Scattery Island: Flora and Fauna | Clare
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of the island is grassland, which is generally species rich. Some of the
fields had areas of Silverweed (Potentilla anserine), Clovers (Trifolium
ssp.) and Sedges (Carex spp.). Other species recorded included
Primrose (Primula vulgaris), Bird's-foot trefoil (Lotus
corniculatus), Dog Violet (Viola riviniana) and Lesser Celandines
(Ranunculus ficaria).
Some of the grass fields have been invaded by Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) and Brambles (Rubus spp.) and some Gorse (Ulex europaeus). In areas of poor drainage, patches of Rushes (Juncus spp.) and Yellow Iris's (Irish pseudacorus). Some small areas of saltmarsh had Thrift (Armeris maritima) and a few patches of Cordgrass (Spartina spp). The saltmarsh at the south end of the island had reedbeds (Phragmites australis). Sea Campion (Silene maritima) occurred on the highest levels of the storm beaches, along with Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) and Goosefoot/Orache (Chenopodium/Atriplex spp.). In
May 1991, 31 species of bird were recorded during a brief visit. These
were fairly typical for such an island with Shelduck, Oystercatcher and
Ringed Plover probably breeding. Other species included Stock Dove, Skylark,
Swallow, Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail, Wren, Dunnock, Robin, Blackbird,
Song Thrush, Raven and Reed Bunting. A Peregrine Falcon was recorded to
be breeding in the round tower. Part of the Island is designated as part of the Shannon Estuary Special Area of Conservation. Site No DO2165.
![]() Birds Foot Treffoil |