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Ordnance Survey Letters by John O'Donovan and Eugene Curry, 1839

Parish of Kilmurry Ibrickan (a)

                                                                                                                         8th November 1839.

Dear Sir,
The next parish to which I have to direct my attention is Kilmurry Ibrickan, that is, the Church of the Blessed Virgin in the Barony of Ibrickan, the latter part of the name being added to distinguish it from Kilmurry Mac Mahon in the Parish of Clonderala. This extensive Parish is bounded on the west by the ocean, on the east by the Barony of Islands and has the Parish of Kilfarboy to the north and that of Kil-Mac-Duane to the south.

The old Church of Kilmurry measures in length eighty six feet six inches and in breadth twenty four feet four inches. The west gable is nearly perfect and contains a quadrangular window placed at the height of fourteen feet from the ground, measuring on the outside about three feet in height and ten inches in width. In the south wall close to the west gable there are two windows one placed over the other, the lower at the height of three feet from the ground and the upper about twelve feet. The former measures on the outside two feet six inches in height and six inches in width, and the higher window is nearly of the same dimensions. They are constructed of chipped stones. The same wall contains a pointed doorway placed at the distance of nineteen feet from the west gable and measuring in height on the inside six feet six inches, and in breadth three feet nine inches, and on the outside six feet in height and three in width. At the distance of fourteen feet six inches to the east of this doorway, in the same wall, there is a window, quadrangular inside and outside and measuring on the inside three feet nine inches by three feet eight inches, but broken on the outside. At the distance of ten feet from the east end there is a rude quadrangular doorway not stopped up with mason work. Within two feet of the east gable there is a pointed window of cut stone placed at the height of three feet six inches from the present level of the ground on the outside and measuring on the outside four feet six inches in height and eight inches in width.

The east gable is entirely destroyed and the north wall is featureless.

The side walls of this Church are about sixteen feet high and four feet two inches thick. The western part of it to the extent of twenty seven feet six inches is much more ancient than the remaining part. It is built of thin long flags from three to four feet in length and about three inches in thickness. The eastern part is built of larger stones, which were hammered.

This church, like all those dedicated to the Blessed Virgin in Ireland, is very modern and does not exhibit one ancient characteristic or feature.



