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Notes on the Poets of Clare by Thomas F. O’Rahilly


Aindrias Mac Cuirtín
Aodh Buidhe Mac Cuirtín
Seón Ó Huaithnín
Mícheál Coimín
Seán do Hóra
Seón Lloyd
Séamus Mac Consaidín
Tomás Ó Míocháin
Brian Merriman
Donnchadh Ruadh Mac Conmara
Séamus Mac Cuirtín

Lesser Poets (A.D. 1700-1850)


“Notes on the Poets of Clare” was published as a series of short articles in An Claidheamh Soluis between July 28 and 22 September 1917. Thomas F. O’Rahilly (1883-1953) was professor of Irish at Trinity and University College, Dublin, and at University College, Cork. Between 1942 and 1947 he was director of the School of Celtic Studies at the Dublin Insistute for Advanced Studies. An Claidheamh Soluis was an Irish Nationalist newspaper published in the early 20th Century by Conradh na Gaeilge.

