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The History and Topography of the County of Clare by James Frost

Part II. History of Thomond
Chapter 28

The Journal of Thomas Dineley, 1681



Mount Ivers

Percivall Armor; Nature of Horses
Ballicar Castle & Lough
Ballyclogh Castle
Rathlahine Castle
Ennish Caltra
Islands belonging to the Earl of Thomond
Bunratty Castle
Baronies of Ibricham and Corcumro
Carrig O’Gunnell Castle
Ross Roe Castle
Clonrond Castle, Ennis
Clare Castle
Abbey of Clare
Shannon River, Donogoroge Castle
Barony of Burren
O’Brien’s Bridge, Killaloo, Castle Connell, Parteen

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In 1680 Englishman Thomas Dineley visited Ireland travelling from Dublin to Carlow, and from there to Limerick and Bunratty. Abbeys, church monuments and castles occupied by English settlers attracted his attention and were included in the journal of his travels. Dineley's drawings, though valuable, are not always accurate and need to be treated with caution.

The original manuscript of his Irish tour is preserved in the National Library of Ireland. Extracts from his journal, including his account of the Clare section of his journey, were published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries, 6 (1867) “Communicated by Evelyn Philip Shirley, Esq., M.A." with extensive notes by the Hon. Robert O’Brien, and the Rev. James Graves. These notes are indicated here by superscript numbers in square brackets which link to the relevant note. In turn, the 'Notes' section itself can be used to refer back to the main text via the link in each note.

Clare County Library wishes to thank Clare Local Studies Project for preparation of raw text for this project.

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