Clare County Library | Clare
History |
The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost |
Part II.
History of Thomond The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681 |
Ballicar Castle & Lough
Three miles from Six-mile Bridge, 9 from Limerick, and 7 from Ennis, neer the road between Limerick and Galloway, wch city stands 27 miles off, is Ballicar Castle [11], belonging to John Colpoys, Esqr., whose prospect I have sketcht off on the other side [above]; this is part of the Estate of ye Rt Honble Henry Earle of Thomond, in the barony of Bunratty, in the Parish of Tomenlagh. In Boggs here, as in most parts of Ireland, in digging for Turf, are found large firr Trees, and particularly in the Bishoprick of Cloyne, in the county of Corke, and Province of Munster; in the Boggs are found such quantities of Firr timber trees that they make benches, tables, wainscoat, and floor Roomes therewith; they use it also so much for fewell that the town smells of Turpentine. Ballicarr Lough aboundes in Eeles and Trouts, especially of a stupendious largenes for such as Trouts, of 30 and 24 inches in length, which very commenly have bin tooke here. It is discoursed also, and by very credible persons, that at Muyree Castle, in this county of Clare, towards Galloway side, was taken a prodigious Pike with two Ducks in its Gorge or Belly, one whereof was so fresh, that took out and roasted prov’d a very good dish. And that upon the riseing of the water of a lough, and overflowing some meadows, 3 Pikes were shott at once grazeing. That at such times they do eat grass, is very certain, and observed by severall. The larger the Pike the coarser the food, the smaller being the best, contrary to the nature of the Eeles, which improve their goodness by their bulk and age. [Here follows statement about the fish called Sargus, which is unfit to print.] |