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Chancery Pleadings for County Clare 1584 - 1637

Chancery Pleadings were statements heard by the Lord Chancellor or his deputies in the court of Chancery concerning disputes over inheritance, wills, ownership of properties, debts and marriage settlements. The procedure involved gathering written statements and evidence from the parties to a case. Chancery Pleadings are a major resource for social and economic history.

Only a small number (c.4,000) of the vast amount of original Irish Chancery Pleadings survived the Four Courts fire in Dublin in 1922, many of them damaged. These surviving pleadings are held in the National Archives of Ireland where they are available for research. A list of abstracts of these pleadings has been compiled by Professor K.W. Nicholls for the National Archives as a finding aid and guide to the originals. We give here the 59 County Clare entries in that list, which date from 1584 to 1637, with a link to scans of Professor Nicholl’s calendar. All parentheses in the text are Professor Nicholls. Where we were unable to decipher the text, we have used a question mark within square brackets: [?].

Clare County Library would like to thank Luke McInerney for supplying us with the scans of the Chancery Pleadings, and to the National Archives and Professor K.W. Nicholls for permission to use them.

Series A.

P. 3, No. 22 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Edmond Boorke fitzWater of Castelingearty, co. Limerick. His father Water McRickerd Boorke was seised of Ballyvricken containing 2 parts of a pld., and deed, when premisses descended to Edmond who was seised thereof as also of Cahirley, Ballyhobyne, and Ballihey, containing 1½ plds, till Tirrelagh O Hein, David O Hein, Flanne O Hein, Flahy McClanghy, Gullyduff McClanghy, Edmond McCahir and Donnell O B. ( ) entered, 10 Sept. 1584, and disseissed him.

P. 12, No. 101 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Christopher Everard of Moywany, co. Clare v William Duff of Dublin, butcher, re debt.

P. 32, No. 226 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Shane mcNemara Fin, Chief of this name (William Neyland) of Knockugan, Co. Clare, gent. came to Kilbreackan and wrongfully took away 5 ricks of oats and barley, and likewise took away from suppliant’s towns of ( )urry, Crattellagh, and Rathnellan, 4 worth 30/s each and 50 sheep (damaged) (Shane Neyland also mentioned).

P. 42, No. 291 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Richard Spurlock of Dirawen, co. Clare, gent. He was seised these 7 years past of the Rectory of Dromcrief and Kilvally, alias Ogormicke, by demise from William O Costely, parson of the same. Now one Donagh mcSwyne of Tramro and Dermot O Herny have obtained, by false information, the administration thereof from the Prerogative Court dated ‘3 Nov. 1063.

Series B

P. 1, No. 5 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donoghe Earle of Thomond v Tirlaghe mcTeige mcConnor O Brien of Bealachorick, who had disseised him of the Monastery of Ellaneganaghe, co. Clare (T. mc T. died 1589)

P. 7, No. 51 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Boetius Clancy of Cnockfinne, co. Clare, gent. and Oncry ny Mahoune widow of Boetius Clancy the elder, exrs. of the will of said Boetus the elder v William Neillane of Dromcrihy, Donough O Loghlen of Ballyenfynde and Conor Waghery of Kearukeill in said co. gents re debt.

P. 14, No. 111 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Francis Dawes of Caffly, Shropshire and Richard Rae of Bridgnorth in the said Co. v. Daniell O’Brien of Carrowduff, co. Clare, Donnagh O’Brien, John Comyne and Laughline Oge O Hara, the said Daniell was seised of the Castle town and lands of Carrowduff, and by his lease of July 1637, demised to orators, their exrs. and aa., all the Castle, town and lands of Carrowduffe, containing 2 qrs. or 2 plds., vizt. the quarter myer or cartron belonging to the said castle, the quartermyer or cartron commonly called Knocknebaniffe, the ha. qr of Derrileigh, the cartron of carrowmyre of Killnoe the half quarter or half p;oughland of Magherie and Bobolloge, and the cartron of Craigneboye and Knockarronish, all in the parish of Rath and barony of Insequine, co. Clare, to hold for 31 years paying for the first three years, £120, at the perfection of the lease, and for the 4th year, £26:13:4d., and thereafter £40 per annum. Now the said Daniell, Donnagh, John and Laughline oge trouble and annoy Francis Dawes and Richard Rae in their possession, (lengthy with many details of outrages and annoyances against Francis Dawes and Richard Rae).

P. 15, No. 112 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
John Davis of Croghan, co. Clare, gent. and Anye his wife,, (daughter of John Gaydon late of Dublin, alderman deceased, v Nicholas Gaydon (son and heir of said John Gaydon)) and Nicholas Quoytrode, re dowey of Anye unpaid.

P. 33, No. 228 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donnogh mcInerinyhein of Carrigauran, gent. His father, Laughlin mcInery, was seised of Ballikillie, Ballisallaghbegg, Leaghkearrowegteragh, containing 4 qrs. of land and two mills in the co. of Clare and Barony of Bunratty and enjoyed the same peaceably till he was murdered by Mahowne mcInerry of Knockslotterie and Melmorry mcEdmonde, Galligalss, brother-in-law to the said Mahoune, on the 1st February 1573, Orator being then of the age of 5 years or thereabouts. The premises descended to Orator as son and heir to this father, but Mahoune mcInerryny has ever since unjustly withheld them.

P. 35, No. 233 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Terrelagh mcBrien late of Finis, co. Clare. He was seised of the castle, town and lands of Finis, containing 1 qr. or ploughland, until, 13 April 1606, one Donell mcBriene of Insivecknaghlen, gent., wrongfully disseised him by force.

P. 48, No. 323 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donat, Earle of Thomond. His father, Conor Earle of Thomond, deceased, was seised of his inheritance of a castle and 2 qrs. of land in Ballychary, co. Clare and demised to one Donagh O Breane and the lady Onor ny O Breane sister to the said Conor to hold at his will by force whereof the said Donogh and Onor entered therein, and after one Teige O Breane brother to the said Donogh entered and disseised the said Connor, after which the said Teife enfeoffed one George Fannynge of Limerick, merchant in mortgage.

