A Selection of the Best in Contemporary Irish Fiction
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Eilis Ní Dhuibhne - The Pale Gold of Alaska and Other Stories

Ní Dhuibhne has an unencumbered prose style that’s clean and economical and still manages to sprout wings. Relationships falter, be they against the backdrop of the Klondyke, the demise of Elvis Presley or health problems, but the spirit survives. Pedestrian chores fill the days, but the heart gazes outwards for more. Whether it gets it is beside the point.
There’s a ring of truth about the storytelling, casual goings-on sometimes covering over turbulent maelstroms or, as she puts it, “dark sexual pools”. The words flood out of her and yet could not be called undisciplined: there’s a pleasing harmony of art and craft in these undemonstrative, but piquant, pages.
Ms Ni Dhuibhne seems incapable of writing a bad line.
Review by Aubrey Dillon-Malone, Books Ireland.

The Pale Gold of Alaska and Other Stories by Eilis Ní Dhuibhne

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