Clare County Library
Clare Genealogy

Donated Material: Graveyard Inscriptions
Mountshannon RC Church and Graveyard

Main family names:

Mountshannon RC Church and Graveyard Inscriptions
1869 to 2007
Transcriptions from Headstones and Windows
Clare County Library Photographic Archive
Tom McDowell, U.K.

First name
Death date
Birth date
Home area
Hely Thomas Henry Reverend June 1st, 1869 32 1837 Erected by John Hely of Stone Park, Nengah in memory of his beloved son the Rev Thomas Henry Hely, C.C. who died at Whitegate 1st June 1869 aged 32 years. May he rest in peace. Stone Park, Nenagh Wall plaque erected by his father, John Hely
Bugler James         Erected by James Bugler Bowriver in memory of his deceased relatives. Bowriver Inscription on stained glass window
Lynch Michael & Mrs         Erected by Michael and Mrs Lynch in memory of their deceased relatives.   Inscription on stained glass window
Geoghean Thomas         Erected by Thomas Geoghegan in memory of his father and mother and beloved wife.   Inscription on stained glass window
McKenna Timothy & Mrs         Erected by Timothy and Mrs McKenna in memory of their relatives.   Inscription on stained glass window
Bugler John         Erected by John Bugler, Kilrateera in memory of his deceased relatives. Kilrateera Inscription on stained glass window
O'Halloran Mrs         Erected by Mrs O'Halloran, Clonamerrin in memory of her deceased relatives. Clonamerrin Inscription on stained glass window
Allen Dennis         Erected by Denis Allen, Derryoran in memory of his deceased relatives. Derryvoran Inscription on stained glass window
O'Brien Patrick         Erected by Patrick O'Brien, Maghersigh in memory of his deceased relatives. Maghersigh? Inscription on stained glass window
Minogue Michael         Erected by Michael Minogue Derryvoran in memory of his deceased relatives. Derryvoran Inscription on stained glass window
Crowe Daniel Very Reverend April 27, 1973     Very Rev Daniel F Crowe, deceased native of Ruan Co. Clare. Ordained 1911. Parish priest of the parish of Clonrush from 1939 to 1969. Died on the 21 day of April, 1973. R.I.P. Ruan, County Clare Ordained in 1911. Parish Priest of Clonrush from 1939 - 1969.
Vaughan Michael Very Reverend January 14, 1939     Pray for the repose of the soul of Very Rev Michael Vaughan, P.P. Clonrush. Died January 14th 1939.   Parish Priest of Clonrush
McNamara Thomas V Very Reverend February 12, 1997 81 1916 Very Rev Thomas V MacNamara P.P. Mountshannon- Whitegate 1973 -1986 died 12th Feb 1997 aged 81 years. Rest in peace.   Parish Priest of Mountshannon - Whitegate
Minogue Liam A Reverend Monsignor March 6, 2007 64 February 7, 1943 In prayerful rememberance of the Reverend Monsignor Liam A Minogue Mountshannon born February 7th 1943, ordained June 8th 1968, died March 16th 2007. Pastor of Mary Mother of God Church, Hillsborough, New Jersey, USA. May he rest in peace. Mountshannon Ordained June the 8th, 1968. Pastor of Mary Mother of God Church, Hillsborogh, New Jersey, USA


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