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The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost

Part II. History of Thomond
Chapter 28

The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681



Islands belonging to the Earl of Thomond

Ballingard and the Islands belonging to the Earl of Thomond
Ballingard [17] and the Islands belonging to the Earl of Thomond

Islands, Parcel of Lands belonging to the Rt. Honble Henry Earle of Thomond [18], touched off from Paradise hill.

Ennis Macony [19], is at present the Interest of the Officers of the 1649 security. This Island is in the County of Thomond, and Barony of [Clonderala].

Cony Island [20] took its name from the great number of Rabbits and Coneys there; in it is seen the ruines of an ancient Chappel, but without monument or Inscripcon.

Coverhane Castle [21] was the seate and abode of Henry, the first [recte fifth] Earle of Thomond, during the life of his father, the great Donnagh O’Brien Earle of Thomond.

Deer Island [22]. In the County of Clare and Barony of Clonderala and Parish of Kilchrist, heretofore called Innish Moor.

Innish Chirkey, an Island 257 acres profitable, parish of Kildicert in Clonderala Barony, County of Clare.

Deer Islands Lodge is built out of the ruines of a Church or Chappel. Among memorable accidents here wrote upon the door of the bedchamber of the Rt. Honble. Henry Earle of Thomond are these, with these dates:—“MDCLVI. This Hare was then cropt and turn’d into Deer Island; and in MDCLXXIII, ye sayd Earle kill’d her, and Anno MDCLXXII, a Buck was kill’d there weighing 16 stone and two pounds.”

Cannon Island [23], in the County of Thomond, als Clare and Barony of [Clonderala] in it are seen the Ruines of an ancient Abby of Regular Cannons of the Rule of St. Austin, whence it took its name of Cannon Island, which in Irish is Illean ne Cannanagh.

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