P. 61, No. 412 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Answers to interrogatories taken on behalf of John ( ), Sept, 1617. Under a commission issued 19 July, same year Donogh O Duhurtaine of Bally(..)iff, co. Clare, yeoman, aged 75 years. He says that Sir Donnys O Grady, knt. was seised of the manor and lands of Temgreny and advowson of the church thereof, as well by letters patent as by descent, and that the said manor contains 21 plds. viz: 1 qq. in Tomgreny, Skarriff 1 qr., Tullaharry 3, Carrohmeeres, Bally:menlan 1 qr., Ballyguyne ½ qr., Rahynes 1 qr., Callagh 1 qrs., Fossaghmore and Fossaghbeg 2 qrs., Ballymallowne 1 qr., and half Ballyvennoge 2 qrs., Capparae 1 qr. Mooney 1 qr. Cluanosgirr 1 qr. Cappaghmayne 1 qr. Aghrinnfuigyne 2 qrs. Cullacoury 2 qrs. vizt. Culloge and Killyvollaghtowe, besides woods and mountains. 40/s. is paid to the Lord Bishop of Killaloe yearly out of the said 21 qrs. After the death of Sir Dennys the said mannor descended to John his son and heir, who enfeoffed Hugh Brady, Bishop of Meath deceased. At the death of Hugh Brady the same descended to his son and heir Luke, deceased. (other depositions to the same affect). (Damaged).

P. 62, No. 413 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Answer of ( to ? suit as no. 412. John O Gradie was the infant son of Sir Dennis by his married wife Mary ny Brien. Edmond and Donnagh O Grady had no lawful interest in the lands, and (difficult to read).

Series C

P. 16, No. 112 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Mellaghlen mcLoghlen (Mortimer alias (crossed out) mcNemara of Limerick, gent. His grandfather Mellaghlen McNemara was seised of a ploughland called Cnockerdnegelaghe, containing 4 ( ) viz. Karowe myr ne Canabowlie, Karowe myne Gorte endangine, Karowe myne Glaiesenvadre and Karowe myer [?]esse enbronickin, in the north Francesse or liberties of the city of Limerick, and died so seised, when it descended to Loghlen as his son and heir, who also died seised, when it descended to suppliant who entered, 20 June 1589, and was seised till disseised by James White of Limerick, merchant, Bartholomew Stack(poll ?) of the same, Loghen o Mighan, and Rory O Mighan, by colour of a mortgage of 6£ made by suppliants ancestors, (which mortgage was satisfied and no estate of freehold ever passed by it. (slightly damaged)

P.32, No.201 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
(? Dermo)tt O Dea son and (heir) to Denise O Dea son and heir to Dermott oge O Dea which Dermott oge was seised of a castle, 5 qrs. of land and the 4th part of a qr. in the Disart commonly called Disart ( )dict Disart Moylala in co. Clare and being so seised enfeoffed James Gowle esq. second Justice of the province of Munster and his heirs upon confidence and trust and to the use of the said Dermott and his heirs. Since which feoffment the said Dermott all his life after did receive and take the issues and profits of the said Castle ( ) to his own use and so did one Conchor Duff O Dea uncle to suppliant as guardian by ( ) to suppliant ( ) take the issues and profits of the said lands since the death of the said Dermott, and for further manifestation the said James by Bill under his hand and seal has disavowed to claim any interest in the Castle and lands notwithstanding which Donell, Lord Bishop of Kildare, knowing suppliant and his ancestors to be the true owners, inheritors and possessors of said hereditaments and to have received the issues and profits of the same and knowing likewise the said James Gowle to have no interest in the said lands other than to the use of the said Dermott and his heirs, dealt with the said James Gowle to have his estate of the said lands and procured a conveyance from the said James to him and his heirs by pretence of which feoffment he has expulsed and outed supplaint being in possession by his said guardian and now taking and converting the profits to his own use. (damaged).

P. 37, No. 220 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
( ) O Carnie v. Patrick O Hogan of Sharragh, co. Tipperary, gent. Richd. Roe mcNamara of Corcke, yeoman and John McNamara of the same, re office of Converbship of the Metropolitan ( ) of Cassell, demised by Miler, Archbishop of Cashell, 1581, to Philip O Carnie, deceased (the office in question involved jurisdiction ‘in both Ormonds’). (very damaged).

P. 37, No. 223 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Fragment of Bill of Donell O Brian v. Boetius Clancy, Cormuck Roe O Kavine and Dermott ( ) Clancy, re lands of Cloghagh and part of the qr. called ( ), mortgaged to or by Henry, Earl of Thomond. (Temp. Charles I).

Series D

P 15, No. 87 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
George Cusack (of Dromolin), co. Clare, gent. and Katherine Hantcoke his wife, admrs. of Christopher Allmelhan (??) late husband of said Katherine v. Christopher Plunket, son and heir of the Lord Baron of Dansanye. Re manor of Kentstown (co. Meath).

Series E

Page 48, No. 294 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Christopher Brian, servant to the Earl of Thomond v. John Hewton of Correfyn, gent. William mcWard of Wardstown, Fenola Ni Donnellan of Ballcarowan, Gyllemewe O Donellan of Killorane, Morris mcWard and Gylleocollon O Malchonery of the same, co. Galway, who sezed his cattle at the Derryn in said co. during his absence.

Series F

P. 5, No. 26 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Replication of Danyell mcNemara and Donnnogh mcCovea mcNemarra to answer of Teige mcSydae mcNemarra. The said Macon mcSydne More McNemarra was (?) an ancestor of Sir John mcNemarra mentioned in the bill and answer, they deny that the said Macon mcSydae was ever seised of the premises or any part thereof, or that they descended to Sydae mcMacon McNemarra mentioned in the answer. Mentione John boy Nagle and the half ploughland of Balleykelly. (a fragment only).

Series G

P. 1, No. 1 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Parick O Meerre of Dromcleave in co. Clare, gent. Donogh O Meere was seised of the town and 7 qrs. of Dromcleave, and being so seised granted a yearly rent of 13s.9d out of each of 4 qrs. to the See of Killaloe. About 27 years since, one William Torongood, by the Commandment of Donogh late Earl of Thomond whose lands adjoined the said 7 qrs, entered therein and thrust out the said Donogh O Meere and his family. After the death of said Donogh, suppliant as his son and heir petitioned the Lord Viscount Wentworth Lord Deputy and the case was referred to the justices of assize. The Earl of Thomond disclaimed inheritance of the land, alleging it to belong to the See of Killaloe. Now Lewis, Lord Bishop of Killaloe has made an estate of the same to Boetius Clancy of Knockfin and Robt. Coppinger of Kellon, Esqrs. to the use of the Court of Thomond.

P. 34, No. 208 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Sir Therrellagh O Brien knt. Sir Donell O Brien knt., decd. father to suppliant, was seised of the Castle of Bunratty and 45 qrs. of land thereto adjoining and granted the same to John Stritch fitzGeorge of Limerick alderman to the use of said Sir Donell for life, remainder to the heirs male of this body. On the death of John it descended to Thomas Stritch, now of Limerick alderman as his son and heir, who was disseised by Donogh now Earl of Thomond who forcibly entered into the premises. Suppliant prays that the said Thomas may be required to make an estate unto suppliant that the latter may bring suit against the Earl.

