Mason's Parochial Survey, 1814-19

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Union of Kilmanaheen, Kilasbuglenane, Kilmacreehy, Kileilagh and Kilmoon

III. Modern Buildings, &c.

There are no modern buildings, such as hospitals, gaols, &c. except one bridewell and a session house, both built about two years ago, by presentment granted by the Grand Jury at the assizes, and kept up by the same means.

Ennistymon Village
The village of Ennistymon is nearly in the centre of the union, inland almost due-east of the signal tower, hereafter mentioned, distant from it about five miles, and distant from the sea about two miles. This village had but three miserable cabins in it, together with the mansion house of the inheritor, Edward O’Brien, at a small distance from them, when the present incumbent was collated to the union: it has now 120 houses, 70 of them slated, and the remainder thatched.

Liscannor Village
In the parish of Kilmacreehy is the village of Liscanor on the north side of the bay of that name. This village has been formed entirely since the year 1775, and has now nearly 200 houses in it, about 10 of which are slated, and about 40 inhabited by fishermen, who have only canoes (in Irish corroghs) to fish in. The farther they can venture to the sea the surer they are of success, and the better the quality of the fish. The shape and materials of these canoes are so well known on the different coasts of Ireland, that it is unnecessary to trouble the reader with them. This is the estate of Mr. FitzGerald, who was returned to parliament for this county more than 30 years ago. He then obtained a parliamentary grant for erecting a quay in this place; the grant was too little, and the scite where this little was expended, was mistaken. The quay, thus formed, has ever since remained a monument of the penury of parliament in this instance, and of the ignorance of the projector.

Signal Towers
On the western boundary of this union, on the high cliff of Mohir, in the parish of Kilmacreehy, and at the point called Hogshead, nearly in the centre of the union coastways, stands a signal tower. To the southwest of this point stands another, at a place called Spanish point, not far from the boundary of Kilmanaheen parish.

At Ennistymon is one bridge; another is built about two miles to the north of it, over the river Ballengaddy, at a place now called Derry, and formerly Cahiraderry: the same river has another over it, on the road leading from Ennistymon to Liscannor, and the signal tower.

From the village of Ennistymon high roads branch in all directions to the sea and inland: one to Liscannor by the glebe, and from thence to the signal tower; one to Lahensey due-west, a village that had lately but a few miserable cabins in it, and that has now more than 60 in it, and most of them slated; it is situate at the end of a bay called Liscannor bay, near one of the best strands and first bathing places in Ireland, which is resorted to by numbers in the bathing season. One road leads to Miltown, a village on the sea coast, now become famous for tepid baths, and one of the best hotels in the kingdom. One turns south, leading to a famous mountain called Mount Callen. One to Ennis to the south-east; one to Kilfenora, north-east; one to Knockfin almost due-north, &c. The road-jobbing system has been acted upon, with much ingenuity for some years past in this union, but most particularly in and about Ennistymon.

Gentlemens’ Seats
The gentlemens’ seats are as follows:—the Mansion-house at Ennistymon, late the property of Edward O’Brien, now the property of Andrew Finucane, has some trifling plantations about it, and commands a view of the village and of the cascade. The glebe-house, &c. is about half a mile to the north of Ennistymon, and on the east side of the road. Doolin-house, the property of Francis McNamara, stands about six miles to the north of Ennistymon, not far from the sea, and near the castle of Doon Mac Pheilim. To the west and north-west of Ennistymon, are some gentlemens’ houses, all on the north side of the road leading from Ennistymon to Liscannor, namely, Walter Lysaght’s, James Lysaght’s, John Lysaght’s, Cornelius O’Brien’s, Charles O’Callaghan’s, Richard Floyd’s, Captain John McNamara’s, all distant about three or four miles from Ennistymon, and all nearer than that to Liscannor. Near the castle of Dough, Mr. Andrew Stackpole has a house, in which he occasionally resides.

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