Library services in Clare are grouped into three departments,
each of which is managed by a Senior Executive Librarian at library headquarters.
Senior Executive and Executive Librarians have responsibility also for
library regions.
Department |
Services :
The Corporate Services Department has responsibility
for the maintenance of all plant and building stock, library accounts
and finances, library marketing services, and the Clare Museum.
Frances O'Gorman , Senior Executive Librarian (Acting).
Ber Roche, Staff Officer (Library)
Teresa Carmody-O'Shea, Staff Officer (Library)
John Murphy, Driver
Brian Reilly, Library Attendant
& Information Services:
The ICT & Information Services Department
has responsibility for the library website, online reference services,
all library software and hardware (including the Millennium library
system server, FOTO server, webserver and mailserver, firewalls
and routers), the county-wide library communications network,
the public-access Internet service, and the Local Studies Centre.
Mona O’Connor, Staff Officer (Library)
Jackie Dermody, Staff Officer (Library)
The Bibliographic Services Department has responsibility
for the selection, acquisition, servicing, distribution, exchange
and promotion of all lending and reference stock throughout the
Carrie Stafford, Senior Executive Librarian
Patricia Fitzgerald, Executive Librarian
Edel Considine, Staff Officer (Library)
Fionnuala Murphy, Staff Officer (Library)
Irene McNamara, Staff Officer (Library)
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