The Nestle Children's Book Prize
Britains biggest prize for childrens fiction and poetry. The shortlist is chosen by a distinguished panel of judges who pass their shortlist on to 150 classes of schoolchildren all over the country. Their votes decide the winners.
Year | Title | Author | |
2000 | 0-5 | Max | Bob Graham |
6-8 | Lizzie Zipmouth | Jacqueline Wilson | |
9-11 | The Wind Singer | William Nicholson | |
1999 | 0-5 | The Gruffalo | Julia Donaldson |
6-8 | Snow White and the Seven Aliens | Laurence Anholt | |
9-11 | Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | J.K. Rowling | |
1998 | 0-5 | Cowboy Baby | Sue Heap |
6-8 | The Last Gold Diggers | Harry Horse | |
9-11 | Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | J.K. Rowling | |
1997 | 0-5 | Ginger | Charlotte Voake |
6-8 | The Owl Tree | Jenny Nimmo | |
9-11 | Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone | J.K. Rowling | |
1996 | 0-5 | Oops! | Colin McNaughton |
6-8 | The Butterfly Lion | Michael Morpurgo | |
9-11 | The Firework Makers Daughter | Philip Pullman | |
1995 | 0-5 | The Last Noo Noo | Jill Murphy |
6-8 | Thomas and the Tinners | Jill Paton Walsh | |
9-11 | Weather Eye | Lesley Howarth | |
1994 | 0-5 | So Much | Trish Cooke |
6-8 | Dimanche Diller | Henrietta Branford | |
9-11 | The Exiles at Home | Hilary McKay | |
1993 | 0-5 | Hue Boy | Rita Phillips Mitchell |
6-8 | War Game | Michael Foreman | |
9-11 | Listen to the Dark | Maeve Henry | |
1992 | 0-5 | Nice Work, Little Wolf | Hilda Offen |
6-8 | The Story of the Creation | Jane Ray | |
9-11 | The Great Elephant Chase | Gillian Cross | |
1991 | 0-5 | Farmer Duck | Martin Waddell |
6-8 | Josie Smith | Magdalen Nabb | |
9-11 | Krindlekrax | Philip Ridley | |
1990 | 0-5 | Six Dinner Sid | Inga Moore |
6-8 | Esio Trot | Roald Dahl | |
9-11 | Midnight Blue | Pauline Fisk |
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