A Selection of the Best in Contemporary Irish Fiction
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Bernard MacLaverty - The Anatomy School

From the first page of Bernard MacLaverty’s new novel, the reader is immersed into the world of seventeen-year-old Martin Brennan. It is the authenticity, kept up throughout the novel that makes The Anatomy School one of the best coming of age novels I have ever read. I loved getting to know Martin’s world, in a novel that manages to avoid the sentimental, and never plagues us with teenage angst.
The dialogue is simply brilliant, never faltering, whether he is putting words into the teenagers, as they saunter around, unravelling the contradictions of sex or religion, or into Mrs Brennan’s eccentric friends as they humorously banter on about the world, as Martin hands round the tea and cakes. Sheer perfection!
Review by Sue Leonard, Books Ireland.

The Anatomy School by Bernard MacLaverty

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