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Book Promotions for Adults

Book Promotions

Reading the Rising - a selection of the best of the currently available books on the Rising
Words of War - fiction, poetry, memoir and history of World War One
Positive Ageing: a reading list from Clare County Library
Bibliotherapy: The Power of Words
Novel Destinations - a selection of novels set in holiday destinations
Down Through the Pages - a selection of the best in Historical Fiction
Crime in a Cold Climate - crime novels by authors from Scandinavia
Dads 'N' Lads Adult Book Promotion
Around the World in 22 Books - A Travel Book Promotion
Blúirín Gaeilge: Leabhair do Dhaoine Fásta
Eureka - A Popular Science Book Promotion
Wonderfully Wild: Books on the Biodiversity of Clare
The Modern Library - the 200 best novels in English since 1950
A Selection of the Best in Contemporary Irish Fiction
Irish Classics: Gaelic Literature in Translation
A Write Laugh
Christmas Books for Adults
Murder They Write: 100 Masters of Crime
Bunstoc Leabhar Nua-Ghaeilge
Ireland's Top 100 list
Foreign Bodies - a selection of books set in different countries around the world
Turning Points - the turning point is the moment on which all human stories hinge
With a Little Help From . . .
City Limits - city life provides a rich vein of material for some of our best contemporary writers
Better Read than Dead - a selection of books by some of our finest contemporary thriller writers
Voices from Europe - a selection of books set in different European countries

It is the policy of Clare County Library to actively promote the reading habit, not being content to simply stack books on shelves, and hope that our clients will find them for themselves. Our overall aim is to increase access to material. Formal book promotions are one of the means through which the library attempts to achieve this.

Initially, Clare County Library took its promotions from the Well Worth Reading scheme, commencing in 1993 with ‘Voices from Europe’, a collection of contemporary novels in translation which explored aspects of life on the continent. Formal book promotions continued with ‘Better Read than Dead’, ‘City Limits’, ‘With a Little Help from my Friends’, ‘Obsession’, ‘Turning Points’, and ‘Foreign Bodies’. These dealt with such diverse themes as friendship, contemporary thrillers, and city life in Europe.

Teenagers have also been well provided for, with their own book promotion, divided into three main subject headings namely ‘Books With Attitudes’, ‘Thrillers and Spinechillers’ and ‘Kiss and Tell.’

In recent years the library has been actively developing in-house promotions, including 'Picture This', ‘The Modern Library - The 200 Best Novels in English since 1950’, ‘Contemporary Irish Fiction’ and non-fiction book promotions such as ‘Eureka!’, a Popular Science book promotion for both adults and children. It is the library’s intention to continue to develop this area of operation.

In these promotions, readers are provided with reviews of the relevant titles, ensuring a suitable and enjoyable read according to one’s choice. Each promotion has an average of twenty-five carefully selected titles. Multiple copies of these - in paperback generally - are displayed together in prominent position on tables, similar to supermarket policy for ‘special offers’ or bookshop display for lead titles/bargain books. This informal display is undoubtedly part of the success of the venture. Each promotion is circulated in turn - for a period of three months - to our branch library network, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh promotions. Once a promotion has “done the rounds” of our branch libraries, the books are released into the general system, and may then be reserved by library members.

Words Across Europe:
In 1995, Clare County Library joined forces with its European partners East Midlands Public Library Authorities (Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire), East Midland Arts Board and the Netherlands Bibliothek nen Lektuur Centrum in Holland for the Words Across Europe project. This focused on literature in translation, storytelling tradition, marketing and promotion of literature and regional literature development networking. The project culminated in a major conference in Northampton which brought together librarians, authors, translators, storytellers and publishers. Clare County Library’s involvement in this project (as one of the three partners), was as a direct result of our active approach to literature promotion.

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