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Map of Kilchreest Parish showing Townlands

Kilchreest Townlands Map

1. Ardnagla 2. Ballynacally 3. Ballynagard 4. Breaghva East 5. Breaghva West
6. Burren 7. Carrowkilla 8. Cloonfurrihis 9. Cloonnakilla 10. Coolsuppeen
11. Cornfield 12. Crininish 13. Fortfergus 14. Inishdea 15. Inishmore or Deerisland
16. Knappoge 17. Knocksaggart 18. Lack 19. Lavally 20. Leamnaleaha
21. Mount 22. Poulaphuca 23. Rosscliff 24. Tonlegee  

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