Kate Greenaway Medal

This award established in 1956 is presented annually for the most distinguished work in the illustration of children’s books in the U.K.

Year Title Author Illustrator
2000 I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato Lauren Child Lauren Child
1999 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Lewis Carroll Helen Oxenbury
1998 Pumpkin Soup Helen Cooper Helen Cooper
1997 When Jessie came across the sea Amy Hest P.J. Lynch
1996 The Baby who wouldn’t go to bed Helen Cooper Helen Cooper
1995 The Christmas Miracle of JonathanToomey Susan Wojciechowski P.J. Lynch
1994 The way home Libby Hathorn Gregory Rogers
1993 Black Ships before Troy Rosemary Sutcliffe Alan Lee
1992 Zoo Anthoy Browne Anthony Browne
1991 The Jolly Christmas Postman Allan Ahlberg Janet Ahlberg
1990 The Whale’s Song Dyan Sheldon Gary Blythe

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