
It is the policy of Clare County Library to actively promote the reading habit, not being content to simply stack books on shelves, and hope that our readers will find them for themselves.Our overall aim is to increase access to material. The main focus on adult fiction promotion to date has been to make people aware of the rich variety of literature available from many countries and traditions.Commencing in 1993 with “Voices from Europe”, a collection of contemporary novels in translation which explored aspects of life on the continent, formal book promotions continued regularly.

The enthusiasm of Patricia Fitzgerald, Senior Library Assistant, Children’s Services, ensured that children and young adults were not forgotten in this development.A “Children’s Book Award Winners” promotion was followed by “Irish Authors for Children”.Teenagers were enthralled by their own Book Promotion “Books with Attitude”, “Thrillers and Spinechillers” and “Kiss and Tell”.

This current joint venture with the National Reading Initiative entitled “Picture this!, is the brainchild of Patricia Fitzgerald and she has put in a tremendous effort to ensure quality and balance in her selection. I am sure all parents will agree that the titles selected and described provide a treasure that will instil a love of books and reading. We hope that the stories chosen will help illustrate the ordinary everyday experiences of childhood through a combination of words and pictures in a way that will appeal to parents and children alike.

I would like to thank Patricia for her drive and energy in bringing this aspect of the promotion to fruition. I would also like to thank children’s author Siobhan Parkinson for writing a foreword to the collection.

I would also like to thank Jackie Dermody, Library Assistant, who has brought her creative I.T. skills to this project.This marriage of the traditional book and new technology shows the way forward.Information Technology helps to promote reading and the work done by Patricia is brought to a worldwide audience by the skills of Jackie and the use of the library website.

Noel Crowley,
County Librarian.

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