for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland Journals 1888-1916 |
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Clareabbey Parish
1897, Vol. III (3). Killoe Church “Here lies the body of Col. HENRY STAMER, | GEORGE STAMER, of Carnelly | HONORA STAMER alias O’BRIEN his | wife and WILLIAM STAMER their | son by whose order this monument | is erected, Died 18th of July 1785 Aged 35 much lamented | by his friends and country. | Here also lies the body of GEORGE WILLIAM STAMER | who died 26 Novr. 1817 aged 16 days. | And of Lieut.-Col. | GEORGE WILLIAM STAMER who departed this life April 24th 1819 | aged 34 years.” 1900, Vol. IV (2), part 2 Abbey of SS. Peter and Paul of the Fergus, alias
Clare Abbey. In Nave:— 1. A slab with plain Calvary cross and no inscription. Under Belfry:— 11. Ancient and neatly moulded tomb in N. Recess. No
inscription. Nave:— 15. “God rest the soul of HONORA HAW 1787 by MATHEW
HAW.” In Cloister:— 18. “LUKE WALL ESQRE d : 9th
April 1790 aged 71 erected by his wife Mrs Catherine Wall also MRS CATHERINE
WALL Ma (sic) 20th 1826 the relict of Richard Wall
of Ennis Esqre.” This interesting ruin has been recently conserved, and
the interior cleared of bushes and rubbish. 1901, Vol. V (1) part 1 Clare Abbey. Clare Abbey lies a mile to the south of Ennis; the ruins are extensive, and are in charge of the Board of Works. Strange to say, there are no remains of any altar-tombs, or monuments of any interest, which one would have expected to find in the church of this Abbey, which was founded in 1195, by Donnell O’Brien, King of Thomond (Monasticon). All the inscriptions given below are incised, and copied from headstones or slabs lying inside the Abbey church. IHS IHS “Here : lies : ye : Body : of : DENNIS : NASH ship carpenter : who : dep | arted : this : life : ye : 2nd : Day : of : 9ber : Anno : Domini : 1737 : Aged : 41 (?) years.” IHS IHS IHS IHS Under the east window a modern altar-tomb stands on a flat inscribed slab, entirely hiding the inscription, except for a letter or two; it bears the following:— “Sacred to the Memory of SUSAN LAFFAN Relict of JOHN LAFFAN of Claremount Esqr who died at LAHINCH in this County on the 10th day of May 1852 Aged 59 years. ‘Though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death I will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and thy Staff they comfort me.’ This Tomb has been erected to her Memory by her son Captain ROBERT LAFFAN of the ROYAL ENGINEERS. Here also are interred her father PETER KERIN who died October the 11th 1810 Aged 70 years. And her brother TERENCE KERIN who died July the 11th 1812 Aged 27 years. May they rest in peace.” By the side of the above altar-tomb is a flat headstone, bearing this inscription:— “Deaths our End and | to the grave we go, | But Where or When | no Man can tell or know. | Here lies the Body of | DENNS FLIN who departed | this Life ye 27th June 1755 | aged 71 years | Erected by his son JOHN FLIN.” On what was a mural tablet, now lying on the ground near the central tower, is inscribed in lightly incised lettering:— “THIS TOMB WAS ERECTED BY SAMVELL BVRTON ESQR FOR HIMSELF AND FAMILY WHO DESCENDED FROM THE HOVSE OF LONGNOR IN ST CHADES PARISH. SHROPSHIRE. 1679.” In a corner of the west end of the church is a modern altar-tomb, dated 1838, belonging to the LILLIS family. There are also headstones of the nineteenth century to the families of NEALANS, HASSETS, TORPYS, COSTELLOS, DOONILYS, &c. 1902, Vol. V (2) Clare Abbey. “THIS TOMB WAS ERECTED BY SAMVELL BURTON ESQ FOR HIMSELF AND FAMILY WHO DESCENDED FROM THE HOVSE OF LONGNOR IN ST CHADE’S PARISH IN SHROPSHIRE 1679” He was ancestor of the Burtons, of Buncraggy and Carrigaholt, for which see Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, vol. xx (1890)—T. J. Westropp. 1905, Vol. VI (2) Clare Abbey. Here lies the body of | Luke Wall Esq who depar
| ted this life the 23d of April | 1790 Aged 71 years | Erected
by his widow | Alicia Wall | Also the remains of | Mrs Catherine
Wall | who depd this life Mar | 20th
1826 Aged 67 | Yrs Relict of the late Richard Wall of Ennis
| Esq & daughter to the | late Valentine Quin of | Rosbrien in the
County | of Limerick Esq. |
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