A Selection of the Best in Contemporary Irish Fiction
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Michael Foley - Beyond
Blackstaff Press

Set in a small town in the North in the sixties, a time when ‘Ireland still lacked the confidence to look out of the window at itself,’ Beyond tells of the friendship of two young couples, and of their sexual exploration.
Foley’s style is sharp, funny and wryly observant, and this novel, told in the first person by a newly-wed newly-qualified accountant, is original, daring and compulsive. His understanding of sex and the reality of it, rather than a fantasised version, makes Beyond stand out from other novels.
Foley’s writing is often wonderfully insightful. And it has left me with a desire to meet the author of this original, funny and thoughtful story, to find out just how he gained the knowledge to write such a wonderful portrait of coupledom.
Review by Sue Leonard, Books Ireland.

Beyond by Michael Foley

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