Gift Boat by Peter Dickinson
Published by Macmillan Childrens Books, 2004
ISBN 1405035161
by Kilmihil Library Children’s Book Club
book is set in Scotland, in a village called Stonehaven. Gavin is
a ten year old boy who lives with his mum, grandmother and grandfather.
His father works away at sea and his mother and grandmother work
full time. Gavin is looked after by his granddad and the two get
along really well. Granddad makes model ships as a hobby and is
making one for Gavin for his birthday. Gavin decides to call his
ship Selkie after the story that his Granddad told him about seals
that turn into people when on land.
day, without warning, Granddad has a massive stroke and can’t
move or speak. Gavin is sure that inside the helpless body his real
granddad is trapped wanting to get out. Gavin goes to visit his
granddad as often as he can to see if he can get through to him.
With some magical help from the selkies, Gavin finally sees an improvement
in his Granddad.
group found the ending a bit too sudden and would have liked to
know if Gavin’s Granddad did leave hospital or make a full
recovery. They felt that Gavin making daily visits to a hospital,
miles from home was somewhat far fetched. Their favourite characters
were Gavin and his grandmother.
Rating: 5 out
of 10 |