P. 63, No. 379 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Shane mcNemarrow Chief of his name. He was seised of 100a. called Kearow Myreny Dowffe alias Leackan Rowan, co. Clare, till disseised by Donell mcTeig O Brin of Ballanyfirevarnyn, Edward Moss and Donogh mcTeig O Brin of the same, who wrongfully entered therein and detain it. (Shane d. 1601)

P. 63, No. 380 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Morgan Clanaghy of Urlin More, co. Clare, gent. He was seised of 6 messuages and 3 qrs. of land in Caher ny Clanchie in said county and of 6 messuages and a half qr. of land in Ballynycreggye in said county till disseised by Cosniagh oge mcClanaghie of Cahervy Clanghie, Teig mcThomas Carragh and Donell oge mcDonell in Tempeane of Ballynycreggye aforesaid.

Series H

P. 24, No. 167 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Sir Teig McMahon of Andela, co. clare, bart., Teig mcMorogh mcMahon, of Clowndiglae, in said co. esq. deceased, suppliant’s grandfather, together with some of his kinsmen and coparceners whose estate is since vested in suppliant was seised of an estate in the half qr. of Cosernagh, in said co., which was mortgaged by the said Teige mcMorogh or some other ancestor of suppliant to one Una ny Morogh mcMahon for 29 marks halface money which estate of mortgage came to Andrew White of Limerick, merchant, Donogh mcSweeny, Donell mcSweeny and Marie ny Sweeny of Kilarall in said co. either as coheirs of said Una or as her assigns, they now refuse to accept redemption from suppliant.

Series I

P. 16, No. 98 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Marcus Dowley of Tirevickvran, co. Clare, gent., Donell mcThirrely of Glankyne in said co., gent. was seised by inheritance from his father, grandfather and other ancestors of half a cartron of land of the half qr. called Lacarowneclaghmore in Glankyne in said co., and being so seised for a certain sum of money enfeoffed suppliant and his heirs. Suppliant accordingly entered and was seised till about a year past one Moriertagh mcConoghor of Glankyne, gent. wrongfully entered and disseised him.

Series J

P. 4, No. 22 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Edward Roade of London, gent. late servant to the Earl of Devonshire v. Richd. and William Browne of Coilereagh, co. Clare. Re debt.

P. 10, No. 55 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Morgan Glanghy of Urlan, co. Clare, gent., Donagh Glanghy, Donell Glanghy and Connor Glanghy. Connor mcGlanghy, their grandfather, was seised of a qr. of land called Clenaghmore in the barony of West Clancullan in Thomond, and died so seised, when it descended to Donagh mcGlanghy as son and heir to the said Conghor, who accordingly entered and was seised thereof by division, according the custom of the country, and being so seised, demised the same to Hugh Glanghy his brother for 3 years, and died within the said term, when the same descended to suppliants as sons and heirs of the said Donagh by custom of the country, who after the years ended entered and were seised, and were disturbed by one Mortagh mcTeig whose colour of title is a pretended mortgage from Hugh lessee to suppliant’s father to Teig, father to defendant. At the time of the making of the said mortgage and at the time of the death of said Teig suppliant’s were under 21 years of age (with interrogatories). 1. whether Congher mcGlanghy late of Urlenmore was seised of the qr. of Clenghmore in west Clancullen etc.
2) whether Donogh mcGlanghy was his son and heir, and whether said Donogh did demise the same for years to Hugh Glanghy his brother etc.
3) whether the said Hugh during the said years did mortgage to Teig mcMortagh of Cargeddy.
4) whether Morgane, Donagh, Donyell and Connor Glanghy be sons and new heirs by custom of the country to the said Donogh, etc., etc.

P. 21, No. 130 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Lord Baron of Inchequin in the province of Conaght. The now Earl of Clanrickard, on the conclusion of a marriage he had betwixt suppliant and his daughter, did beforehand deliver to Christofer Cruise to use of suppliant, amongst other things, 30 stud mares and 10 melsh kine, every mare worth 40/s. and every cow 30/s. which kine and stud being in Inchequine, Boetius Clansy being then sheriff of co. Clare by colour of same execution to be made on the said Christofer for his own proper debt did take the same into execution.

P. 30, No. 179 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Sir Danyell O Bryen knt. and Lady Katherin his wife late widow of Morris, Ld. Viscount Fermoy, to be discharged of a suit brought against Katherin as admrix. of said Ld. Viscount, by James ( ) pursuant to an order of the president and council of Munster, 42 Elizabeth (1600). (faded)

P. 31, No. 184 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Rosse O Loughlin of the Gragan co. Clare, gent. His grandfather Molaghlin O Loughlin was seised, inter alias, of the castles, towns and lands of Glancollom Kyllie, Glan Slidey, Fahiebegg and the Dengin in said co. and by his deed of 30 Sept. 35 Henry VIII, enfeoffed Dermod O Bryan, Thady O Bryan and others to the use of Owny O Loughlin father to suppliant and his heirs for ever. Afterwards the said Owny acquired and purchased to him and his heirs the lands called Koyskene, 5 cartrons of land called the Eanaghe, 2 cartrons called Ballialbin, 2 cartrons in Ballymongan, 2 cartrons called Slughtfelim, cartron Tarmon veconnyne and cartron Townmoyline, and being so seised of all the lands so purchased and having a use in fee simple of the residue of the premises, by his deed of 11 Sept. 1589, granted the said lands to suppliant and the heirs of his body. Suppliant accordingly entered and was seised until Owny O Loughlin of Glanslid in said co. gent., wrongfully entered therein and disseised him.

