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The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost

Part II. History of Thomond
Chapter 28

The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681



Ross Roe Castle

G. Knocpogue Castle [28]. D. Clownherne Castle.
E. Tomenlough Church ruines. V. Cragamore hills.
K. Knochalappa (Anglice), the Hills bed, being an
hil whence the Prospect was taken. T. The Lough, or Water.

Ross Roe [29] — In the County of Thomond, Barony of Tullagh, and parish of Kilmurry, part of the Estate of ye Honble the Lord Viscount Clare, now in the possession of Mr. John [30] Fennell, is a fair seat scituate among good Lands and Orchards, with a very pleasant and profitable large Poole or Lough on the one side thereof abounding with large Trouts [31]. Here are also great plenty of Wilde Fowle.

About a mile and half from hence, by water, between the Castles of Rallahin and Rathfoelane; this lough of Ross Roe runs under ground for half an English mile, being opposed by hills and rocks, at last breaks out so farr off that the possessor, John Colpoys, Esqr., a very worthy English Gentleman sayes, (as the Spanyards do of the river Ama), that he feeds sheep and herds upon a “Green-Bridge”. Camden takes notice of one much more remarkeable than this of the river Mole, in Surrey, undermineing for severall miles together. There is also another “Green-Bridge” in Wales, the river undermineing the Earth disembogues itself into the sea; there some give out that they have put in a living Goose into the place where the water falls, and that she hath swam out at the other end, but with loss of all its feathers.

This Stream of Ross Roe Lough at its riseing again from Mr. Colpoys his “Green-Bridge” turnes a mill belonging to John Cooper, Esqr.

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