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Positive Ageing Week kicks off all over Clare
Ronan Judge

Clare People, 24th September, 2013

POSITIVE Ageing Week will be celebrated with a wide number of events around Clare from 27th September to 5th October.

This is the 11th year Age Action has marked UN International Day of Older Persons, which takes place on 1st October.

Clare County Library has compiled a programme of events to celebrate this very worthwhile week. In association with Bluebird Care, there will be a Positive Ageing Photo Exhibition on display in the DeValera Public Library, Ennis, from Monday, 30th September, to Friday, 11th October. The exhibition showcases older people getting out and enjoying life. Some are still working, while others are continuing to enjoy hobbies and some are captured passing on their skills to another generation. The exhibition has been displayed in art galleries, libraries, nursing homes, schools, town halls and businesses. It is made up of 28 images with 28 separate descriptions. It can be viewed during normal library opening hours so don’t miss your chance to see these inspiring photos.

To coincide with the exhibition residency in the library Bluebird Care will also present a ‘Safe at Home’ security seminar there on Tuesday, 8th October, at 6 pm. This seminar is one in a nationwide series of security seminars that Bluebird Care has organized in response to a growing fear among older people about security at home. It will be attended by local Community Policing members of An Garda Síochána, security consultants and community representatives. This is a free event and everyone is welcome.

Senior Citizens will have an opportunity to get in touch with their artistic side at an art workshop entitled, During Positive Ageing Week, and throughout the month of October, Clare County Library will take a small section of the Local Studies Library on tour when library staff will visit nursing homes and day centres throughout the county. A selection of ‘Clare Champion’ newspapers from times past will be transported, along with photographs and books, so that extracts can be read and discussed, evoking memories of times past. The newspapers are part of a complete set of ‘Clare Champions’ dating back to 1903 which are housed at the Local Studies Centre on Harmony Row, Ennis. They are available to the public for reference use.

Remember too that senior citizens can avail of free library membership in all of Clare County Library’s branches.

For more information on these events and much more, visit Clare County Library’s website at or telephone 065-6821616.

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