C M Vandeleur of Kilrush
1852 Monday 30th August (CJ).
Kilrush Union Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday: Col C M Vandeleur
D L in the chair
1852 Thursday 2nd September (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions---magistrates presiding---Col Vandeleur D L.
1852 Thursday 9th December (CJ).
Col Vandeleur left on Tuesday for London.
1852 General Election.[64]
In the general election Vandeleur was defeated by only two votes for
the second seat. He then successfully appealed to a parliamentary committee
to have the election declared null and void. In the next election held
in the summer of 1853 Vandeleur was again defeated, this time more decisively.
1853 Thursday 13th January (CJ).
Kilrush Literary and Scientific Institute.
On the 24th ultimo, Dr John Barker commenced a course of lectures on
experimental philosophy in the market-house Kilrush, to a numerous and
respected audience. Col Vandeleur occupied the chair.
1853 Monday 14th February (CJ).
Kilrush Literary and Scientific Institute.
At the usual meeting of the Institute on the 4th instant the Secretary
read the following letters and handed in Colonel Vandeleur's cheque
for £5 the enclosure in that gentleman's letter. Sir, I have to
acknowledge the receipt of your letter enclosing the kind resolutions
of the members of the Institute to whom I beg you will express my thanks.
I shall be always most happy to assist them in promoting the course
of science and beg now to enclose my subscription which I shall have
much pleasure in continuing.
The Sec &c
Crofton Moore Vandeleur.
1853 Monday 21st February (CJ).
Clare Spring Assizes--------- Grand Jury, --------------- Col C M Vandeleur,
Kilrush House.
1853 Thursday 3rd March (CJ).
To the Editor of the Clare Journal: Emigration and Agriculture.
Sir, Where or when or what can stop the fearful emigration of this County-or
where shall we find labourers in the seed time? ------------- The friends
of many poor starved creatures, cottiers and labourers, whom Colonel
Vandeleur so generously sent out to America in 1848 and 1852 have been
for some time past remitting money to their relations in this parish,
and thus we are now daily losing all our servant boys and girls---------
I remain a worried farmer, Kilrush, 1st March 1853.
1853 Monday 21st March (CJ).
Kilrush Union- March 12th, State of the Workhouse:
In the House |
2757 |
Admitted |
93 |
Discharged |
100 |
Died |
8 |
Remaining |
2732 |
1853 Monday 20th June (CJ).
The Election: Meeting of the Roman Catholic Clergy.
---------We understand that they were unanimous in their opposition
to Colonel Vandeleur and in agreeing to give their support to the liberal
Kilrush Union------------State of the workhouse---------------remaining---2482.
1853 Thursday 23rd June (CJ).
A correspondent states that his (Crofton M Vandeleur) entry
into Kilrush on Tuesday was most triumphant. He was met by nearly 5,000
people and his canvass there was very successful----. The Roman Catholic
soldiers of Capt. Trevor's company 14th at Kilrush, where ordered out
of the chapel on Sunday last when the priest began to address his congregation
about the Clare Election.
1853 Thursday 7th July (CJ).
Clare Summer Assizes--- Grand Jury---Col Crofton Moore Vandeleur—foreman.
1853 Thurssday 21st July (CJ).
Kilrush Union: Board of Guardians meeting on Saturday--- Col Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1853 Thursday 4th August (CJ).
The Regatta at Kilrush: The Caroline yacht which is very tastefully
fitted out for the approaching regatta cruised down the river on yesterday
week, having its owner and his sons on board whose active patronage
of the approaching aquatic fete give éclat to every proceeding
connected therewith.
1853 Thursday 11th August (CJ).
Kilrush Union---Board of Guardians meeting-----Col Vandeleur in the
1853 Thursday 29th September (CJ).
Kilrush Union---Board of Guardians meeting-----Col Vandeleur in the
1853 Thursday 20th October (CJ).
Kilrush Union---Board of Guardians meeting-----Col Vandeleur in the
1853 Thursday 3rd November (CJ).
Kilrush Union---Board of Guardians meeting-----Col Vandeleur in the
1853 Thursday 19th November (CJ).
Kilrush Union---Board of Guardians meeting-----Col Vandeleur in the
1853 Thursday 1st December (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions---------on the Bench Colonel Vandeleur.
