Lloyd's Tour of Clare, 1780
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Clare County Library

Distinguished Sons, Characteristics of Inhabitants

This County (equal to others in this Kingdom, particularly SOUTH MUNSTER) hath produc’d Men of Exalted Character, and Distinguish’d Merit, in several Parts of Europe; viz. Lord CLARE, Lieutenant General in the French Service, who fell in the Battle of Ramillies in Flanders, May 12, 1706; he was Father to the late Marshal THOMOND, the greatest in Military Rank, next to the Princes of the Blood, in the French Service; Colonel DONOGH MAC MAHON of CLENAGH, (Chief of that Valiant, Old, Family, and Grandfather of the present FRANCIS MAC MAHON, of TOONAGH, Esq;) who was Governor of Pistoa in Tuscany; the two Colonels O’DEA, the present Colonel AYLMER, and the late Admiral O’HONIN, Commander of the Ferrol Fleet, Admiral MAC NAMARA of the Brest Fleet, Brigadier General JAMES CREAGH, an experienc’d Officer of Gallantry in the French Service: Count NELAN, who fell in the Imperial Service in the Year 1758. Chevalier De GORMAN, of Paris, Major General MONTFORT BROWNE, present Governor of the Bahama Islands, and Brother to THOMAS BROWNE, Jun. of NEW GROVE, Esq; Chief of that Respectable, Antient, British Stock in this County.

These Sons of Fame, and other Officers of Reputation not mention’d here, were all Natives of this County, the great Marshal THOMOND, alone, excepted.

Nor has this Country, from the earliest to the present Age, been less Characteriz’d at home for respectable Gentlemen of polite Parts and regular Education; Clergy of Exemplary Piety and profound Learning, Dignified Chief Justices, persevering Patriots, persuasive Orators, and Antiquarians of distinguish’d Talents and Poetical Abilities.

NORTH MUNSTER, in antient Time, was famous for Arts and Arms, Learning and Hospitality; these were it’s peculiar Characteristics (which are generally natural to the Irish Nation) nor does it, at the present Period, fall much short of the latter Quality; as it is obvious, that People of all Denominations, here, from the Gentleman of Fortune to the low Cottager, are endowed with an extraordinary spring of Generosity; this is notoriously evinc’d from Numbers of Destitute Strangers and Craving Itinerants, resorting hither from various Parts of the Kingdom, when Scarcity presides in their own respective Quarters; here they are chearfully receiv’d and humanely reliev’d.

Each Gentle Pair by gen’rous feelings led,
To have poor Objects from their Tables fed;
Of distress’d Crowds, who call from Day to Day,
No Soul dejected ever goes away.

From the same prevalent and reigning Principle, blended with particular Extravagancies, this Country cannot bid so fair for Affluence as other Counties.

Nothing opposite to good Harmony and Understanding subsists here; no Seditious Factions, Noctturnal Meetings, or Intestine Broils, are ever known or practised in the County CLARE, as have been apparent in other Parts of this Kingdom.

May the same Spirit of Peace and Unity which happily reign here, diffuse itself among the Deluded and Evil-minded elsewhere, is the hearty Wish of an Impartial and sincere Friend to Civil Society.

May, 10, 1779.

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