Cirque du Freak by Darren Shan
Reviewed by Shannon Library Children's Book Club
Shan is a schoolboy who loves spiders. He and his friends learn
about a freak show that is coming to their town and decide they
must go but they can only afford two tickets. After a competition
to decide who gets to go, Darren and his friend Steve Leopard go
to the circus that Saturday night. Hey see loads of fabulous acts
including a wolf man, a bearded lady and a man who can eat anything.
Darren thinks the beast act is a huge spider called Madame Octa
and her trainer, Mr. Crepsley, but Steve recognizes that Mr. Crepsley
is a real vampire.
this point the adventure the adventure gets better and better. Steve
Leopard asks Mr. Crepsley if he can become his assistant but is
refused. Darren steals Madame Octa with disastrous results. The
spider bites Steve and Darren has to make a deal for an antidote
with the vampire to save his friend’s life. Darren gives up
his home, leaves his family and becomes a Vampire’s Assistant.
the bookclub members liked the story
book is action packed adventure, which is really hard to put down.
They liked the character of Darren finding him especially cool and
brave when he is bestowed with his vampire powers.
children liked the character of Steve Leopard. It was clear from
the start of the story that he was not a good person and the author
developed this very well. Some parts of the book were a bit scary
but that made it even better.
get hooked on the story from the beginning and want to read the
next book. The ending really leaves the reader in suspense.
book comes highly recommended by all members of the book club. |