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The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost

Part II. History of Thomond
Chapter 28

The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681



Shannon River, Donogoroge Castle

Shannon River, whose Source is in the North, and ends in the South-West of Ireland, is famous for being navigable for near 200 miles from sea to sea, from James Town where it takes its rise (were it not for one rock within 5 miles of Limerick), to Loophead neer Malbay, a mad bay dangerous for Shipping; here it is sd that 6 of the Spanish fleet in [15]88 were wreck’t.

This River is famous for the best Herrings, Salmon, Trouts of 44 Inches long, Lampreyes, Breem, &c.

In the marley mudd in this river are sometimes found, 14 or 15 foot deep, Elkes and Bufulo’s Skeletons.

The chiefest Cities and Walled Towns on the Shannon are Limerick, Athlone, a wall’d Town and considerable Pass. Fort Falkland, built when my Lord Falkland was lord deputy, and thence it took its name.

H. Donogoroge Castle

H. Donogoroge Castle, belonging to Walter Hickman, Esq. T. Glin, Major Fitz-Geralds, in the county of Limerick. K. County of Kerry. A. Kilcerdane Point. D. Knock-Ray, an hill so called. S. Burrawn Lands [41], belonging to Captn. John Cocks.

From the Hill marked with the letter R, about 300 paces from ye castle, is the loudest and plainest Eccho that I ever heard; it resounds rather louder than the voice or noyse you utter.

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