for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead, Ireland Journals 1888-1916 |
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Kilfenora Parish
1892, Vol. II (1) Kilfenora Churchyard. I. “DONALDUS MACDONAGH et uxor ejus MARIA O’CONOR
sibi et suis ambobus posteris hunc tumulum fieri fecere An Dni 1685. Translation. I. “Donald Macdonagh and his wife Maria O’Conor
caused this monument to be made for themselves and for their posterity,
on both sides, A.D. 1685. Crest—A gauntleted hand holding a sword
with serpent twined round blade. Tomb within church, north wall, son buried in same tomb. Inscription (English) below, now concealed by pew:— “JAMES MACDONOGH built well near Church,” with following inscription: “Deo et B. Fechnano hoc opusculum fundavit DONALDUS MACDONOGH licentia et permissione Episcopi Fineborensis 15 Ano Dni 1687.” Translation. II. In churchyard, near south wall of chancel:— “Non quem quam defraudavi, me soepe fefelli. I have not deceived anyone, I have often patronised [faction]
fights and bouts of drinking. III. North wall of chancel, tomb of Dean Blood, who presented Communion plate:— “Homo quasi flos egreditur et fugit velut umbra. The Blood Monument. Man as the flower groweth up and passes away as a shadow. Thus silently have passed even the dear pledges of love to parents whose sorrowful hearts are tortured with grief. If you would seek the names of these and the dates of their death, lo! the lines which are below tell thee all—Namely—NEPTUNE, son of the REVD. NEPTUNE BLOOD, Dean of Finebor [Kilfenora?], and his wife ISABELLA BLOOD, otherwise PULLEIN, who died on the 1st July, 1683, aged 13; also ELIZABETH B[LOOD], who died 21 September, 1688, aged 6. JOHN B. who died 17 May, 1694, aged 5 years; also the aimable DEBORA B, who died 5th of June, 1695, aged 9. Also THEODOSIA B., who died 20 April, 1699, aged 13 years; also the dutiful and clever youth WILLIAM B., who died 13th March, 1699, aged 16; also LEPEDUS NEPTUNUS, who died 30 day of March, 1700, in the 8th year of his age, and these are buried here below. IV. Under shrine in chancel, flat stone, head to west. Inscription deeply cut around margin beginning at west:— “Here lyeth the body of HY GATEL, one who lived 21 yeares deane of this Church and died in September 1638.” V. Altar-tomb, four panels, in chancel near nave, south side. Inscription cut in relief:— “WILLIAM MAGENCHARIG l(?) and his wife ELIZ. MEDEA (?) made this tombe anno Dni 1650.” Also in chancel, south side, head to east, effigy of a priest holding a chalice, on a flat stone. No inscription. The following imperfect inscription is given as far as is possible:— “Beneath lie the remains of MRS. BRIDGET LYSAGHT,
alias JORDAN and of J. . . [broken] the beloved wife and child of DANL
LYSAGHT, a tribute of respect paid to their memory by a kind husband and
fond parent, both of whom died in 18[4?]3. Seward says of this place that the cathedral is very ancient, but in good repair; the nave is full of old family monuments, and in the choir is that of St. Fechran, its original founder, having the effigies (sic) of the saint carved at full length. “Here are also seven crosses, each of which is formed of a single stone, and ornamented with very antient sculpture.” 1897, Vol. III (3) Kilfenora Cathedral “Here lies the body | of JOHN NEVLAN who | dyed
the 27 of July | 1718 Aged 24. In the nave is the Macdonough Tomb. |
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