I.T.A. Topographical and General Survey 1942/3
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Amenities, General Iinformation & Accommodation, Towns and Villages (Other than seaside)


Barony of: Ibrickane, Parish: Kilmurry, Population: 280
Location and Brief Description:
The little fishing village of Quilty where the men, women and little bare-footed Garsúins toil by the shore all day - fishing, drying and burning sea-weed or picking carrageen - is situated on the W. coast of Clare, 3 miles S.-W. of Miltown Malbay, 7 mls. N.-E. of Doonbeg and about 2 miles from the nearest inland village, Mullagh.

Description of beach (? Length, sandy, shingle, safe, currents, &c.):
The greater portion of the beach is flaggy, especially from Quilty village northwards. At sea-field there is a sandy beach for 500 yds. where bathing is perfectly safe - the currents being far out.

Public right of way to beach or swimming places? Yes

Bathing, swimming and diving facilities. State if mixed bathing allowed, and quote bye-laws (if any) relating to bathing places. Include swimming pools, bathing boxes, surf-riding, &c.
There are bathing, swimming and diving facilities at Sea-Field (diving off the pier). Mixed bathing is allowed and there are no bye-laws. No swimming pools, bathing boxes. Surf-riding is available.

Shelters? None Lavatories? None Seats? None
Parking place for cars? On the public road only Charge?
Life-saving corps? None   Beach attendant? None
Swimming Club? No   Secretary:
Sea water baths? No   Proprietor:

Boats (type) available for pleasure trips? Curraghs

Dance Halls and Names of Proprietors:
Dance Hall: Casey’s Hall Quilty
:Mr. Michael Casey

Is there a Town Hall? Yes Location: In village (This hall is used for dancing only).

Brief comment on water supply and sewerage:
No water supply or sewerage. Water is got from wells.

Public Services
Nearest Station: Quilty
Distance: In village
Bus Service?
Public lighting by—Electricity? No Gas? No

Churches and Services
Churches Services (Sundays)
R.C. Church 9.30 old time
Church of Ireland at Spanish Point 2 mls

Postal Facilities
Location of Post Office: In village
Business (? M.O., Telegraph, Telephone): M.O.’s, Telegraph and Telephone

Industries and Handcrafts
Industries: The people of Quilty depend largely on the fruits of the sea in eking out a livelihood. In this respect the sea-weed plays an important part. The weed when gathered together off the shore and sea is dried by spreading it along the rocks. When thoroughly dry, the weed is separated from the stumps.

Schools and Colleges
Quilty N.S.

Conveyances for Hire (Owners):
Boats (State type): Curraghs from – Thomas Boyle, Quilty; Michael Crehan, Quilty; Thomas Callinan, Quilty; John Kelleher, Quilty; Joe McInerney, Quilty; Peter Kelleher, Sea-Field; Thos. and Austin Boyle, Sea-Field; Michael Kenny, Sea-Field

Camping Sites
Location  Landowner: 
At Sea-Field  
Mutton Island Mr. Casey (Ml.)

Guest or Boarding Houses

Mrs. Clancy, 4 Guest Bedrooms, No Baths, 1 Lavatory, 1 Public Room, Not Licensed. Accommodation limited. Catering good.
J.P. Boyle, 3 Guest Bedrooms, No Baths, 1 Lavatory, 2 Public Rooms, Not Licensed. Catering good, but space very limited.
Mrs. McGannon, "Edge Water", 2 Guest Bedrooms, No Baths, No Lavatories, 1 Public Room, Not Licensed. Those rooms are let weekly, monthly etc. No catering.

Date: 29/6/43
(Signed): James Henchy Surveyor.
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