Clare County Library | Clare
History |
The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost |
Part II.
History of Thomond The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681 |
Clonrond [Clonroad] Castle, Ennis
This Castle [38] [Clonrond] and the lands belonging thereto are part of the Estate of Henry Earle of Thomond, Governor of this County, whose Deputy Governor, George Stammers, Esqr., now High Sheriff 1681, holds it of the sd Earle. It was founded by Lionel Duke of Clarence, sirnamed Antwerpe, the chief city of Flanders, & the Marquisate of the Holy Empire, where he was borne, 3d son of Ed. 3, Earle of Ulster & Lord of Connaught, the first who came over under the title of Lord Lieutenant of ye Kingdome of Ireland in the year 1361, and in the Reign of his Royall Father Edward the 3d; he died in the year 1361, and lieth buried by his fyrst wife Elizabeth, daughter and heire of William de Burgh, Earle of Ulster, in the Chancell of the Priory Church of Augustines in Clare in the County of Suffolk.