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Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland 1845 |
CLONRUSH, or CLONMULSK, a parish 10 1/2 miles south by west of Portumna, on the eastern border of the barony of Leitrim, and at the south-eastern extremity of co. Galway, Connaught. Length, northward, 4 1/2 miles; breadth, from 2 3/4 to 4 1/4 ; area, 11,850 acres, 31 perches, - of which 4,439 acres, 38 perches are in Lough Derg, and 148 acres, 1 rood, are in small lakes. Pop., in 1831, 3,084; in 1841, 3,115. Houses 516. The surface is part of the strongly featured mountainous western screen of Lough Derg, and of the belt of low, rich, ornate ground which lies along the lake's margin; it commands, from very numerous points, good views of the bosom islands, diversified shores, and intricate outline of the lake; and it is traversed south-south-westward by the road from Woodford to Scariff. A lake on the northern boundary, and very near Lough Derg, has an elevation of 108 feet above sea-level; Lough Cregg is situated in the south-west, and wholly in the interior; numerous rocks, islets, and bogs of Lough Derg lie within the parochial limits; the chief hamlets are Whitegate, Furnace, and Fogarty's; and the principal mansions and villas are Nutgrove, Meelick, Kilcooney, Williamstadt, and Tintrim, - the last the seat of Mr. Burke. This parish is a vicarage, and part of the benefice of Inniscalthra, in the dio. of Killaloe. Vicarial tithe composition, £60; glebe, £22 3s. The rectorial tithes are appropriated to the dean and chapter of Killaloe. The Roman Catholic chapel has an attendance of 1,200; and, in the Roman Catholic parochial arrangement, is united to the chapel of Inniscalthra. In 1834, the Protestants amounted to 252, and the Roman Catholics to 2,567; and 7 daily schools - one of which was a free school under the superintendence of the vicar, and one was salaried with £10 from the Baptist Society - had on their books 271 boys and 251 girls. In 1840, the National Board granted £92 14s. 2d. toward the erection of a school at Loughkeel. The Parliamentary Gazetteer of Ireland,
1845 |