The Schools' Folklore Scheme: A Valuable Primary Source for the Local Historian |
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Footnotes 1. Diarmuid Ó Giolláin, Locating Irish Folklore: tradition, modernity, identity (Cork, 2000), pp 94 -113. 2. T.J. Westropp, Folklore of Clare (with introduction by Gearóid O’Crualaoich) Ennis, 2000. 3. Co Clare national schools manuscripts July 1937-Dec. 1938 (unpublished and undated information sheets, Local Studies Centre, Ennis), p. 1. 4. Seán Ó Súilleabháin, Irish folklore and tradition (Dublin, 1937), p. 3. 5. Ibid. 6. Séamas O Catháin, ‘Súil siar ar scéim na scol 1937-1938’ in Sinsear: the folklore journal, no. 5 (1988) pp 19-30. 7. Michael Mac Mahon, ‘Customs, lore and legend of other Clare days’ in The Other Clare, vol. 20 (1996) p. 60. I also wish to acknowledge Michael’s personal assistance in the writing of the background material. 8. The Irish Folklore Commission Schools’ Collection Scheme, July 1937-December1938, [page numbers cited hereafter refer to this (IFCS) collection unless otherwise stated] S180, p. 304. 9. National Archives, File No. 12702, Box 240. 10. R.M. Dorson, Folklore and folklife (London, 1972), pp 1-5. 11. This heading has been borrowed from Seán Ó Súilleabháin, A handbook of Irish folklore (reprint, U.S., 1963, of orig. ed., Dublin, 1942), p. xxi. 12. Each subject heading is printed in bold print. The ‘weather’ topic strictly belongs to ‘Folk Belief’ or ‘Divination’ but is inserted here for convenience. 13. Gearóid Ó Crualaoich, ‘Continuity and adaptation in legends of Cailleach Bhéarra’ in Béaloideas, vol. 56 (1988) p. 154. 14. George Petrie, The Petrie collection of the ancient music of Ireland (republished in England, 1967, 2nd impression 1969, of orig. ed., Dublin, 1855), p. 76. 15. Seán Ó Súilleabháin, Storytelling in Irish Tradition (Cork, 1973), p. 48. 16. The shrine, which was made for this bell, was known as Clog an Óir and became a swearing piece that was last used as such in 1834. See T.J. Westropp, Folklore of Clare (Ennis, 2000), pp 56-58. 17. Patrick S. Dinneen, Irish-english dictionary (reprint, Dublin, 1996, of orig. ed., Dublin, 1927), p. 920. 18. Michael Mac Mahon, ‘Customs, lore and legend of other Clare days’ in The Other Clare, vol. 20 (1996) p. 64. 19. Lawrence Taylor, Occasions of faith: an anthropology of Irish Catholics (Pennsylvania, 1995), p. 34. 20. Ibid. 21. J.S. Donnelly Jr. and Kerby Miller (ed.), Irish Popular Culture 1650-1850 (Dublin, 1999), p. 209. 22. Ibid. 23. Michael Mac Mahon, ‘Customs, lore and legend of other Clare days’ in The Other Clare, vol. 20 (1996) p. 63. 24. T.J. Westropp, Folklore of Clare, (reprint, with intro. by Gearóid Ó Crualaoich, Ennis, 2000, of orig. articles in Folk-Lore, 1910-13), pp 59-61. 25. Seán Ó Suilleabháin, A handbook of Irish folklore, U.S., 1963, reprint of orig. ed. Dublin, 1942, p. 282. 26. Angela Bourke, ‘The virtual reality of Irish fairy legend’ in Éire/Ireland 31: (1-2) Spring/Summer 1996, p. 11. 27. Raymond Gillespie, ‘A historian and the locality’ in Raymond Gillespie (ed.) Doing Irish local history (Belfast, 1998), p. 16. |
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