Journal [of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland],
1893, p. 78.
2. Theiner’s
Monumenta, p. 218; Cal. Papal Letters, Regesta Hon.,
iii., 1217, p. 50; and Journal [of the Royal Society of Antiquaries
of Ireland], 1893, p. 190.
3. “Collectanena
de rebus Monast. Hiberniæ,” MSS. T[rinity] C[ollege] D[ublin],
F. 1. 15.
4. Funeral Entries
Ulster’s Office. The only relevant entry relating to the monastery
in the middle of the century is “Balliloughfadda north, being abbey
lands, belonging to the Abbey of Clare”—“Book of Distribution,”
pp. 316, 317 (1655).
5. MSS. T[rinity]
C[ollege] D[ublin], E. 3. 15.
6. Grose’s
Ireland vol. ii., Pl. vIII., p. 80.
7. Previous accounts
in Diocese of Killaloe, p. 491; Journal R.S.A.I., 1891,
p. 410; Towers and Temples, p. 374.
8. “Older Annals
of Inisfallen” (old translation), T.C.D.
9. O’Daly’s
“Satirical Poem on the Tribes of Ireland,” p. 41.
10. Told me, when a
boy, by an ancient retainer of the Stacpooles of Edenvale, John (Shaneen)
O’Halloran, whose ripe old age of over 80 years, at his death, was
magnified to 110 years by the local press.
11. The floor is paved
with numerous tombstones, dating from 1760 to the present century. The
names of the following families appear:—Commane, Conden, Corbett,
Cusack, Daly, Donnelly, Egan, Galvin, Lillis, MacInerney, Molony, Neagle,
O’ Falvy, O’Keefe, Power, Ready, and others.
12. We found a
wild duck’s nest within the ruin on the occasion of our first visit.
13. Ossianic Society,
vol. iv., p. 303.
14. Towers and
Temples of Ireland. Report of Board of Works, 1879-80. In
other respects the elevations in the latter work are excellent
15. I must thank
Mr. James Mills, Deputy Keeper of the Records, for assistance with documents
relating to the ruins; and Mr. Richard Stacpoole, Miss Gwendoline Stacpoole,
not only for photographic and other help, but for notes on the conditions
and repairs of Killone and Clare during their restoration.