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Book Reviews (Children's)

In Deep Dark Wood by Marita Conlon McKenna

<< Children's Book Reviews

In Deep Dark Wood by Marita Conlon McKenna
Published by O'Brien Press, 2005

Members of Shannon Children’s Bookclub met to discuss ‘In Deep Dark Wood’ by Marita Conlon McKenna.

When Bella Blackwell, the mysterious ‘Bird Woman’, moves in next door to Mia and Rory Murphy, the children are initially suspicious of the old lady and the strange goings-on in the house next door. Soon, however, ten year old Mia befriends Bella and soon Rory and their Granny Rose fear that the old lady will have a bad influence on young Mia. Bella tells Mia of a world where magic and mystery and dragons still exist and asks Mia to become her apprentice. When Mia disappears one night, Rory is determined to find her and becomes drawn into a weird and wonderful world that he doesn’t believe in…

The children thoroughly enjoyed this book and thought it was a great story that would appeal to all ages even though there were some scary parts. Their favourite characters were Conrad, Trig the Dragon, Mia and Rory.

Bookclub members said they would love if dragons really existed and if they had magical powers like the characters in the story.

They would recommend this book to their friends and were also keen to read other books by this author. They rated ‘In Deep Dark Wood’ 10 out of 10. A few members even said that this was the best book they had ever read!