1853 Thursday 8th December (CJ).
Kilrush Union---Board of Guardians meeting-----Col Vandeleur in the
No references to Vandeleur in 1854
(It would appear that they were not in Kilrush)
1854 Monday 27th February (CJ).
Kilrush Union: State of the Workhouse-----------remaining 1597
1854 Thursday 14th August (CJ).
Kilrush Union: State of the Workhouse-----------remaining 1445.
1854 Thursday 21st September (CJ).
Kilrush Union: State of the Workhouse-----------remaining 1011.
1855 Thursday 4th January (CJ).
Local Intelligence.
Clare Militia, -------------appointed Colonel C.M. Vandeleur: Lieut.
Col. Francis McNamara.
1855 Monday 29th January (CJ).
Kilrush Union:
To be let or the interest sold the concerns at present occupied as an
auxiliary workhouse at Leadmore.
And capable of containing 1400 persons these premises were originally
used as a distillery and comprise a large double store, in thorough
repair: Dwelling house, offices, garden and lawn suitable for a private
residence: and the distillery and quay containing over 200sq ft.
The concerns are held under a lease dated 27th January 1849, for a term
of 930 years with a three months clause of surrender subject to a yearly
rent of £150.
The premises are situate at the mouth
of the creek of Kilrush Harbour and are admirably adopted for corn provision
or distillery trade. A large sum has been expended by the guardians
in the improvement of the concerns, which are in thorough order and
Any further information required will be afforded an application at
my office here.
E.J. Kennedy, Clerk of the Union. 4th September 1854.
(The sea-weed factory premises beside the Kilrush marina….
see the inscription on the factory wall)
1855 Monday 26th February (CJ).
Ennis Assizes.
Court House Ennis- On Friday the Grand Jury was sworn at 2 o'clock pm.
before Capt. C. G. O’Callaghan, High Sheriff in the Clare Court-
the following answered their names,
Foreman-Col...Vandeleur, Kilrush House-----.
1855 Thursday 15th March (CJ).
Col. Vandeleur, who has been with the Clare Militia since being embodied,
left Clare Castle on Saturday for Leamington.
1855 Kilrush Convent.[65]
------The people of West Clare had spoken through their generous contributions.
They wanted the Sisters of Mercy in their midst. Meanwhile several practical
issues had to be addressed. One of these was the problem of accommodation
for the Sisters. Colonel Crofton Moore Vandeleur, the local landlord
whose ancestors had planned and executed the orderly development of
the town, had donated a site for the parish Church in 1839. Hoping that
he would be equally generous on this occasion. Richard Foley, on behalf
of the Convent Committee, wrote to him in Baden, Germany, outlining
the proceedings of earlier meetings and requesting a site for a convent.
However, he refused to grant a site. On his return to Kilrush he was
unwilling to meet a delegation. This refusal angered the townspeople
and when a meeting was being held in the Protestant Church a sizeable
crowd gathered outside booing and hissing. There was some commotion,
the riot act was read and one man was taken to the Bridewell but was
later rescued by an irate crowd.
It was then proposed to build the Convent in the Chapel yard but before
making a final decision the Committee decided that a delegation of his
friends should call on Vandeleur in the name of all the Catholics of
Kilrush. Michael McInerney, Daniel Bulger, Michael Mescall, Batt Glynn,
Denis Hynes, Charles McDonnell and Joseph McMahon pleaded their cause
but to no avail. Vandeleur still refused, giving as his reason the opposition
he met from the priests of Clare in past elections. He also felt that
the Jesuit Fathers were brought in to undermine his influence and even
suggested, “that Kilrush did not need nuns except for the honour
and glory of it”. Furthermore if the parish priest built the convent
in the Chapel yard he would eject him. -----------------.
