Clare County Library
Clare Genealogy

Donated Material: Graveyard Inscriptions
Kilchreest, Clondagad and Killea Graveyards, Ballynacally

Transcription Project

In 2008-2009, members of Ballynacally I.C.A. (Irish Countrywomens’ Association) in association with the Heritage Council of Ireland, decided that they would take on the project of transcribing and publishing details of the gravestones and burial plots in 3 graveyards in the parish - those of Kilchreest, Clondegad and Killea. Maps and photographs where possible would also be included.

Four volunteers from the I.C.A. undertook this project. Kilchreest was divided into 5 sections and the old church was the sixth section. Clondegad was divided into two sections - left of the main entrance and right of the main entrance. In Killea the work began at the entrance gate and the ladies worked from left to right.

Mr. P.J. Carmody of Clare County Council assisted with the map making and aerial photographs.As part of Heritage Week 2010 it is proposed to conduct a guided walk for the public through the cemeteries. Interesting burial plots will be pointed out and knowledge shared with all present.

For financial assistance towards the costs associated with this project we gratefully acknowledge the contribution of The Heritage Council who gave support through its 2009 grant scheme.

In April 2014 burials which had taken place since the original survey were added to this website.

The correct copying of inscriptions from old gravestones is fraught with difficulties. It is inevitable that mistakes will occur. While every effort has been made to record the individual gravestones as accurately as possible, Ballynacally I.C.A. wishes to apologise to any individual or family whose family records ware recorded in error. Should any family or individual become aware of errors to these records, Ballynacally I.C.A. can be contacted through its secretary, who will make every effort to correct same.

Ballynacally I.C.A. wishes to thank the following people for their assistance in compiling this survey:
The following involved in transcribing and recording the inscriptions:

Mary Hill
Mary Hester
Mary Gavin
Mary Hogan

Mr. Martin O’Sullivan, Lisheen
Ms. Noelle Fitzpatrick - Photographer
Mr. P.J. Carmody - Design Section, Clare Co. Council
Mr. Larry Brennan - Clare Roots Society
The staff of the Local Studies Centre, Ennis
The staff at Clare Youth Service
The Heritage Council of Ireland

<< Kilchreest Graveyard, Ballynacally
<< Clondagad Graveyard
<< Killea Graveyard, Clondagad