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Dr Edward Mac Lysaght / An Dr Éamonn Mac Giolla Iasachta le Seán Ó Ceallaigh |
In remembering Dr. Edward Mac Lysaght we acknowledge the pioneering efforts of a man who dedicated himself to developing excellent farm practices in Raheen from 1910 onwards; who founded a Nua-Ghaeltacht among his family and workforce; was a member of the first Senate from 1922 to 1925; edited a magazine in Irish, An Sguab; and who in later life engaged his considerable talents to the study of genealogy and the collection of manuscripts which gave us an exciting insight into our past history. Article courtesy Ba duine ildánach é Éamonn Mac Ghiolla Iasachta. Ba oibrí cumasach feirme é ar feadh cuid mhaith dá shaol fada; ba shaineolaí ar ainmneacha agus sloinnte Éireann é; ba shaineolaí é ar chúrsaí Comharchumannachais. Bhunaigh sé Nua-Ghaeltacht í Raithín in oirthear an Chláir agus is in oirthear an Chláir a fuair sé an inspioráid don dá úrscéal a scríobh sé i nGaeilge, Cúrsaí Thomáis agus Toil Dé. See also: |
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