In June 1861 Colonel Vandeleur, accompanied
by Fr. Kelly and Dr. William Foley, visited the community in Frances
St. After some preliminary conversation he addressed the Sisters: Ladies,
the object of my visit at this early hour is to present a site for the
new convent and I have come prepared to leave the choice entirely to
yourselves. He then pointed out three sites and, after a few moments
in reflection, all were unanimous in their choice. The lease, later
presented by Vandeleur read: --- I, Colonel Vandeleur, give for the
purpose of a convent a site as described on the map, 300 feet in front
by 400 feet in depth, which convent when erected to be used by the Sisters
of Mercy, at a yearly rent of five shillings for a term of 999 years.
In 1897 with permission from Hector Vandeleur the grounds in front were
extended and a boundary wall erected.
1855 Thursday 10th May (CJ).
Board of Guardians;
Saturday May 5th in the Chair. Col C.M. Vandeleur.
1855 Monday 23rd July (CJ).
Kilrush and Kilkee Railway.
A meeting of the provisional committee and promoters of this project
which was numerously and respectably attended was held in the Court
House of Kilrush on Tuesday 10th inst. among those present were Col.
C.M. Vandeleur, D.L., H.T. Burton, D.L., James Studdert, J.P., Richard
Studdert, J.P., Dr Donovan, J.P., R.H. Borough, J.P., Francis N. Keane,
J.P., Messrs Matt Kelly, manager National Bank, John Kelly and Wm Blair,
Bryan Purcell, W.M. Blennerhasset, Benjamin Cox, John McDonnell, Thomas
Studdert and several other influential residents and traders both in
Kilrush and Kilkee. The Chair was taken by Crofton Moore Vandeleur.
--------Col Vandeleur then addressed the
meeting at some length in support of the railway, which he said would
be highly beneficial both to Kilrush and Kilkee particularly to the
latter town which was rapidly rising in public estimation as a watering
place, but the progress of which was materially retarded by the difficulty
of reaching it from Kilrush.
1856 Thom’s Dublin Directory.
Rutland Square east, 4 Crofton Vandeleur, valuation £155.
Rutland Square east, 13 Col John Vandeleur, valuation £95.
1856 Monday 28th January (CJ).
Kilrush Board of Guardians—in the Chair Thomas Chambers Esq D
V C and subsequently Colonel C M Vandeleur D L.
1856 Monday 18th February (CJ).
Col. and Lady Grace Vandeleur left Kilrush House on Monday for their
residence at 4 Rutland Square, Dublin.
Active exertions are being used by the inhabitants of Kilrush to establish
public markets on a larger scale in their town and also to increase
the numbers of fairs held there throughout the year.
1856 Monday 28th April (CJ).
Kilrush Workhouse--------------remaining 723.
1856 Monday 28th April (CJ).
Lady Grace Vandeleur Soirée Dansante:
Lady Grace Vandeleur entertained a large and fashionable company on
Thursday evening at number 4 Rutland Square. The Soirée was of
the most brilliant character and the elite of the rank and fashion now
in the metropolis having honoured her Ladyship on the occasion. Dancing
was kept up with great spirit until a early dawn. There were about two
hundred present. The following were among the company that attended:
Earl and Countess Clonmel, Lord Bellew and the Hon. Miss Bellew, Lord
and Lady Clanmorris and the Hon. Miss Persse, Lord Kilmaine and Lady
Kilmaine and the Hon. Miss Browne, Sir Hugh and Lady Dillon Massy, Lady
Barrington, Lady Fanny Cole and the Misses Cole, Lady Avonmore and the
Misses Yelverton, Lady Louth, Lady Janet Waldron and Miss Waldron, Sir
Thomas and Lady Grisley, Hon., Mrs Catherine and Miss Catherine? Colonel
Vandeleur,Mrs Vandeleur and the Misses Vandeleur. Col. and Mrs Graham,
Mr Barrington and the Misses Barrington, Hon. Col. Lowther and Miss
Lowther, Col. Plunkett, Col Wood, Col. Doyle, Major Massy and Miss Bellew,
Major Dickson, Mrs Whyte, Mrs Baggot, Captain Monck, Captain Walmesley,
the Hon. Mrs and Misses Handcock, Hon. Mrs Whyte &c &c.