Series K

P. 2, No. 11 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
(Donell Clansy ) Murtagh Clansy, Connogher Clansy and Donogh Clansy were seised (as brothers ( )) of the Castle town and lands of Castlekeale, cont: the 9th part of a ploughland Umerkigh cont. the 4th part of a ploughland ( ) Vanighe, cont: the 4th part of a ploughland, Gorteneere cont. the 4th part of a ploughland ( ) Lisseduffe cont. the 4th part of a ploughland ( ) cont. the 4th part of a ploughland, Cahirigrady cont. the 4th part of a ploughland, Treenehowne, cont. half a ploughland, ( Knocksagartnebancy cont. half a ploughland. Tree mc ne yellalide Treevickn 11 cont. the 4th part of a ploughland in co. Clare ( unto the said Murtagh, the eldest brother, the said Castlekeale, Eangranigh, Umerkigh and Gorteneare, ( Lisseduffe, Ranige, Rahanneghane, Cahirgrade and Treenehowne and Donogh the 3rd brother) ( Knocksagart ne bancy ). The said Murtagh being so seised of his part died and ( ) who did mortgage the said Castlekeale to Donogh his uncle, the 3rd brother: ( ) and the said ( ) dying without issue, the title or condition of redemption of Castlekeale or Eangmanigh descended to Boetius as his brother and heir ( ), who was being accordingly seised of the said condition as well as of Ummirkigh and Gorteneare, mortgaged Ummerkigh to this uncle the said Donogh for 3 cows, and Gorteneare to ( ) Clansy commonly called the thresurer for 6 cows, who assigned his estate to Tirlogh Mantagh McMahon alias mc ( ) who assigned his estate to Connogher mcConnogher Clansy and the said ( ) being entitled to the condition and power of redemption, did assign the same to his cousin Hugh Roe Clansy, son and heir of Connogher the 2nd brother, who by virtue of the said Power did redeem the said Castlekeale and Ummerkigh, and afterwards the said Boetius died without issue when the said Castlekeale and Ummerkigh and the said condition descended to the said Hugh Roe as cousin and heir, (vizt. Son and heir of Connogher mcClansy, elder brother of Murtagh father of Boetius) who being so seised, did likewise acquire an estate in mortgage of Knocksagart ne bancy (fram) Connogher mcDonogh Clansy and his assigns for the sum of 39£ 0s 9d. ster. in ready money and 22 incalf cows; and being so seised in fee of Castlekeale, Ummirkigh, Lisseduffe, Rahanaghaneraghar, Cahirigrady, Treenehowne and of a condition estate in Knocksagort ne bancy, mortgaged all the premises to one Nicholas Bourke of Limerick, merchant, for £140 ster., which Nicholas assigned his conditional interest in Knocksagort ne bancy to one Donogh mcMurtagh leagh Clansy, who still holds part of the premises, and the said Hugh Roe being entitled to the condition of redemption died, without issue, when the premises descended to suppliant as his brother and heir, suppliant’s house in Ballisallagh where all the deeds and counterparts relating to the mortgages were has been burned either casually or of malice. He asks for a commission to take evidence, especially that of Connor mcDonogh Clansy, Dermott O Cihane, Laghlen McDermott and Peter Ward. 28 Nov. 1623. With interrogatories attached, which mention Connor Clansy, grandfather to suppliant, Connor Oge his son and Hugh Roe son and heir of Connor oge also that Connor mcDonogh Clansy conveyed to Hugh Roe Clansy half a qr. in Treevicknihill and Renaghan and half a qr. in Knocksagartnebancy. Other witnesses to be examined are Boetius Clansy of Knockffin, Roland Delanoid of Tireragh, John mcDonagh mcNemarra of Deninbrack, Rory O Madden of Carrigowran, Connor mcRory of Corballe, John Delanoide of Tireragh, Teige McNamara of Moyrieske, James mcEnirny of Ballisallagh, James McDonnell of Castletown, Rory mcDonagh of Moyn ( ). (damaged)

P. 55, No. 346 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Teig McDonnell mcNemarra of Castletown, Ivenanagh, co. Clare, gent, Donnell mcTeig mcNemarra, his father, was about 50 years since seised of the half qr. of Cappagh, otherwise called the half qr. of Derry, cont. 30a Irish of arable land, 20a meadow and pasture, 10a underwood and 10a bog and moor in the barony of Bunratty and co. of Clare, and agreed with one William Neyllan late of Ballymachale in said co. deceased (uncle to the said Donnell) that the said William should have and hold the said half qr. to his own use until he should have received of the issues and profits thereof the value of 20 marks sterling, or as much in value as should countervail such costs as the said William had laid out and expended on the reparation of the castle of Castletown aforesaid, which agreement was made by poll without writing between the said Donell and William the said William about the time mentioned or at least 45 years since entered into the said half qr. and held the same for the space of 11 or 12 years and received to his own use, the profits of the same to the value of at least 20 marks ster. overall charges and the reparation of the said castle did not cost above 20 marks. The said William Neyllan, who died in 1588, a little before his death affirmed that he held the premises in mortgage from the said Donnell mcTeig, intending to disinherit for ever the said Donnell and supplaint and their heirs. And after the death of the said William one John Neyllan of BallymcChale most unjustly claiming the premises as son and heir to the said William pretending title by descent and deed of mortgage supposed to be made by the said Donnell to the said William, entered into the premises and of late conveyed the same to Redmond Neyllan of Dromgrenagh, in said co., his eldest son and his heirs, who accordingly entered into the same and has granted the same in fee simple to Sir Valentine Blake of Galway, knt.

Series L

P. 8, No. 14 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
(Sir Daniel C Brien ?) of Carrigancoulta, co. Clare, knt. v. Dermott mcConsidin of Cloungiragh in said co., gent. re a mortgage of the ploughland of Leitrim.

P. 9, No. 34 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Tirlagh mcBryan of Ballyvarry, co. Clare, gent. Bryan mcMahony suppliants father, whose heir he is, was seised of the castle town and lands of Fynes, co. Clare, and being so seised, after the death of suppliants father (so!) lived with one More ny Grishe, who had another husband then living, and by her begot one Donell mcBryan, and afterwards by age the said Bryan became both blind, deaf, and altogether senseless during which time of his being senseless the said More of an ungodly purpose intending to disinherit suppliant of his inheritance and bring it to her son the said Donell caused a feoffment of the premises to be made in the name of the said Bryan to the said Donell by colour of which after the death of Bryan, he entered into the premises and has since detained them. And the said Bryan being also seised of inheritance of the half carve of land of Bellbille, died thereof seised, after which one Teige Ro mcMortagh of Carrigornie insaid co. gent. entered into the said half carve and still detains it.

P. 15, No. 65 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Thomas Lynch of Galway (son and heir of Marcus Lynch, deceased) v. Daniel oge Clanchy, son and heir of Constance Clanchy deceased, son and heir of Daniell Clanchy of Glonchene, co. Clare, gent. deceased and Melaghlen Kelly of (Fidane ?), (Bondsmen of Donnogh Kelly of Garbally, co. Galway, re debt. (damaged).

P. 15, No. 69 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donnogh O Brien of Carrigogennill, co. Limerick, Pierce Purcell of ( ), Richd. Purcell of ( ), and Thomas Lacy of Athlackagh in said co. gents., re a marriage settlement, 1619, between (? Thomas) Thornton of Ballegnenan, co. Limerick and Any ny mcMahowny, daughter to Sir Tirelagh mcMahowny of Cloondirraloe, co. Clare v. ? Boetius Clancy of Cnockfine, co. Clare and Brien McMahowny of Cloondirraloe, gent. (damaged).

P. 17, No. 79 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Nehemias, Lord Archbishop of Tuam, One Mleaghten O Donellan withholds from suppliant the Bishops two qrs. of tithes in Moylagh and Kilkerin by colour of a lease from suppliant, which lease was never confirmed by the Dean and Chapter. Mentions proceedings before the vice-president and council of Connaght.

