I.T.A. Topographical and General Survey 1942/3
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Amenities, General Iinformation & Accommodation, Towns and Villages (Other than seaside)


Barony of: Inchiquin, Parish: Dysert, Population: 70
Location and Brief Description:
Ruan is a small village consisting of a R.C. church, a school, P.O., three licensed houses and a number of private dwellings. It is picturesquely situated mid woodland and about ¾ of a mile from the beautiful Dromore lake and wood. It is about 3½ miles S.-E. of Corofin and 7 miles N. of Ennis. Crusheen lies slightly N. of due east (4 miles).

Parks, Gardens and Recreation Grounds. Brief Description: There are delightful shady walks through Dromore wood leading to the pretty lake of Dromore.

Brief comments on water supply and sewerage: The water is mainly drawn from public wells. One pump under the care of Clare Board of Health. No sewerage system.

Public Services
Nearest station: Corofin
Distance: 3½ miles
Bus? No
Public Lighting by—Electricity? Gas?:

Churches and Services
Church: R.C. Church Services (Sundays): 10.00 a.m. (S.T.)

Postal Facilities
Location of Post Office: In village
Business (? M.O., Telegraph, Telephone): M.O.’s, Telegraph and Telephone

Schools and Colleges
Ruan N.S.
Dysert N.S.
Toonagh N.S.

Camping Sites (At principal holiday resorts)
Location: Dromore Estate just S.-E. of village Landowner: Mr. Crowe

Guest or Boarding Houses

Hollorans, 1 Guest Bedroom, No Baths, No Lavatories, 1 Public Room, Not Licensed. Catering very good.

There is no accommodation available in the village, other than one room at Hollorans. Cragmoher Guest Ho is situated about 2½ mls. west of village, in Corofin Parish. Corofin village is about 3½ miles N.-W.

Date: June 1st, '43
(Signed): James Henchy Surveyor.
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