1856 Monday 26th May (CJ).
A large and interesting meeting of the inhabitants and trades of Kilrush
(Admiral Studdert in the Chair) was being held last week for the purpose
of establishing packets for the conveyance of goods to and from Limerick
and Kilrush. The utmost unanimity prevailed. Shares to the amount of
£500 were subscribed for, a committee was formed, officers appointed
and the “Jessy” purchased from Mr. Blair.
1856 Monday 23rd June (CJ).
Lady Grace and Miss Vandeleur had dinner with the Lord Lieutenant on
1856 Monday 7th July (CJ).
Ennis Summer Assizes----------Grand Jury-Col C M Vandeleur Kilrush House—foreman.
1857 Monday 19th January (CJ).
Festivities at Kilrush House. (From our special reporter).
--------- On making enquiries – the rejoicing which was to take
place in consequence of Lieutenant Hector S Vandeleur the eldest son
of Col and Lady Grace Vandeleur coming of age on Sunday next were to
be spread over three days instead of taking place on that day. The programme
of the proceedings run as follows:
Great Ball and supper this evening at Kilrush House to which all the
nobility and gentry----.
Tomorrow evening another Ball and supper to which the tradesmen of the
town and the household will join in---.
On Saturday –general holiday games,
illuminations, fireworks &c--- on which I enclose a printed prospectus.
The Ball was attended by Lord Dunboyne,
The Hon. Miss Butler, Knappogue Castle---------.
(Three newspaper columns are then taken up describing the festivities
under the following headings) Rustic Games: Donkey Race: Foot Race:
The Labourers Dinner: The Fireworks: The Illuminations: Torchlight Procession.
1857 Monday 23rd February (CJ).
Clare Spring Assizes: Grand Jury-- Col C M Vandeleur-foreman.
1857 Thursday 14th May (CJ).
94th Clare Militia: An elegant gold watch bearing the following inscription
“Presented to Sergeant Major Hewson by Colonel Vandeleur, Lt Col.
MacNamara and the officers of the Clare Militia” was presented
to this non-commissioned-officer at the Club-House on the 13th inst.
1857 Thursday 9th July (CJ).
Clare Summer Assizes—Grand Jury- Col C M Vandeleur – foreman.
1858 Thursday 7th January (CJ).
Second annual meeting of the Kilrush Gas Company--- accounts showing
a profit of £150-4-7½. Signed: William Foley M D and Michael
McDonnell Secretary.
1858 Monday 22nd February (CJ).
Clare Spring Assizes: Grand Jury –Col C M Vandeleur – Grand
1858 Monday 22nd March (CJ).
Kilrush Union---------------Number of inmates 414.
1858 Thursday 15th April (CJ).
Kilrush Union: Col. C M Vandeleur JP DL, Richard Studdert Esq JP, Thomas
Studdert Esq, having been respectively proposed and seconded for the
office of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Deputy Vice Chairman were unanimously
re-elected for the coming year.
The following gentlemen were appointed members of the finance committee
Col CM Vandeleur----.
1858 Thursday 3rd June (CJ).
We understand Col Vandeleur will arrive at his residence Kilrush House
on tomorrow from Dublin.
1858 Thursday 10th June (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions: Magistrates present---Col C M Vandeleur chairman.
1858 Monday 21st june (CJ).
Kilrush Petty Sessions: Magistrates present---Col C M Vandeleur chairman.
1858 Monday 8th August (CJ).
The Clare Militia: Our Regiment underwent inspection in the barrack
square on Friday morning at 11 o'clock by Col. Stack Commandant of the
Depot Battalion at Limerick---Col Vandeleur, Lieut. Col. MacNamara and
the officers of the regiment were present--.
1858 Thursday 28th October (CJ).
Kilrush Workhouse----------------------inmates 270.
1858 Thursday 11th November (CJ).
Killadysert Petty Sessions: Adjourned Road Sessions: -- Col C M Vandeleur
in the Chair.
1858 Thursday 11th November (CJ).
On Tuesday a very influential meeting was held in Kilrush at Smiths
Hotel respecting the proposed line of railway between Kilrush and Kilkee---
Col Vandeleur in the Chair.
1858 Clare Journal November 18th
At Cappa Lodge, Kilrush, Mr. Samuel Lomas, former proprietor of the
Vandeleur Arms Hotel.