Series M

P. 34, No. 184 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Florence FitzPatrick of Lis(downevearny), co. (Clare) suppliant’s father, Florence alias Fynyn Mergagh ( ) was seised of the towns and lands of Lisdownevearny with 2 cessres or a qr. and the 3rd part of a qr. the 2 cessres of Downe..arr..y, one Cisne or the 2/3rd part of a qr. in Ballyteig in the parish of Killmuny and barony of Burren, co. Clare, ( ) 3rd part of a qr. or ploughland in Kilcolmanbary one half cessrie or the 3rd part of a qr in Kilcorny, said barony and co., one 3rd of a Cesre, or the 6th and 9th part of a qr. of ploughland in Lisleagh…… in Carne parish and the barony aforesaid and being so seised thereof and of divers other lands in said co. made a conveyance to feoffees to the use of himself for life, with remainder to the heirs males of his body, and died soon after, when the premises descended to Derby FitzPatrick as eldest don and heir of the said Fynyn Mergag, who was accordingly seised. The said Fynyn entrusted most of his deeds and writings to one Andrew Comyne of Limerick merchant, a special friend of his, in whose custody they remained till about 2 months after the death of said Fynyn, when the said Derby, intending to pass ajointure to his wife Inyne Duffe ny Mahown, procured his mother, Unie ny Davoren, and Boetius Clanchy esq. to write to the said Comyne for the said deed of entail, to which he replied, that he would not deliver it upon any letter, but (knowing the great trust the said Fynyn Mergagh had in Boetius Clanchy, in whose patent he passed his lands) he would deliver it to him personally on condition of redelivery). Upon the passing of the jointure, the said Boetius (by reason of the alliance of his wife Honora ny Mahon with the said Inyn Duffe ny Mahon was chosed feoffe along with Mortagh mcMahon brother to Innyn Duffe, one Derby Nestor. (Further details of suppliant’s attempts to safeguard his interest). The said Derby his brother is now dead, with the last year. (Derby died 1st Sept. 1637).

Series N

P. 27, No. 95 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Rejoinders of Connor mcDonogh macMahowne ( ) defts. to the replication of Covarra mac Nomarra. They deny that Shida mcLaghlin father to complainant was seised of the said land, ( ) Loghlen mcFinnine grandfather to complainant was (seised of the said) lands, and leased them to Morrogh mcGillyduffe and Connogher mc(Gillyduffe) at a certain yearly rent, or that any rent was paid by them to the said Loghlen, or after his death to Shida, complainant’s father, of that they ever ( ) interest therein only as tenants at will, or that by colour only of having evidences and writings ( ) the premises, or that on the minority of complainant. After the death of said Shida Donnogh mcConnor mcMahowne father to Connor one of the defendants did first challenge and allege his estate in the premises to be an estate of inheritance, and not before, or that the quartermire of Inigfreh was conveyed and assured by the defendant Connor to said (Peter ?) Mark the Younger since the commencement of this suit by way of Champerty, or that the residue of the lands in Inigfreh and Ardbreaghan was the inheritance of complainant or of one Teig mcFynen mac Nemarra, or that the lands which Mahowne and (Terlagh ?) uncles to defendant Connor claimed to be their inheritance were ( ) or that the title of the said Connor mcGillyduffe in the said 2 quartermires in the bill was the same title that the said uncles of defendant had in the risidue of the said lands in Inigerah and Ardbreaghan, or that said defendant’s father did acknowledge the ( ), or that the said Connor mcGillyduffe, nor none of his brothers nor none of the ( ) had any estate of inheritance in the Barony of Bunratty but held the same from complainant ( ), or the said Teig macFynen his ancestors, as tenants at will for a yearly rent as in the said bill is most untruly alleged. And they further say that the said Connor mcGillyduffe was seised of the said 2 quartermires mentioned an estate of inheritance and that they descended to Donnogh mcConnor as son and heir to said Connor, who was accordingly seised thereof and that on the death of said Connor they descended to defendant Connor as son and heir to said Donnogh etc. (damaged).

Series O

P. 25, No. 164 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Christopher Everard of Moyvony, co. Clare, gent. v. Margaret and Jenet Bovan, exrs. of John Bovan of Dublin, deceased, re debt.

Series S

P. 5, No. 15 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Boetius Clancy, Mortagh mcMahon, and Inyne Duffe ny Mahon to Florence FitzPatrick. (Bill M 184 g.v.)

P. 5, No. 18 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Henry Earl of Thomond to Dermod mcTherlagh oge mcBrien defendant’s father, Donate late Earl of Thomond was seised of ( ) Gort( )hans, Clownlinan, Caharea, Killnakallie, and BallymcClawe (in the bill), and died so seised, when the premises descended to defendant as his son and heir, who sued out his livery for these lands, which he enjoys as his ancient and undoubted inheritance by several descents. And the said Donate had the said lands passed unto him and his heirs by L.P. from the late Queen Elizabeth and King James. Neither plaintiff nor any of his predecessors had any estate or interest therein but as tenants at will to the said late Earl and his ancestors, paying a yearly rent and other duties and reservations thereout to the said Earl and his ancestors, and the rent and other duties payable by complt. and his predecessors has been from time to time raised at the will of the said Earl and his ancestors, and paid accordingly by the plaintiff and such of this predecessors as lived on the said land, but afterwards, about 32 or 33 years ago, the said late Earl, for the better improving of his own estate and means, entered by same of his people or servants into the possession of the premises, and ousted complt. thereof without any manner of force or violence, for ought defendant ever heard or knows but in a quiet and peacable manner etc. as he thought lawfull from complt. and his father being but tenents at will of the premises, but whether Dermod mcConsiden and Donogh O Heher mentioned in the bill were the people who entered into possession to the use of the said Earl deft. knows not. And as for the cows and garrons of complts. goods seized to the late Earl’s use, deft. has heard and hopes to prove that complt. and his father became in arrears to the late Earl for their rents and other duties for the premises for divers years, which they neglected to pay. And if any such cows and garrons have been seized, it was a distress for the said rents and arrears. Without that Therlagh complt’s father was seised of the premises of inheritance by descent from his ancestors, or died so seised, or that the premises descended to complt. as son and heir to the said Therlagh.

