Lack School - 1863 to 1975
A History of the School and its Pupils
by James Hehir
6. The New School - Island View National School
(c) High Standard of Education

Pupils beside the school
Lack school held the distinction of providing a high standard of education. Pupils transferred from neighbouring schools to benefit from the quality of the teaching. On entering second level education most pupils from Lack compared very favourably with those from other national schools. A former school principal maintained that Inspectors always regarded a visit to Lack school as a refreshing experience. This is borne out by a remark in the Inspectors book of the early 1950's:
'Molaim Gaire na ndaltai an cuid is mo diobh go briomhar'
Five pupils from Lack school - Mary Hehir from Crahera, Anne and P.J.Garry from Clonfurish, Mary McCarthy from Lisnafaha and Marie Clohessy from Ardnagla - received county council scholarships in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
Two past pupils, Tom McCarthy from Lisnafaha and P.J Garry from Clonfurish also qualified for university scholarships on completing the leaving certificate examination.