(See Appendix 3 Vandeleur Leases for Kilrush 24th
March 1818 & 25th February 1835).
1858 Monday 22nd November (CJ).
Kilrush Board of Guardians—Saturday. Col. C M Vandeleur in the
1858 Monday 13th December (CJ).
Kilrush v Ennis. In our columns will be found a report of the Kilrush
Gas Company in which they have declared a dividend of 5% though paying
a £1 per ton for coal. This is an extraordinary feat and highly
creditable to the Kilrush Company and its officials ---the same exerts
would follow in Ennis and would say to our company “go and do
1859 Thursday 17th February (CJ)
Proceedings at the Kilrush Union-Colonel Vandeleur occupying the chair.
--The Board after some discussion ordered the Matron to be prosecuted
and passed a resolution calling on the Clerk to resign. ----------and
also passed a vote of thanks to the Chairman Colonel Vandeleur for the
care and attention he has bestowed on the affairs of the Union.
1859 Thursday 24th February (CJ).
Clare Spring Assizes. Grand Jury---Col.C.M. Vandeleur Kilrush House----.
1859 Monday 7th March (CJ).
Kilrush Union-Saturday. Guardians present: Ex-officio-Colonel Vandeleur
presiding, Henry S Burton, Jonas Studdert, Admiral Studdert, Richard
Studdert, R H Borough S O'Gorman and Thomas Keane Esqs.
1859 Monday 2nd May (CJ).
Great demonstration in Kilrush in favour of Colonel Vandeleur. On Saturday
evening Colonel Vandeleur accompanied by Henry S Burton Esq Carrigaholt
Castle arrived in Kilrush amidst the acclamation of the assembled thousands
who for some time were anxiously waiting his arrival from Ennis. The
gallant Colonel was met at Tullycrine school-house by upwards of 5000
people and the horses were taken from the carriage which was drawn into
town five miles distant by the people. On his arrival in sight of the
town the enthusiasm of the multitude knew no bounds. After some time
the cheering subsided when the Colonel addressed the people from his
carriage, by whom his remarks were most enthusiastically received. They
were subsequently addressed by Dr. Foley and Mr. Moody. We needlessly
add that from Loophead to Clonderlaw Bay the Colonel will have immense
support as the tenants and farmers and people in that extensive district
are well aware of the deep interest the gallant Colonel has taken in
the improvement of his vast estate. In truth the happy and prosperous
condition of his own tenantry amongst which he spends his life and fortune
is the best commentary upon his character as a good landlord and fit
representative for his native county.
1859 Monday 9th May (CJ).
County Election-Saturday. The Nomination ---- Ennis. -----The Rev Daniel
Corbett PP of Quinn on coming forward to propose Francis McNamara Calcutt
was received with great cheering---- (Cheers for Colonel White groans
and cries of “We will hear everyone but Vandeleur, let him go
home we don't want him”) --- (Cheers and cries of “Turn
out Vandeleur the stirabout eater”) While for even cheers for
Calcutt then turn out Vandeleur the souper. A voice-”we don't
want Vandeleur the Sixmilebridge murderer; turn out the assassin the
souper”. A voice-”Vandeleur what about Shanakyle?”
(Uproar) A voice- “We won't have Vandeleur the assassin”
(continued uproar). Another voice-”go home Vandeleur”. --------------
Captain George O'Callaghan rose to propose Colonel Vandeleur but such
was the din and uproar that prevailed he was totally inaudible. Dr.
Foley seconded –Colonel Vandeleur.
1859 Thusday 12th May (CJ).
Election Result: Vandeleur 3829, White 2234, Calcutt 1999.
1859 Thursday 9th June (IT).
Elvidge's Royal Hotel, Kildare Street: Arrivals-------Mrs Captain Vandeleur
and suite--------.
1859 Monday 5th December (CJ).
Hector Vandeleur Esq, Rifle Brigade eldest son and heir of Colonel Vandeleur
M P is at present on a visit to Kilrush House. Colonel C M Vandeleur
M P family and suite arrived at Kilrush House on Tuesday 28th ult. We
are happy to announce that the gallant and honourable member is in excellent