P. 10, No. 29 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Salamon O Mulkenie and Daniell loge mcTeige mcNemarra to Donnogh mcNemarrae. The said (Soloman) O Mulkirie says that he was seised by many descents from his ancestors of 2 quartermires ( ) 3rd part of a qrmyre in Ballymalkine and ? parts of a qrmyre in Craggivoel ( ) and a qr mire of Ballyduffe (all mentioned in the bill) and being so seised, about 10 years past mortgaged the said 3rd part qr mire of Ballymalkine and 2/3 qr mire of Craggyvoellechosse to the said Ferdorragha O Mulkine (in the bill) for 7 in-calf cows, 4 dry cows, 2 mares and 2 garrans with condition of redemption, by virtue whereof the said Fardorragha was seised of the premises. And defendant, in August last 12 month, made a sufficient (tender) of the said cows, mares and garrons to the said Ferdorragha, which he denied to accept, contrary to law and equity, by reason whereof defendant ( ) mortgagee entered and was seised, and by his deed of ( ) Jan. 1631, leased and demised the same with other parcells to Daniell the other defendant for 5 years, who accordingly entered and was possessed, and being ejected by ( ) in the bill mentioned brought his action of ejection etc. Neither complt. Nor any of his ancestors were ever seised of (L ) (damaged).

P. 11, No. 34 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donnoghe O Gradie to Hughe O Gradie, re lands of Ballinakooly, a castle in Any, and many other lands in co. Limerick, late of Mahowne als Gilleduffe O Gradie, father to plaintiff and defendant.

Series T

P. 11, No. 48 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Rejoinder of Brien Duff to replication of Dominick Roche. Donogho O Brien never died seised of the lands in demand, nor did they descend to More ny Donogho as daughter and heir but before the death of the said Donogho O Brien one Brien O Brien mcDonill was seised of the castle and lands, and died so seised, when they descended by the custom of Gavelkind which is and have been used time out of mind in the country of Poblebrien where the lands in demand lie to Conogher and Donill two young infants, sons and coheirs to the said Brien, who accordingly entered and were seised of the said castle and lands by the said custom. And being so seised during their minority the said Donogho O Brien their uncle unnaturally disseised them thereof, upon whom they reentered and were seised till disseised by one Teige mcDonogho then a rebel who imprisoned them till Sir Humfry Gilbert knt., having then the government of Munster, assisted with the gentlemen of co Limerick, did for divers rebellions assault the said castle where the said Teige kept
( ) and killed him. Any by mishap the said Conogher mcBrien was then there slain in the said castle and so deceased without issue, by whose death his moiety and right descended to the said Donell who accordingly entered into the said Castle town and lands till disseised by Sir John of Desmond, knt. (during whose seisin of the said castle and lands the said Donoghoo Brien died) – And after the said Donell entered and was thereof quietly seised and mortgaged the same to Thomas B(ur)gatt (as appears on the answer) and afterwards the said Donell died s.p., when the right of redemption descended to the said Anyr and More ny Hallynane as cousins and heirs to the said Donell mcBrien vizt., as daughters and heirs to Marye ny Brien, sister and heir to the said Donell who performed the conditions and conveyed the said castle and lands to the said Brien (as in the answer). And for the supposed feoffment and fine pretended to be levied by the said More ny Brien and Terrellagh her husband the same is no conclu( ), if anything be done (which deft. denies), the said fine being not with proclamations. And thaght it were the same could not drown the night of redemption if the said Any and More ny Hallynane had nor make absolute the conditional estate of the said Jordan. etc. etc. 6 April 1597. (? Bill G. 370 or N. 128).

Series V

P. 19, No. 70 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Rowland Dela(hide) of Tyrehedagh, co. Clare, esq., Bryen mcSwyne, John O Donogho, Roger Hicky and John Costello of the parish of Tullaghnaspill als Tullaghnaspicke in said co. to William Hoode (?) vicar of the same parish, re the lands of Tullagh, Greggan, Cahircoltin, in the territory of Termontullagh, co Clare, which were granted by MacCon McNemara, chief of his name, 11 Nov. 20th Rich. II, to Donogh mcCon mcNemarra, then Rector of Tullagh, in Mortmain.

Series W

P. 17, No. 83 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Commission to hold inquisition on the lands held by ‘James mcGuerrin Boetius mcClansie, Murtagh mcClansie’ and the rest of the defendants ( ) March, 14th James 1st (1616) returned 22 April 1617 (co. Clare) (damaged).

Series Y

P. 4, No. 6 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
and Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Sir Roger O Shaughnessy of Gort, co (Galway knt.) Sir John McNemara of Mountallon, co Clare, knt., in consideration of £800 paid unto him by suppliant, covenanted and agreed with suppliant, his heirs and assigns, that he and all seised to his use should make at his own charges to Sir Richd. Blake of Galway knt., Donnogh O Bryen of Belanagha esq. William O Mulrean of Creige esq. and William O Shaughnissy of Ballymulfeig esq. their heirs and assigns, a good fees simple estate without any charge or incumbrance in the Castle, manor, town and lands of Montallon, the fair and market, Courts leet and baron therein used or held, together with all the hereditaments, etc. thereunto belonging. And of the half qr. of Clasduff, the half qr. of Knocknalonty, the half qr. of Kilmaney, the half qr. of Clonsoull, the half qr. of Kilgory, 2 qrs. in Liskollan, the half qr. of Knockinclogin, the half qr. of Outerruse, the half qr. of Ballymcdonell. And of the castle, town and lands of Down…..gehan with the qr. and the 8th part of a qr thereunto belonging the half qr. of Drumsellagh, the half qr. of Fer[?] the qr. of Crosoy, +2/3rds of a qr. in ………….. a qr. meare in the Short qr. and the 3rd part of the qr. of Ballynagleragh, all in the Barony of Tullagh and co. Clare. And that the estate should be made by the said Sir John and all seised to the use of the said Sir John and Dame Gennett his wife, by the consent of the said lady, to hold to the following uses, vizt. to hold 6 qrs. thereof to be nominated by the said Sir John to the use of the said Sir John and Dame Gennett during their lives, remainder to the heirs males of the body of Sir John, and for want of such heirs males to the use of suppliant his heirs and assigns for ever. And to hold the rest of the premises to the use of the said Sir John for life, remainder to the heirs males of his body, remainder in default to suppliant his heirs and assigns for ever. And it was further covenanted that suppliant his heirs and assigns should before 1638 cause to be paid 800 £ for the redemption of the following mortgages, vizt. to James Burke of Lymerick mercht. £260 in redemption of the castle, town and 2 qrs. of Cahervely, and £100 in redemption of the qr. and the 3rd part of a qr. of Dromitt Cillirenagh, and £60 ster. in redemption of the qr. of Cullacully……., and £200 to Christopher Archer of Limerick, merchant, his heirs and assigns, in redemption of Kilura and the Mountains of Montallon. And £160 to …….. O Myghan, in redemption of the castle town and 3 half qrs. of Ballyheelly, Counlagh and Balligroy, and £40 to Donnell (Granie (?)? McNemarra in redemption of the half qr of Clonconry, to Donnagh O Grady £40 in redemption of the castle town and meare of land of Custlelogh, to Shane mcConvane £20 in redemption of the lands of Lecarrow. And that suppliant, his heirs and assigns, should pay to the said Sir John to the use of the said several mortgagees the sum of £10 ster. for every £100 of the several sums in the said mortgages that should be redeemed from the date of the said covenant, - Oct. 1627 till the last of May, 1638 etc. And immediately on the redemption of the said lands so mortgaged, the said Sir John and all those seised to the use of himself or his lady, were to convey the same unto the said Sir Richd. Blake, etc. to the use of suppliant his heirs and assigns, till the several sums paid in redemption of the mortgages were repaid to him, and then to the use of the said Sir John for life, remainder to the heirs males of his body, remainder to suppliant his heirs and assigns for ever. For performance of which covenant the said Sir John entered into a bond of £4000. Now he refused to abide by its conditions.

