Clare County Library | Clare
History |
The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost |
Part II.
History of Thomond The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681 |
O’Brien’s Bridge, Killaloo, Castle Connell, Parteen
From Knockannaneene [Birdhill] to Obrien’s Bridge
Town is a mile and half. Within a mile and three quarters of O’brien’s Bridge is seen the Ruines of a very ancient Building called Castle Connell built by King John. A fair View of it is seen on yr left hand returning for Limerick from O’Brien’s Town, from whence to Parteene is 5 miles: this is a small Town adjoining to the famous Salmon Wire belonging to the City of Limerick. Upon Parteen bridge is read this Inscripcon beginning a fair over a bogg leading to Limerick. HUNC PONTEM AC VIAM STRATAM FIERI FECIT On the right hand of this Bridge is a Great Decoy for Ducks, belonging to James Fitz Gerald of the middle Temple, Esqr. |