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The Michael John Glynn Exhibition Launch

Clare Champion, Friday, 16th November 2007

A photographic exhibition of the life and times of people in north Clare over a period of four decades is attracting a lot of interest in the Courthouse Studios in Ennistymon. The exhibition of photographs taken by the late Michael John Glynne, Ennistymon, is being put on by Clare County Library, in association with Clare Local Studies Project (CLASP).

Already, the exhibition has been viewed by a large number of people, many of whom were photographed at some period in their lifetime by Michael John. His photographs captured many historic events and occasions, as well as some well-known personalities in the north Clare area from the 1950s until the late 1990s.

Prior to his death in 1998, he donated a large collection of negatives to Clare Local Studies Project and they are now being made available through Clare County Library's website.

It was a moving occasion when many of Michael John's friends attended the launch of the exhibition in Ennistymon Courthouse Studios on Friday night last. The attendance included Michael John's daughter, Maureen (Maunie) Drage, who travelled from Northampshire for the occasion. She was later joined by her two brothers, Pappy, who came from London, and Michael, who made the journey from Boston. Also present were Sean Sampson Cahir, a son-in-law, and Mary Queally, Lisdoonvarna, a cousin.

They were all welcomed by Clare County Librarian, Noel Crowley, who explained how important it was for the Clare Local Studies Project to be in possession of so many of Michael John's negatives and to be in a position to preserve them for future generations. He said that there were interesting stories behind many of the 63 photographs on view. He also paid tribute to Tony Mulvey, the retired Clare Champion chief reporter for the role he played in Michael John donating the negatives to Clare Local Studies Project.

The Mayor of Clare, Councillor Patircia McCarthy, also acknowledged the contribution made by Michael John towards preserving the history of the county. She said that she was delighted that Clare County Council assisted in developing Ennistymon Courthouse Studios and it was appropriate that it was being used for this major exhibition of photographs by Michael John, who was a native of the Town.

Tony Mulvey, who officially opened the exhibition, said that it was a very personal and special occasion for him, as he and the late Michael John worked as a team for over 30 years in sourcing stories and photographs for the columns of The Clare Champion. Michael John always had a sharp eye for a good news picture and in the field of photo journalism. He said that he was delighted to have played a part in Michael John donating his vast collection of negatives to the County Librarian.

The Exhibition continues in the Courthouse Studios until the end of the month and the viewing times are from 12 noon to 5pm from Tuesdays to Saturdays.

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