Series AA

P. 18, No. 70 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Teig O Bryen to ( ) and Donogh O Bryen …….. ( ) Mace J. Bryen Arra was lawfully seised and died seised of the ( ) claimed as parcell of the manor of Twaghassegreny after ( ) to Terlagh O Bryen alias Mace J Bryen Arra as his son and heir, who was accordingly seised, which Terlagh, as defendant has heard and hopes to prove, demise the premises at will only to Bryen Ballagh O Bryen (in the bill) under certain ( ) country reservations, which he duly paid to the said Terlagh, ( ) of the said Bryen Ballagh. Teig O Brien his son and heir ( ) able to pay the rent and other reservations hereon reserved to the said Morogho O Bryan who came to the said lands from his brother Macey Brien ( ) that he would take the said lands again into his hands ( ) said Murrogh, John O Clery serjant or receiver of the said rents ( ) into the lands in demand by means whereof he was possessed thereof and being so seised, died, when the same descended and came to defendant as son and heir etc. etc. 27 Nov. 1622.

P. 46, No. 112 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
(? Gilbert) Warter to George (Vannan ?) re lands of Cullen, demised by Donnogh Earl of Thomond to Lawrence Vannan. 4 Nov. 1624.

P. 52, No. 131 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF) and
Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Henry Earl of Thomond to ( ) Bishop of Killaloe. As for the first parcells mentioned, vizt. the balls, kerrowekeggy, kerrowdowby, Mollagh, Barran Killmurrie, Liscarrick, Sleight mcCnoghor, Carrowbane, that for the 3 parcells of Kerrowleggy, Kerrowdowty and Mollagh Donogh late Earl of Thomond long before the supposed seisin of plaintiff, the supposed lease to Bourman or the assignment to deft. was seised of the same of his inheritance, and died so seised, when they descended to defendant as his son and heir, who is accordingly seised, which estate was found by several offices of record. And as for the rest of the said lands, neither plaintiff nor any lessee or assign of his was ever seised of any parcel thereof by any such title as is alleged in the bill. But the plaintiff, bearing the defendant in hand that he the plaintiff was seised of the said lands (where in truth he was not) deft. for their conveniency to his other possessions was content to take the same by the plaintiff’s title to hold them at reasonable rents and to be assignee to Bourman, pltfs. supposed lessee. But the freeholders always kept and still keep the possession against pltffs. title as deft. thinks by several orders made by the Ld. Deputy and Council, and defendant denies that he ever entered or enjoyed any of these later parcells. And as for the parcel of Mollagh, formerly named and secondly recited, Knockervywhirr, Killidisert, Killimurie formerly recited, Cassernagh, Kerrow in sky, Inishcarker, the balls first named in the bill, deft. says concerning Mollagh as formerly alleged, and for Knockerrywhirr and Inishkarker that they are descended to him from his father as his inheritance, and that he holds them by descent and not by any lease pretended to be made by pltff. And as for Killdisert, it is true that pltff. pretended the same to be church land and one Mahowne mcMahowne, a freeholder of co. Clare, did and still does pretend title to the same and disturbs the possession thereof, but defendant says that long before the supposed lease made to defts. father, defts. father was seised thereof of some estate of inheritance which is likewise descended to deft. And as for the parcells of Killennure and the Balls deft. says as formerly, and as for Cassernagh and Kerrownisky that are and have been held by the freeholders that now enjoy them, and they are decreed as deft. conceives – for them against pltff. Neither plaintiff nor any lessee or assignee of his every enjoyed the same, and deft. thinks that nothing passed by the supposed leases made by pltff., nor does defendant claim or enjoy any of the parcels by virtue of any lease made to him or his father, etc. And if any such lease were made to deft. or to Rowland Delahyde or to any other and assigned over to defendant’s father the same were not conclusive or penal against deft. And as to the 7 qrs. of Dromcleiffe supposed to have been demised by Mauritius late predecessor to pltff. to Daniell Nellane Bishop of Kildare and granted by him to defts, father, there is no such lease, assignment, or entry by virtue thereof to defts. knowledge, the said 7 qrs. being found by several offices to be the ancient inheritance of the Earl of Thomond. And if there were any such lease or assignment, deft. has no deed of the same. And as to the surrender of the said 7 qrs. and their regrant by L.P., defts. father conceiving the same to be his inheritance thought he might lawfully surrender the same and accept L.P. thereof. And as for the supposed rectory of the parish church of Dromlyne, deft. knows no such rectory, but says that his father and himself held the tithes of the parish of Dromlyne as parcell of the rectory of Tradery which he enjoys by L.P. and so did his father, grandfather and great grandfather and knows no interest or right that pltff. or any of his predecessors had therein. And as for the the 4 ploughlands of Quirnikelly, deft. denies that pltff. was ever thereof seised whereby he might be disseised by defts. father, but long before the supposed seisin or disseisin defts. father was seised thereof of fee simple or fee tail of his inheritance and died so seised, when they descended to defendant as his son and heir. As as for the lands of Glanmuntirmalowne, Finlemore, Gorlmagy, Gortnanryne, Cluonfaddy, Ballykilldae and Ballycogiran, the said parcells were conveyed by defts. father the late Earl of Thomond to Sir Barnaby Brien his 2nd son or to some feoffees in his use and deft. has neither the use nor possession thereof. And as for the 13 qrs. of Tarmonsynane deft. denies the seisin or possesion of plff. and any wrongful entry by deft. or his father and says that the same were granted by L.P. by his late Majesty to Sir John King, knt, from whom defts. father for valuable consideration purchased the same and was accordingly seised thereof etc. And as the supposed proxies of the impropriate rectories of Killcriste, Killedicert, Killmurey, Clonediralae, Killmichell, Killearkryduaie, Killemnire, Killfierigh, Moyfarta, Killballyham, Killardygh and Killmarybrickan, all the rectories impropriate to the Abbeys of Clare and Chanans Island passed by L.P. to defts. ancestors free of all rents and incumbrances, and neither deft. nor any of his ancestors ever paid any proxies thereout to pltff. or any of his predecessors, and neither pltff. nor any Bishop of Killaloe has taken or received any proxies out of any of the said rectories. And as for the pretended proxies of the Abbeys of Clare, Insycronan and Chanans Island there was never proxies due or paid out of the same or any of them to plaintiff or any of his predecessors, but are held free and disburdened of all such proxies and pretences by L.P., and anciently discharged of all proxies and espiscopal visitations, etc. 13 Feb. 1625.

P. 56, No. 132 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donnell O Brien of Doghe (?) and Donnogh O Brien to Donnell ( ). 13 Feb. 1625. (very damaged). With attached commission.

P. 62, No. 162 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
(Donnogh O Brien) son and heir of Sir Tirrelagh O Bryen re settlements made by Murriartagh O Bryen, brother of Sir Tirrelagh. Deft. denies validity of marriage between Murriartagh and Slany. (damaged). 26 May 1626.

P. 72, No. 197 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
( ) O Brien to Henry Earl of Thomond, Connor O Brien great great grandfather to complt. and grandfather to defendant was seised, among sundry other castles, manors and lands of the Castle, town and lands of Cahermenane cont. 5 ploughlands, and of the Castle of Dromlyne with 5 ploughlands thereunto belonging, both in co. Clare, and died so seised, having issue 6 sons, vizt. Donnogh (father of Cnogher, Earl of Thomond, father of the Earl Donnogh, father of complt.), Daniell, Terlagh, Teig, Morrogh and Monartogh father to this deft. And by reason that all the castles, manors and lands whereof the said Cnoghor died seised of have been by the custom of Gavelkind (time whereof the memory of man is not to the contrary in these parts had and allowed) devisable between all the sons of him that did die thereof seised, the Castles etc. whereof the said Cnoghor died seised were immediately or soon after his decease divided between his 6 sons, and the said Castle of Dromlyne with the 5 ploughlands thereunto belonging were allotted to the said Morrogh O Brien as his portion of his father’s inheritance, and the said castle, town and lands of Cahermenane were allotted to Moriertagh, deft’s. father, for his portion. And afterwards the said Murrough and Moriertagh exchanged the said portions allotted to them after their father’s death, by force of which exchange the said Murragh entered into the said Castle and lands of Cahermenone etc. and died thereof seised, and his posterity to this day do enjoy the same accordingly. And the said Moriertagh likewise entered by force of the said exchange into the said castle, town and lands of Dromlyne, and was thereof seised, and being so seised, thereof enfeoffed deft. being his son and heir apparent, and yet continued in possession till his death, by deft’s. consent. And admitting no such estate was made, and that the said Monertagh died seised thereof, deft. is his son and heir, and has the undoubted right to the said castle, town and lands of Dromlyne with the 5 ploughlands, etc. the rather as the said division was made long before our late sovereign King James attained to the imperial crown of this realm, and long before the custom of Gavelkind was abolished within this kingdom. And complt. has no right or title thereunto but a continuence of possession in the said Earl’s father until his death in the said Castle and 4 ploughlands, parcell of the said 5 ploughlands, by colour of the said decree which was passed for him against deft. more on points or mispleading than upon the decision of the ( ), yet complt’s. father dying seised of the premises does not …….. deft’s. entry, for he has made his legal claim to the lands in controversy within a year and a day of his death. Without that ( ) Earl of Thomond, the now Earl’s grandfather was seised by descent from his ancestors of the Castle of Dromlyne and 4 ploughlands, etc. for if he had any possession therein it was but gained by usurpation and strong hand when deft’s. father was out of this realm, and continued but a short space, for the then Lord Deputy Sir Henry Sidney did, on complaint made by deft’s. father soon after his return into this kingdom, on examination of his right directed his letters to the then Lord President of Connaght to establish deft’s. father in possession of the Castle, town and lands of Dromlyne, who was put in possession accordingly. Without that the said late Earl Connor O Brien made any legal surrender of the premises to the late Queen, or that anything passed by the L.P. of the said Queen to the said Earl Connor O Brien, or that the said Connor died seised thereof, or that Donate late Earl of Thomond was ever seised thereof before deft. was lawfully seised, etc, etc. 9 (?) June 1627.

Series BB

P. 21, No. 81 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
and Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Moroghe mcMoriertogh Came to Teige mcDonnogh mcMahowney. Teige mcDonoghe of Lackisseighe, co. Clare deceased, was seised of the half qr. of land called Lackisseigh (in the bill) and being so seised, about 50 years past, mortgaged the said half qr. to Murtagh Came, defendant’s father, who entered therein and was seised, and died so seised about 25 years past, when the said half qr. descended to defendant as his son and heir, after whose decease, and about 28 years past (so) the said Teige mcDonoghe for valuable consideration released to defendant the said mortgage or condition of redemption, and all his right and title therein, defendant being then in quiet possession thereof. Since when defendant has been absolutely seised and possessed of the premises. Without that Moriertogh mcRory (in the bill) was seised by good title of the premises, or died so seised, or that they then descended to Teig mcMoriertogh as his son and heir, or that the said Teig entered etc., or died seised, or that they descented to Donogh mcTeige as his son and heir, or that the said Donoghe was thereof seised or died seised, or that they then descended to plaintiff as his son and heir, or that the plaintiff by himself or his uncle named in the bill was ever seised or possessed of the said half qr. 19 June 1622. (Sworn 4 June).

P. 26, No. 106 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Rowland Delahoyd and Murice Hurley to Terlagh mc O Brien re title deeds. 3 July 1622.

P. 32, No. 114 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Donogh O Brien to John, Ld. Bishop of Killaloe, re the weir called the Broag, in the River of Shenon between Beallanahy, which belongs to defendant, and Killaloe. 4 July 1622. (With attached commission).

P. 47, No. 162 Occurrence in N.A. List (PDF)
Portion of answer of Teig O H( Loghlen O Hehir ) mcDonnogh, Mahone, mcCae, Donnogh mcCae ( ) and Donn[?] O Hehir mcMortagh to (Donnogh Earl of Thomond) said Louglen O Hehir says ( ) lands as tenants at will to Donnogh O Hehir his father, and the other defendants ( undoubted inheritance of the said defendants and others of their sept and kindred and have for many ages ( ) ancestors in course of Irish Gavelkind without any manner of disturbance until of late
( ) have often disturbed defendants and others of their sept in their
( ) etc. etc. (maintaining their hereditary right). 6 November 1622.

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